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About Unconscious

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    Junior Member
  1. Unconscious

    This Just In, Doom Movie Is Terrible

    John Carmack ceased to accept any responsibility for the movie a long time. The movie is Todd's department.
  2. Unconscious

    This Just In, Doom Movie Is Terrible

    It's more fanboyish to complain about all that shit, than to accept it. Like most people in this thread have done. I don't care if it doesn't have Hell.
  3. Unconscious

    This Just In, Doom Movie Is Terrible

    "What we "knew" from back then were mocking rumors about pinky being a guy on a wheelchair, that the monsters were mutants and not demons" The monsters are mutants, and pink is a guy in a wheelchair who mutated into the creature we all know and love. *sighs*
  4. Unconscious

    This Just In, Doom Movie Is Terrible

    Winston, The BFG is indeed called the bio-force gun, but Sarge reffers to it as what we all know and love. Possible Spoilers!: **** **** **** **** There is no hell. The mutations was caused by some alien chorosomes, or something along those lines. There are marines, the squad that are sent up to mars are all marines. Although, there are some scenes that are very Doomish, and then some that are very Doom3ish. For example: There is one moment when Sarge and Reaper are confronted by a squad of 60 or so monsters.... You get the idea.
  5. Unconscious

    Doomers by Location

    Earth [**]United Kingdom [***]Essex, Chelmsford. ^_^ [****]Unconscious.
  6. Unconscious

    This Just In, Doom Movie Is Terrible

    You know, I really cannot trust these reviews. I'm not that bothered about the lack of hell, or it not being true to the video game. It's true enough, if it was any similiar, the movie would be spoilt because we would know what was about to happen. Think about it this way: Movies are like Fan Fiction. It makes it more interesting. We knew from day one Doom wouldn't have hell. I believe one of the first articles about it stated that it was not based on Doom, but more so on the Doom universe.
  7. Unconscious

    Doom 3. scary?

    The Steam and floor pannels flying up scared me.... I hated the imp sees you against window, and runs off.... scary.
  8. Unconscious

    Doom 3. scary?

    Which Medussa head with red eyes? I do not recall that one. Some of the sprites would have been cool too... Impaled Humans, hearts... People torn to bits... Etc. I was annoyed at the lack of blood (When shooting someone) I thought it wouldn't kill the instantly, and you would see blood dribbling down their body... And they would still come for you... Just weakened by your shot. That would be awesome. Shame the gibs and corpses don't stay.
  9. Unconscious

    Doom 3. scary?

    Yeah, It got a bit cheesy at the end... Too many imps... Too much action... Not enough horror. Hell was pretty crap too, where was all the twisted voices!? I thought there was going to be pulsating bloody walls, humans on spikes, humans sew together to create a wall... But instead, we got plain old caves... Wtf.
  10. Unconscious

    Doom 3. scary?

    HeadPhones > Suround Sound. Freaks me out quite a bit... Stupid zombies.
  11. Unconscious

    Doom Movie Info

    Although, you are all aware that it was originially going to be like Doom, just Hollywood turned down the idea? It was never going to be a actual Doom movie, it is being based on the Doom universe, it said that in the first review.... And now you are all complaining? If you don't like it, don't see it, stop complaining. I'm still going to see it, to see how it turns out.
  12. Unconscious

    Recording Zdoom?

    I'm using a SiS card....
  13. Unconscious

    Recording Zdoom?

    Not sure, it comes up with the ZdoomGL has encoutered a error, sorry for any inconvience, Send Report, Close... Something along those lines.
  14. Unconscious

    Recording Zdoom?

    I wish to record a level I made in Zdoom for a trailer I am producing for it, but I am aware fraps only works with openGL, ZdoomGL isn't working on my computer, so the idea of using that instead, has of course, been thrown out the window. Is there anyway I can record it to a MPG/ AVI video format so I can use it in my trailer?
  15. Unconscious

    Halfway To Hell- A Zdoom project

    D3U [Doom 3 Unlimited] is the website/ modding crew I started up a few years back, it consists of: Wad'a'Holics Axems Kingdom Unconscious Nothingisttrue We create mods for Doom, and hopefully in the near future, Doom 3.