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About Faune

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  1. I checked and it worked now, thanks a lot :) It is noted, next time I would PM if I find anything!
  2. It appears the Serenity Trilogy (elf-alchemist's upload) is not working right now. When I try to play it, all MAP01s work fine but when I reach MAP02 for each chapter, I'm kicked out to the game selection menu and I receive the following messages respectively: W_GetNumForName: WIMAP00 Not Found! (Infinity) W_GetNumForName: WIMAP01 Not Found! (Eternity) W_GetNumForName: WIMAP02 Not Found! (Serenity)
  3. I was probably tired. Thank you, I corrected that :P
  4. I know this kind of topic is happening all the time since it's a bit of an ever-ongoing Internet challenge. This one made a minor buzz on the French-speaking Internet in the last week (even being mentioned in a few high-profile French press outlets, like here: https://www.bfmtv.com/tech/gaming/comment-un-youtubeur-a-reussi-a-jouer-a-doom-sur-une-croix-de-pharmacie_AV-202410230379.html) so I thought some people might find it funny. Basically it's probably not as technically improbable as it looks, they just modified the LED screen of the pharmacy cross to emulate a computer screen. The sequence is around 32:30 in the video and is very short, since as the Youtubers say it looks very shitty and unplayable and they just did it for kicks. Just before that, they play Pong and actually have fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghh-28ln-z4
  5. ScubaSteve mentioned earlier that there's a 100 mods cap; I've been experimenting a bit with the mods downloader while checking my bnetwads folder and it appears indeed that you can't have more than 100 on your computer at a time.
  6. The spreadsheet mentions Austrian Avian Association is uploaded, but I'm unable to find it. An error?
  7. Faune

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    I'm not sure you're right. I remember getting that one on Fortress of Mystery. Or maybe I'm mixing up with another achievement, but I'm pretty confident it was that one. I would say either there's a bug or there's another criterion involved. The most annoying achievement to get was Untouchable for me. A couple par times in KDitD were a bit tough for my skill level, and that kind of speedrunning doesn't really fit my playstyle Shoot It Until It Dies was boring too, as I didn't assess correctly how much damage I had dealt before switching to the pistol, so it took me a bit long to finish the cybie ^^"
  8. No, it doesn't as PsychEyeBall mentioned above, unless you're playing in ITYtD. I didn't know it when I posted the thread, but I still did beat it in a UV run of Plutonia ^^"
  9. I see. I understand the intention and I like it. Like I said, I also wish in the future there will be a way to easily find the Steve uploads while avoiding the crowd of WeedGokus who are making the mods explorer an absolute mess at the moment. Thank you elf-alchemist for answering :)
  10. I'm sorry if this has been answered before, but how do you handle old Wads for which the authors are not active anymore or are (may they rest in peace) deceased? I see in the list stuff like the Memento Mori/Requiem trilogy, Galaxia, Aliens Doom or Perdition's Gate, Hell 2 Pay, Hacx... But for these it's next to impossible (or impossible) to get the original authors' permission, right? Awesome initiative though! Also the mods explorer in Doom + Doom II needs filter options. There are 79 pages in-game right now. I guess this has also been said a million times already, but I just signed up so...
  11. Thanks a lot! I wouldn't call it easy, I would say it can be strategized so that the lesser monsters are not an excessive threat. It still requires really tight execution, I goofed two or three times and almost got killed as a result. And the cyberdemons are still able to kill you in two hits even when you're maxed out on HP and armor; the fight against the four cybers outside really stressed me out, and the three inside the tight corridors are pretty mean too. Thanks a lot :)
  12. Thank you Mr. Alexander! I'm actually just playing in the new Doom + Doom II on Steam :) EDIT: Also a wrap now :) After Go 2 It the rest did feel easier, aside from a couple moments.
  13. Thank you for the congratulations and for the welcome! And congratulations vanilla_d00m as well, since as PsychEyeball mentioned, Go 2 It is just as hard regardless of the difficulty level (Doomwiki confirms that)! You can UV anytime now (just kidding, play the game as you like it) :) I did not record myself, I might have if there was a built-in function in the game for that. I think I kind of read somewhere that there is, but not as a directly available button, it is through some console commands wizardry that I'm unfamiliar with, so I couldn't :')
  14. I've own Final Doom since 1996 but I had never built up the guts to tackle Plutonia in UV. With the new version released on Steam, I thought to myself that maybe it was time to finally give it a go. My goal is to complete it 100% kills/items/secrets in UV as much as possible, and this included the secret levels. I'm not pistol-starting every level as I'm not interested in that challenge, however I'm not using cheat codes and I'm still forcing myself to only do one save at the start of every level and then I attempt to complete them without saving. With these rules, today after 28 years (good lord, even considering that I've not been playing the game all the time) I finally managed to beat Go 2 It in UV. I needed several attempts of course, and in the final successful one there were a couple extremely close calls where I had to resist the urge to save. But I'm now done with this and I feel a sense of accomplishement. I guess it's nothing new for a lot of people here who have been playing that game for years, but I felt the need to brag about it somewhere xD If I ever replay that level, I will unashamedly savescum, as I was extremely nervous throughout the run and I'm not playing games to damage my heart. Now I just need to finish the game, but I'm much less afraid of what's ahead. I had one leftover megasphere at the end of the level, which is why I have 200% health and armor in the joined screenshot, I promise I did not use cheat codes (not like I care about whether you believe me or not anyway). Have a nice day doomers! :)