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About Oscult

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    New Member

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  1. This was a really fun map, it's always great to see something inspired by Plutonia
  2. Oscult

    First Map Release: Within Hell

    Sure is! Took a long time to make too, I almost didn't finish it due to burnout. Next map I make will be much smaller lol. Also thanks for the nomination, I wasn't expecting that!
  3. Fun little map, I liked the ambushes a lot. Some of the textures could have been done better like the roof lights in the final outdoor area, but everything else was great and I liked the curved broken staircase in particular.
  4. This was a fun little map, good job on the detailing! The doomcute keyboard was neat lol
  5. Oscult

    First Map Release: Within Hell

    Thanks for the feedback! I had designed this with UV in mind first, specifically something that I personally found challenging, and then planned to implement lower difficulties from there. This map quickly ballooned in scope and I put implementation on the backburner more and more. I'd like to go back in the near future and add the other difficulties before I upload this to the idgames archive, it will just take some time because of how expansive the map is.
  6. Oscult

    First Map Release: Within Hell

    Update 2: Fixed softlock regarding a door in tech base section Edited a section of the tech base to make it more clear that you have to run over gaps Fixed some sectors that were incorrectly tagged with nukage still Fixed an issue where some revenants and mancubi were not spawning in at the end fight of the tech base section Fixed a softlock in the city section Fixed an ambush in the city section
  7. Oscult

    First Map Release: Within Hell

    Extra edit: Changed google drive link, wrong file was uploaded
  8. Oscult

    First Map Release: Within Hell

    Updated map with player feedback: Fixed halls in hell temple so players wouldn't get stuck Fixed all one time switches to not repeatable for consistency Made yellow skull key easier to find Made blue keycard switch easier to spot Added lift in crate building and changed the building door - you no longer have to take a teleporter to get in once you open it from the inside Added teleporters for some inescapable pits in city section
  9. Finally....finally, I have finished this behemoth of a first map. I started this map 3 years ago, and put it on the backburner for a long time. Watching Romero stream the making of Sigil 2 taught me a lot and inspired me to start mapping again. This is a long one, and I'd say this isn't quite Scythe level of difficulty, maybe closer to something like Plutonia. Let me know what you think, and of course if you run into any bugs/issues! IWAD required: DOOM2.WAD Format: GZDoom: Doom 2 (UDMF) Sourceports: GZDoom only (Tested in Comp level: Doom 2(strict), but any comp level should also work) Freelook is allowed Jumping/Crouching is not allowed Time to complete: Around an hour Ultra Violence only Singleplayer only Levels: 1 level Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iR0ZBB7IJWTAotZ8QLsAFHXZPz4UwzKv?usp=sharing Walkthrough: