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Everything posted by emailking

  1. Hmmm...I actually thought the policy was you can use any of the 3 Compet-N executables for a Compet-N entry. We're just used so seeing such swapping with Doom 2 and Final Doom.
  2. emailking

    Recording in PrBoom+ with unusual compatibility?

    Wow. I don't know the answer but I'm excited to hear there may finally be a demo for this map, my favor CC map. Until someone more knowledgeable replies, the only thing I can suggest is try it several times as a test and see if there's any desynch. Maybe on ITYTD so you can get to that part quickly.
  3. emailking

    PC just "shuts down" after using Gzdoom for a few min!

    Using a UPS maybe? They have a limit too. glboom-plus did the same thing to me when I was using a UPS. So I just plugged it into the wall instead and now it doesn't do that anymore.
  4. Right, I understand. I'm just saying if the criterion is (and I think it should be) that 100% secrets is avoidable then this shows it is, and then where do you draw the line between whether or not a secret truly is unavoidable or just should be unavoidable? Well obviously it's not a big deal. But I feel like it should count for both, even if it's a technicality. Consider if the player enters all the secret sectors in an attempted max demo, but the secrets don't register, then historically the demo hasn't counted.
  5. I agree with your nm100s assessment. So under those standards then, would you agree that Adam Hegyi's nightmare record of map 07 should also count for nm100s? Because I noticed in the table for nm100s there isn't even an entry for map 07, yet Sedlo's speed record clearly shows it is possible to avoid 100% secrets. I think this may be the only such "mistake" in the current tables for the IWADs.
  6. Yeah the rp04 was really neat to watch. It really looks like something that would need tools assistance. I guess not with Xit though. :)
  7. emailking

    Poll: Online multiplayer ports

  8. emailking

    undone challenges in compet-n

    ep28 and ep25 are both great demos and look like they took a lot of patience. Great accomplishments! Looks like you need a lot of blue moons to come together to get through PA02 unassisted. That blue key room looks like the hardest part too. But anyway great job getting that far. I hope you get it.
  9. emailking

    undone challenges in compet-n

    Pacifist and tyson are both UV mode only. So I think idea 3 is out, at least as far as an official point-scoring compet-n demo goes.
  10. emailking

    undone challenges in compet-n

    If I recall correctly, in theory you don't even need a boost. You need to have the exact right speed on the exact right coordinate going the exact right direction. I think Vile used the rocket launcher just to make it easier?
  11. emailking

    undone challenges in compet-n

    Aren't p4m6 and p2m8 left too?
  12. Wow. About pa26...just amazing. I never thought I would see that unassisted. Once again excellent job Xit.
  13. emailking

    Official Demo Request Thread

    Just to clarify are we talking all categories here or just uv-speed?
  14. emailking

    Favorite Maps in Final Doom-TNT and Plutonia

    TNT map 20. Plutonia map 23.
  15. I'm perfectly fine with getting to the truth, but the initial comments struck me as overly harsh and judgemental. Conclusions were jumped to unjustly, as we have seen everything had a reasonable explanation. Instead of accusations, we could have asked questions. That's what I think anyway.
  16. Cool. Glad it turned out you weren't cheating like some here immediately concluded...
  17. I liked the demo, but is that actually nightmare? Your text file says "PS11-055.LMP - Ultra Violence" Hope it's just an oversight.
  18. Thanks. Hopefully he just didn't know and will be able to make a comparable vanilla demo.
  19. Someone want to explain how they know that? I certainly can't tell anything just looking at the demo.
  20. emailking

    Weird Error

    This happens often to me too. Maybe every other 4th or 5th time I visit the boards. I even went through all the javascript and tried to block everything, but it still happens. Seems completely random, except that when it happens, if I've opened a few links, several may have the issue.
  21. File is named wrong. The demo is 111 minutes 27 sec. Not 1 hr. 11 min 27 sec.
  22. emailking

    Random thoughts on Doom 64.

    Speaking of Doom64, does anyone know if the TC works with Vista? I will probably be getting Vista soon.
  23. It seems what you're looking for are the -fast properties, minus the increased projectile speed and demon/spectre speed. I don't think it's possible to do this without a source code modification. You may want to add it as a feature request in prBoom or prBoom-plus. http://sourceforge.net/projects/prboom-plus http://sourceforge.net/projects/prboom/ Or you could try to code it yourself. I would imagine it's doable.