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Everything posted by emailking

  1. emailking

    We're all going to be RICH

    Look at the (negative) feedback from the winner who bid $21.51 http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback&userid=myhugedeals&iid=300176974722&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller&ssPageName=VIP:feedback:2:us It comes as a response to the negative feedback s/he received from myhugedeals for refusing to pay. There should be less potential buyers now, since it is good practice to look at some feedback before you bid.
  2. emailking

    Chocolate Doom v1.0.0 released

    Thank you so much for all the hard work in making this port. (Sounds like this is mainly to Fraggle, but also to everyone else who helped.) This is truly a great thing for the community to have.
  3. emailking

    Hell Revealed TAS Movie in 16:31

    Hell Quickly Revealed didn't even have connecting though. It was completely legit. I just watched maps 23 and 24 of Hell Revealed Done Quick. Sure looks to me like rerecording must have been used. Can't say for sure.
  4. Wow. I loved all your nightmare demos back when you did a whole slew of them. Can't wait to see it.
  5. emailking

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    Ok, I'm a little confused, but if I understand this right, if you use complevel 2 and play episode 4, then not only do level 6 and 8 work properly, but you also experience lost souls that bounce properly (like in vanilla ultimate doom). I'm talking about the current behavior here.
  6. emailking

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    Ok I noticed something when reading that. Did this disabling happen?? It doesn't seem so unless I am doing something wrong. Using the latest test version I did: glboom-plus -iwad doom.wad -complevel 2 and I was able to access and play Thy Flesh Consumed from the menu just fine.
  7. emailking

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    Just curious, but if an e2(3)m8 has spiders and cybers, do you have to kill all of them or just all of one group (spiders or cybers)?
  8. This was what I was wondering too. Having seen what Adam H. has written in the past on these issues, I'm not sure he would accept a doom demo produced with dosbox. And it has always seemed that the recognized rules of Compet-N are whatever Adam H. says they are.
  9. I guess I think the vanilla only mentality needs to die. The game doesn't work properly on modern operating systems and presumably this will only get worse in time. We have ports that can emulate 1.9 and udoom 99.9% accurately if not 100% exactly, including the resolution. I agree zdoom wouldn't be a good choice, but I guess I feel like who cares if compet-n accepts vanilla only? Compet-n is dead. This is my opinion anyway.
  10. What does it even matter? It seems pretty clear to me that compet-n is dead and never to be revived. There was even a thread a while back about how something needs to be done and a new direction taken, but still nothing happened.
  11. emailking

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    For me it's just like Grazza said. I just have one that overwrites every time. I followed his instructions for setting it up to the letter. Maybe you can try that.
  12. Quantum mechanics is not make believe nonsense. It is reality. It's the reason you can see through glass. It's the reason the chips in your computer work. It's the reason you don't fall through the floor. Heck it's the reason the atoms in your body don't collapse inwards. I have a masters in physics and know what I'm talking about. Quantum Mechanics may seem strange to you, but the reality is that the world is very strange indeed at small sizes. The weirdness gets averaged away in some sense at larger sizes. (This is called the correspondence principle and can be proven.) Hence the order that you are used to in your everyday life. There isn't any consensus on why the world is this way at small sizes, but no serious scientist doubts this. And everything can be mathematically described so it does fall under science. I didn't mean to go off on you. But I feel the need to set the record straight when it comes to physics. This is because when the cyber is right in front of you, most if not all of the shots will hit the cyberdemon because he's blocking most of your field of view. 2 such mega blasts are all that's needed to kill it in this case. If you hit the cyberdemon from far away, it may be that none of the shots hit it, and it only takes a direct hit from the plasma ball. This takes more like 5-6 blasts to kill it.
  13. The blasts are shot out from your body in a cone centered on the direction in which you were facing when you shot the gun. This isn't quantum mechanical because it's completely deterministic (aside from the exact direction of the blasts and damage levels too I think). Also the gun and target states have never been coupled. So it's not something like opening a box on one side of the galaxy tells you what in a box at the other end. I see where you're getting it from, but the BFG is pure fantasy.
  14. emailking

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    Not an issue I care too much about since I almost always play on 2 or -1. But your logic sounds right. I think people are probably just resisting change.
  15. What port are you using? Latest test version of glboom-plus reports 0 monsters alive as the monster spawner activates. It reports 1 monster alive at the demo's end, which had just spawned.
  16. emailking


    I used to be for so long. It's a hard transition, but once you master the mouse the game is much easier and more fun too.
  17. emailking

    Final Doom and Teleporters

    I'd give the 5-year old theory about a 0.001% chance. As for my theory, it's just a guess.
  18. emailking

    Final Doom and Teleporters

    Regardless, it does mean they did try to fix bugs after 1.9. Obviously, the final doom .exe was changed beyond cosmetic stuff, as ultimate doom doesn't have the teleporter bug. I don't think there's anything wrong with the theory I proposed.
  19. emailking

    Final Doom and Teleporters

    Lost Souls didn't bounce off floors and ceilings in Vanilla doom and were supposed to. http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Demo_desyncing_caused_by_bouncing_Lost_Souls There you go.
  20. emailking

    Final Doom and Teleporters

    Since the original code has the comment "// fixme: not needed?" presumably some dev assigned to fixing various bugs for final doom saw this, thought about it lazily for a minute, and agreed it wasn't needed, having been prejudiced by the notion that it wasn't. Now who knows why the comment was there to begin with. The function could have behaved differently before when maybe it wasn't quite so clear. And the comment never got deleted. Just an idea. They obviously didn't put *too* much effort into the Final Doom build seeing all the bugs which remain that they must have known about by then.
  21. emailking

    Best Doom level [in an iwad]?

    My favorite official-game level definitely has to be map 20 of tnt. The music is evokes powerful emotions (in me anyway) and goes perfectly with the level. The level is beautiful. It's challenging but well balanced. And there are so many different sceneries you play through but it all works somehow. A stand-out map in an otherwise mediocre megawad.
  22. emailking

    Tool Assisted UVMax demos?

    Indeed, max is way too non-linear and chaotic (as in chaos theory) for it to ever be truly optimized in 99% of the levels. Just look at map01. I was floored when I saw Xit do a 0:39 when it had been 0:41 for so long. Who'd have ever thunk there was a route improvement. Since all code is deterministic, there exists a minimum timed UV max run for the game whose input could theoretically be calculated. But we'll probably never even come close to getting the minimum time in an actual run.
  23. emailking

    Tool Assisted UVMax demos?

    That was uncalled for. No matter where he is now it's a perfectly reasonable goal to have.