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Everything posted by emailking

  1. emailking

    Video Games as a addiction?

    Internet addiction is now recognized medically. I see no reason why video games can't be too. Now granted it has to be really bad to be considered an addiction. It has to interfere with your everyday life. Like you're regularly staying home from work to play video games. That kind of thing.
  2. I imagine there must be other people besides me who view this forum in FireFox. Every time I open a page on the forums (a thread or a board itself), once the page is fully loaded it automatically goes all the way to the bottom of the page. Very annoying, and it doesn't happen with IE. Anyone have a solution?
  3. emailking

    Question for Viewing Forums with FireFox

    Ok. Thanks for your help guys.
  4. Officially, the dictionary does consider the word "couple" to idiomatically refer to more than two, but not many of. The official definitions all relate to quantities of exactly two. Personally, by habit I often use a couple when I really mean a few.
  5. emailking

    32 bit software renderer

    I think it probably would. Maybe it's because I'm only looking at a still frame that it stood out to me like that.
  6. emailking

    32 bit software renderer

    In the last set of 3, the imp fireball loses it's color.brightness after the first picture. Pretty dramatic, and doesn't really look good. Is that unavoidable?
  7. emailking

    Final Attempt to Get Heretic/Hexen GPL'd

    For one, they don't have to respond just because they're contacted by a lawyer. The only place they have to respond is in court, which means you're suing. And secondly, who's going to pay? Just to talk to a lawyer about an issue you have is typically a couple hundred bucks.
  8. emailking

    Map 02 glide and Map 08 linedef jump

    Awesome!! I definitely look forward to the new run!! Hopefully I can finish my popcorn before it's over this time! ;)
  9. emailking

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    Oh, ok. That makes sense then. Good to know.
  10. emailking

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    How come the files sizes on the test versions keep juumping around? Like the code change will be a couple of lines but the final file size goes up 20K. And then the next test version it will be back down again. Is it a debug/release thing?
  11. emailking

    How exactly does armor work?

    What always confused me though is that the original manual and a lot of FAQs online said that armor bonuses could increase your percentage past 200. It didn't seem like a mistake either since they also said health bonuses could not increase the percentage past 200. For years I thought maybe my doom copy was corrupted. It was only a while after I started watching demos I realized that they would all be desynching if the armor never goes above 200 but is supposed to be able to.
  12. emailking

    How exactly does armor work?

    It's cool.
  13. emailking

    How exactly does armor work?

    It was a hypothetical.
  14. emailking

    How exactly does armor work?

    Here's something else that's interesting. If I understand this correctly, you could get 200% armor but it's green because you picked up at least 100 armor bonuses while wearing green already. Now even if there's a blue armor available you can't make it blue without taking a hit first, because you can't pick up a blue armor if it's already 200%.
  15. emailking

    Eternal demos [-complevel 2]

    I need to ask a dumb question. What exactly is the difference between eternal.wad and eternall.wad? They look the same to me.
  16. emailking

    How exactly does armor work?

    Got it. Thanks.
  17. emailking

    How exactly does armor work?

    Ok what if: -15% blue armor left -pick up 30 armor bonuses (take on blue as you say) -lose 15% armor (original blue now gone) Now your armor is 30% from 30 armor bonuses. But is your armor blue since they started as blue, or do they convert to green now that the original blue armor is gone? Finally, if it is still blue, if I now pick up 30 more armor bonuses, are they also blue?
  18. emailking

    Final Attempt to Get Heretic/Hexen GPL'd

    If you do all that, I'll certainly spend the (now) 41 cents to mail in.
  19. emailking

    prboom Issues Thread

    BTW: If you get the latest test version, there's been a bug fix for the smart totals. Now icon of sin monsters aren't counted in the smart totals as they obviously shouldn't be. Useful if you're verifying a max demo on a level 30 or a level with a monster spawner. But usually I have these turned off because I'm more interested in how many monsters are alive.
  20. emailking

    prboom Issues Thread

    The only thing coming to mind is this: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1704685&group_id=148658&atid=772943 The circumstances are the similar. Multiplayer demo. Same error message. But you are getting the crash right at the start which means the chainsaw sound can't be playing at the previous level. The other thing is that your prboom didn't crash when you played it in the first place which suggests in might be a problem with the demo. One thing you could do is download the latest test version of prboom+ http://prboom-plus.sourceforge.net/prboom-plus- This has many bug and crash fixes. Well, Grazza will be along shortly I'm sure with his usual words of wisdom.
  21. emailking

    Weird Vanilla Bug?

    Sorry, wasn't sure where to put this. Move if appropriate. I noticed something very odd from Xit's new ps04 record. http://competn.doom2.net/incoming/compet-n/ps04-118.zip At about 47 seconds seconds through, he goes through a long room with a lot of health bonuses. He clearly picks all of them up (can verify with a walkcam) and the health bonus message flashes. However, it is only until he has almost run all the way back to the lift that finally the display lights up from all of the bonuses. I have never seen anything like this before. It's really weird. When I try it to replicate it, the display lights up immediately. This seems to be the behavior in both vanilla and derived ports. Is this a bug? And if so was this known? I've never heard of this.
  22. emailking

    Weird Vanilla Bug?

    Alright I did some testing on CC2 map 24 where this is really easy. It's not that it's queuing up all the flashes it needs to do when the berserk finishes. It's that they are getting overwritten by the red tint. What were seeing here is the back end of the long light up after he picks up so many items. It would end at exactly the same time if he had not picked up the berserk, but we would have seen the whole thing. While I guess I can no longer characterize this as a bug because it seems intentional, it would seem to me that you could still have the screen light up when an item is picked up, even if berserk is on. The item tint is much stronger anyway as evidenced by the fact that it looks so bizarre the way it suddenly turns on like that.