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Everything posted by emailking

  1. emailking

    compet-n incoming demos

    I noticed this too. You appeared to take a lot of risks. A lot of times I thought "no way is he doing this" but it worked! One that sticks out was punching out an Arach as your invul was running out and no cover nearby. Another was after the red key room you just stayed there and kept punching as the invul ran out even though it seemed like you were going to be trapped.
  2. emailking

    Alien Vendetta MAP25.

    Also, I believe the killing each monster at least once clause has been clarified/corrected numerous times to mean that all monsters possible must be dead at the exit, which is notably different. Edit: except lost souls, of course.
  3. emailking

    No Right Speaker Sound

    Well that was an easy fix. Thanks man.
  4. emailking

    No Right Speaker Sound

    A couple of months ago, sound simply stopped coming out of the right speaker when using doom/doom2. It's no different with headphones. The speaker is not the problem as doom is the only thing that has this sound problem. I normally use PrBoom, but I tried Eternity and it was no different. So it doesn't appear to be a port specific setting. I'm on Win XP. Any ideas?
  5. emailking

    30uv1437 - TAS

    Personally, I always wondered why the players *did* go to map 32, especially on UV. It looked like it would be much quicker without it. But I guess it was pretty hard at the time too.
  6. emailking

    Demo text-files quiz

    Is number 10 from one of his hell revealed level 30 demos?
  7. emailking

    Compet-n Has An update

    Yes, believe it or not, it's true. http://www.doom2.net/~compet-n/index.cgi
  8. emailking

    Compet-n Has An update

    My guess is he's probably more likely to see it if you post it to the compet-n forums. http://www.doom2.net/~compet-n/cgi-bin/YaBB.cgi
  9. emailking

    Compet-n Has An update

    It appears incoming has been cleared too.
  10. emailking

    Episode 2 demos

    (Sorry for the needless thread, Hit the wrong button.) What is an "r demo"? It just looks like a speedrun.
  11. emailking

    STRAIN demos [-complevel 2]

    I got it to work. Thanks.
  12. emailking

    STRAIN demos [-complevel 2]

    Does PrBoom play it back with all the different enemies though?
  13. emailking

    Don't like the monster

    Not if you're like me and really don't think it's a valid finish if you die just so you can finish. I'm not debating the Compet-N rules, but I don't consider pn12, for example, to be done yet.