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siege cunt

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About siege cunt

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    Green Marine

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  1. siege cunt

    Demos for miscellaneous Ribbiks maps

    Ok this unhealthy addiction. I became overwhelmed with work and naturally I relapsed. https://dsdarchive.com/wads/stuff2 complevel 2 map 1 max 2:11 stuff201m21117.zip map 2 max 2:58 stuff202m25891.zip map 3 max 5:43 stuff203m54351.zip vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EN3yJcaIdac zip also contains a slower but less dumb 6:16 run comments: 1. fun easy map and i only did a few attempts. 2. great map but bad run, magic infighting meant i didn't fire at all and won, bizarre and unsatisfying but my best time. 3. fun and chaotic map, but i couldn't get a good time with a boring (included) route, so i just burned some time on rng and incompetent play (where i kept putting cybers behind me and getting shot, made no sense that i survived), magically leading to an av jump that sped things up further; some panicked bfg spam wrapped up the map. very weird and hilarious run, "probably shouldn't upload" as usual.
  2. tiny comment: it's really easy for the vile to knock you out of the arena in map 8. maybe add a stair somewhere on the outside to get back in? another fun violentbeetle project from what i saw so far, <3
  3. siege cunt

    Demos for miscellaneous Ribbiks maps

    stuff2.wad map02 UV MAX in 3:20 stuff202m32077.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phBuGGSEHC0 first maneuver in this demo is from nefelibeta's route; much safer.
  4. siege cunt

    Little Italo [idgames] (-cl9)

    Amazing mapset, was so happy for the first midi. Minor comment: Italo NOMO places tons of cyberdemons on map 1, it's hilarious, perhaps consider doing so since you used italo's difficulty names
  5. siege cunt

    Demos for miscellaneous Ribbiks maps

    stuff2.wad map02 UV-MAX in 4:04 stuff202m404.zip Nefelibeta posted a much faster 3:32 demo earlier in the thread but with a wrong complevel. This made me realize I completely removed the fun of this map by playing continuous, and did a quick scuffed run to get the ball rolling. I didn't think about routing at all, just held down the fire key until a demo was obtained; Nefeli says low 2:xx is possible. I'm not uploading a video because this run is bad except for a few unhinged 2-shots. My dsda install has some glitch which forces me to only play stuff2, and actually never exit doom entirely. it's not so bad, not being able to eat means i've finally lost the weight i built up over the years, but unfortunately I'm still trash at doom.
  6. siege cunt

    Demos for miscellaneous Ribbiks maps

    stuff2.wad "morkian mishap" UV-MAX in 17:32 yt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJyo3gE8qao fun maps, like easy italo doom + gggmork combat inspiration. LOL I forgot to attach demo: stuff2allm1732.zip
  7. amazing mapset! I 'm up to map7, and the atmosphere and pacing are just wonderful. regarding the map 6 softlock below, i also found it; i did the jump with sr40 the first time, then failed to repeat it and got it the first sr50 i tried, so i think it's pretty reliable.
  8. I propose a technological solution: - The creation of a new options LMP, similar to flags in MBF21, which codifies as many of these "gray area" demo-recording options as possible, thus leaving the choice to the map creator. - The creation of a new standard, e.g., a follow-up to MBF21, which includes some sane defaults for these. - dsdarchive can selectively provide and use custom standalone LMPs to validate certain runs. I'm not trying to add new opinions to the mix; i'm trying to suggest a technological solution which allows feelings on this topic to be finer-grained and doesn't step on anyone's toes. I feel really bad for the new generation of sensational players who love the 180 key and may feel disenfranchised.
  9. siege cunt

    DIY demos [-complevel 21]

    Map 30 UV-Max in 12:58 zip: diy30m1258.zip youtube (with first attempt at commentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqaEUxUsMl4 Fun map by nefelibeta =)
  10. I did a quick max attempt (dying just after the 3 keys door like an idiot) where you can see the major cheese i do in the basement. basically i completely de-fang the fight. you can also see the slow cleanup of the hk/revs, but it's fine as you say. this demo is against rc0, recorded with the current dsda 0.25 beta, shouldn't desync i hope. diy30m-cheese.zip this really should have been a max, oh well.
  11. Indeed I'm sorry I did not give proper credit, thanks for correcting me. Still, I'm always grateful for all the great stuff ViolentBeetle does. Speaking of great stuff, I played and loved your map 30, but was not sure about one thing:
  12. Wonderful; thanks for resurrecting this! I'm always so happy when I see another Violentbeetle community project; I still get warm fuzzes just thinking about Hellevator. Map 2 (RC0): One of the two secrets has a very strange hall-of-mirrors (visible from inside and outside). Tested with software rendering, recent-ish dsda-doom (0.24.2 I think).
  13. siege cunt

    Newt [Version 0.0b]

    Wonderful set of maps! Beautiful design, and many interesting fights. Maybe it's the selection of tracks, but you've managed to not just recover some ribbiks visual and combat design, but also that comfy feel of some ribbiks maps. I have might a tiny bug report for the first map. In the penultimate fight, when the lift lowers and the stack of viles and cybers teleport in, I found the clump of viles and the lone cyber with them to be a bit flaky: a few times I've gotten just the viles to appear, and once even just the cyber. edit: that was the first way i got out of there, the main intended way took me much longer!
  14. siege cunt

    dsda-doom source port [v0.24.3]

    dang, sorry, i was really hoping this helped with the jump.wad crashes. sorry i didn't debug it further. thanks for the great source port!
  15. siege cunt

    dsda-doom source port [v0.24.3]

    I've known about another bug for a while with save states that seems easily repeatable and may give some hints as to what's going on here? I avoided saying anything here before, hoping someone else had better info, but since there's silence, I'll say what I know, though meager. The bug is specific to 20x7 map 9 and I triggered it first long ago and mentioned it in rayzik's jump.wad stream. It can result in a situation like this, which I think is normally impossible: to repeat this very easily now, here's what i did: - used cheats to quickly get to these three switches in 20x7 map 9 (i mention it in case it seems to matter, but i triggered it without cheats in the past). - i hit the three switched and then stood underneath the gates. - i let one close and let the other two bounce on my head. i mention this because the bug seems to be that some detailed states can persist across rewinds. - if i then rewind to before any switch presses, i get to this situation, where the skull eyes glow but the gates are closed. afaik this scenario is impossible without save states. when i originally triggered this (casually playing through 20x7 not long after dsda got rewind), i did it in another way (i think i rewinded some pathetic failure to press all three switches), but still got this effect. the bottom line is that there are some types of complex linedef/tag/? behavior that are not properly reverted with dsda rewind. i guess jump.wad just makes this a lot more pronounced. sorry in advance if this does not help at all, and for spamming the thread.