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Everything posted by jplstatic

  1. jplstatic

    The /newstuff Chronicles #359

    CITY OF THE DAMNED APOCALYPSE One of the best graphic replacements for Doom I've seen for classic doom. It looks sounds and feels more like hexen or heretic. I have to play it through because of the level number listed and the fact that map02 isn't a new map, so warping won't help!
  2. jplstatic

    Anyone have a 3D Scanner?

    yeah. i tend to see what i want to see.
  3. jplstatic

    You could be the next DUKE NUKEM!

    yeah I know the feeling. I've made some very descent doom maps between the "I don't know what I'm doing yet" of Chaos 3 and "I'm trying to outdo myself with something new and bazaar" with Nightmares of Loki. Both got bad reviews. The in-betweeners would have been really good. I did manage to find "The Hollow Grounds" though, which is a good representation of what I liked to do mapwise.
  4. jplstatic

    Anyone have a 3D Scanner?

    I'm just asking out of morbid curiosity. I'd be more than willing to ride a camel or whatever it would take. I'd figure out some way to transport clay models I haven't even made yet in individual glass cases or something. I'd go all out that much just to skip having to do my own computer design work, because I'm not an artist on computers at all. I'm just using this project as something to keep me going more or less. Even if it ends up another terrible mistake for the community to suffer through, at least I tried really hard on this one. I just have jack else to do and it makes me happy. And Scuba Steve said he has more than one. Does Scuba Steve actually have more than one? I like Scuba Steve. He talks about peckard the aardvark and his 3D Scanners. I like 3D Scanners. If Scuba Steve likes me I may just go hang out with Scuba Steve someday via plane.
  5. jplstatic

    Slayer likes Satan (and Hell)

    yeah i went to public school and always felt sorry for christians. then i hung out with satanists and now i feel sorry for them.
  6. jplstatic

    Anyone have a 3D Scanner?

    you meant r_rr right? I'm totally a genius its just that no one knows it yet.
  7. jplstatic

    You could be the next DUKE NUKEM!

    i thought duke nukem was annoying even back in the day of 3D. I did like the first sidescroller though before he had meat and the sequel was pretty cool too. Come to think of it I never played DN3D all the way through though I bought the killaton collection. But I also NEVER played doom 2 from map01 straight through to map30. so I'm a little less of a gamer than others. I did sit for years making a terrible mod that no one liked though lol and i'm making something too elaborately complex thats probably pretty stupid still at the moment.
  8. jplstatic

    Not spam. Need web hosting

    yeah basically i have very large text html files. The one I'm writing is for chapter 1. Its extremely long as its the beginning plus I have two full level descriptions. These aren't for doom. its something I plan to be able to do once I am capable of using a later engine. White text in a 600 width table on black with 111111 being the table's bgcolor. i'm more or less writing all of these, sticking them online, compiling all my notes and doing that to, then going to the library to pay my ten cents a copy then fixing our scanner that has a broken printer (and hopefully not scanner) and overimpose them onto different backdrops having to do with the art direction of the level. then to pdf, then cafepress, etc etc. I'm really just incredibly bored and my band friends all do heroin now or shoot people and I don't like them anymore. I'm just the nerd.
  9. jplstatic

    Not spam. Need web hosting

    I am on a spree of trying to find webhosting, which used to be simple. All i'm needing are no ads, a little space, and availability to just edit it online, but ftp and more space is a plus. I can't find anything normal anymore!!!
  10. jplstatic

    Slayer likes Satan (and Hell)

    wait does this count as a bad religion post? seeing as how we're talking about slayer?
  11. jplstatic

    Not spam. Need web hosting

    appendage: free hosting without domain linkage. Just space. Free Web Space, not Hosting. Here I'll change the title too to clarify, sorry lol.
  12. jplstatic

    Slayer likes Satan (and Hell)

    I think that southpark's depiction of satan as a guy with a cock on his chest that talks like someone who needs a few nipple rings if he doesn't already is pretty dead on. Having Sadam Haussain (sp?) actually being worse of a boyfriend that's manipulating Satan is hysterical as well. Mr Slave is a good character too, alongside Mr Garrison as the evil homosexuals. I was asked to do a voice for the grim reaper for a kid's project in college. I was incredibly gay about it, like Stephen Lynch's song about the devil. The woodland critter christmas is just the greatest though. They could have produced a full christmas movie series having three seperate stories if they made that one of them. I'm still waiting for a Southpark 2 though the wait has probably been too long for it to be taken seriously, if not just a comedy central special. I guess this doesn't fit slayer loving satan. But see, some christians do listen to satanists and respect what they have to say as just a phase of rebellion in life where they'll seek some sort of refuge in the church later on in life. God may even listen to slayer, who knows. Some believe so! edit: well shit I didn't realize I had been beat to it. I knew I saw that in more than one place, apparently one being two minutes before I reposted it on the same forum threat. Ah well. Mine's bigger I guess. Not to mention branded differently.
  13. jplstatic

    Monopoly Doom! (For Doom 1)

    you mean megasphere, 200 health points.
  14. jplstatic

    Anyone have a 3D Scanner?

    i haven't messed around with newer engines. i would like to try 3d models in gzdoom though. eventually i'd dream of a doom 3 mod at least if not a real game someday for the hell of it.
  15. jplstatic

    Anyone have a 3D Scanner?

    as for one hell of a project, i've just faked 20 sheets of old style journal paper being touched by bloody hands in order to display the chapter's contents in my plot book. I also just hand-painted a few maps of other planets and color-xeroxed them along with a few pages of my made-up logbook at the library. Yeah, i'm really getting into this and hoping its quite a project when I'm through. A basic video game with a reason for absolutely everything.
  16. jplstatic

    Anyone have a 3D Scanner?

    I'm just finally going to go through with something.
  17. jplstatic

    Anyone have a 3D Scanner?

    you have got to be kidding where do you live? you mean 3D scanners right and not elephant jerky businesses? have you 3D max or something similar? I may work up the cash for a plane ticket if so if you are genuine about having them and nice enough to allow a complete stranger to use. Charge as needed I'll make sure I've saved it.
  18. jplstatic

    Sketch Artist Needed!!!

    to the PM I just got and all others interested, I'm currently at the local library where I'm not sure what the priveleges are but I'll try to start a website just to have a place to stuff the character descriptions text I have so far. A lot of them are probably way too silly.
  19. jplstatic

    Sketch Artist Needed!!!

    Name your price! I'm working on compiling a book and within it are various other books found within my game, one of which being a creature profiles booklet. These will actually exist in my game, and also be bases of 3D Models to be made for said game. Name your price and I'll surely work to try and achieve it!!! I am planning on having 100 unique alien creatures, ranging from insects to mammals to fish, you name it! I am taking this very seriously!
  20. jplstatic

    How do I add midis to my levels?

    you may want to use MIDI2MUS in DOS to make sure you're changing its makeup from MIDI to MUS, which is Doom's internal Format. Once this is achieved, you can stick it in the wad. A lot of newer programs convert this for you though, and newer ports care less about the music's format, as they even allow mp3s to be played if renamed to the same extension-less lumps within.
  21. jplstatic

    Sketch Artist Needed!!!

    Basically the wall of text known as the "Detailed Plotwork" post more or less sums up a lot of the major plot whereas filler includes everything hiding the twist that describes everything that has happened so far, and also to paint the picture of the past present and future before your eyes. Its on the doom forum so you know its a possible project for doom. I'm hoping for gzdoom. It was something I wrote in college and I'm ellaborating on it immensely, so its more or less a full on future game project of mine. These are the planned characters. I wouldn't say 100, more like about 50 really, mostly large insects. These sketches do not at all have to be elaborate just basics.
  22. This is a collection of music I'm giving to the doomworld community for use in projects as mp3s for free. Please give credit to Jerry Lehr, Jr. Other than that, use as willed. I will be constantly adding to this list, and eventually will have my website back in order. With it, I'll have tons of new material for my gzdoom mod project and hopefully some will be interested in helping me out. jlehrjr.hostrator.com/doommusic
  23. jplstatic

    Players that start with just the fist? Possiable?

    example acs script: script 1 (void) { ClearInventory(); }
  24. jplstatic

    Texture offset wrong in DOOM.EXE and ZDoom

    myk, i know this is offtopic, but i'm trying to figure out your icon. considering i've barely seen the doom movie, and unfortunately it isn't the neighbor guy from office space like i had originally thought, i came to the conclusion from seeing the new dawn of the dead again yesterday that possibly that could be the culprit. i figure the bearer of the icon would have a better idea and instead of wondering i'd just ask. who is pictured on your icon?
  25. jplstatic

    The Head of John Romero

    ahhh that's what gibs are. [edit: period added]