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Everything posted by Flesh420

  1. Flesh420

    John McAfee Arrested for U.S. Tax Evasion

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods NSA Archive if you don't like Wiki: https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/news/20010430/northwoods.pdf I couldn't possibly imagine what is legitimately occurring out of public view. You'd almost think that mainstream media as a whole is a mind weapon? Was Twitter and Facebook financed through DoD contracts for the sole purpose of Color Revolutions? What's currently happening in the United States now? Attempted Color Revolution by the people whom killed Kennedy? Lost control in 2016? 2020 attempt of regaining control? What's this all about?
  2. Flesh420

    Simple / Atmospheric Roguelite

    You might like this too. https://sites.google.com/site/infraarcana/ It's a Lovercraft inspired RL. Dark and atmospheric.
  3. Flesh420

    Doom Eternal's Deathmatch Shaped Hole

    That's mostly because it doesn't work well with a controller. The same reason Counter Strike was abandoned by the devs on console. Back in the day Quake 3 was on Dreamcast and you could play with PC players. Unless you had the Dreamcast keyboard and mouse you were getting absolutely destroyed. They can get away with cross-platform Fortnite and similar games because they don't require as much precision in every facet of the game play (precise movement, timing, aiming, etc). But Quake Champions they wanted to be an esport and it wouldn't be entertaining watching cross-hairs slowly drag across the screen and just the awkwardness of everything on console. And I think they were aiming for high monitor HZ and console games are typically only 60fps/hz.
  4. Flesh420

    Is anybody else seriously disappointed with Eternal?

    This^. It feels good to play a 'gamey' game these days that's not an indie. After all these years playing Doom, Eternal has made me appreciate Classic even more. I just hope that if they make another one it'd be fantastic to see them go ham with level design. Like every map is more in line with Classic, every map a foundry or super gore nest. It really couldn't get better than that, unless it was a bit more pickup oriented. Hell, I don't remember the last time a game made me shout awesome as I kept playing it. Eternal just got better and better all the way through.
  5. I just noticed that when the Doomguy grunts from damage it's extremely similar to how he grunts in Quake 3 when taking damage. To me it almost sounds exactly the same just deeper, but it's hard to closely listen to the damn noise when I'm bombarded with demons and panic.
  6. Most likely it's a marketing thing because they don't want zoomers to start asking, "If I'm using a KB+M why don't I just buy a computer for the same price and 5x more powerful with more freedom?" Zoomers are easily influenced. The Dreamcast had KB+M support and if you had a KB+M it was the only way to keep pace with PC players on the server in Quake 3 cross-platform multiplayer for the Dreamcast.
  7. Flesh420

    This does not feel like a Doom game

    They really came a major step further with how they handled keys and map design (in some maps). I'm still working on the game so I don't have the levels memorized but that one city level with the massive pit in the middle of the initial fight is very reminiscent of classic doom, just modern. Some things could be less linear, but damn. They really tried this time and you can tell. It's like they studied classic Doom's maps way fucking more than they did for Doom '16. Even the little secrets that open to main paths stand out. Kinda makes you wonder if Doom '16 was really rushed to get out the door. You know it'd be interesting to see this pushed further. Old school layouts with all the modern trimmings. I don't think many people would notice other than this community. And these fucking battles in Final Sin are hitting peaks I never thought possible in modern AAA gaming. It's reminiscent of old-school arcade game difficulty on Ultra Violent. It's so awesome.
  8. Flesh420

    Let's talk difficulty (Not a rant)

    I fucking hate them. Them and their meddlin' dogs.
  9. Flesh420

    Slayer gates are insane.

    Is anyone on consoles having a hard time? When Doom '16 came out I whined about the combat being tailored to console people (controllers), but this time around it seems so focused on Keyboard and Mouse I almost feel bad for console people if they're playing higher difficulties. It's god damn brutal, and AMAZING!
  10. Flesh420

    This does not feel like a Doom game

    Eternal feels 1000x more Doom than '16. My god, the level design just seems to be getting better and better. Quite literally what I'd expect a modern Doom AAA map to look and play like. It's amazing. The combat is top notch.
  11. Flesh420

    Your first impressions?

    Love it. Can't believe my rig can keep it over 80fps. Playing on UV and have only died twice so far. It feels like a GAME and it's awesome. Love how hard it is, my cheeks have clenched countless times. Very impressed. Wish they would've cut out some of tutorial crap at the start.
  12. Flesh420

    Going Offline for the Virus

    First of all the government are first to run when shit hits the fan. The top health officials dropped the ball on this one, considering they decided long ago to produce all our medicine in China. Had Trump came out in the beginning and said this was a threat we'd have seen a vastly more panicked populace. I'd imagine, you know, being the president he's been briefed on this daily since the start, actually all the way back when that professor at Harvard fled back to China with a handful of biological material (which also happens to be the epicenter of where political correctness started and also the same university China has flooded with cash—division from within anyone?). My sister had a conference with the CDC yesterday at 2pm and there's a whole fuck load of information they're not telling the public, including how long it's been known this virus has been spreading within the USofA. The president's job is to not induce panic. At this moment in time panic will kill more people than that virus. Now I'm not all for Trump or anything but he's the only president this country has had that has had to deal with mountains of complete BS EVERY month for no apparent reason other than a bunch of libtard democrats lost the election. Frankly, he's probably the only jerkoff in that arena brazen enough to attempt something crazy, shutting down travel to Europe being the start that will tank a whole industry soon. I don't know what jackass can actually believe anything the media is pushing these days, but you'd be better off getting legitimate information from independent journalists that are in the center if you want a more balanced view.
  13. Flesh420

    System requirements released

    AMD 8320 (a shit CPU lemme tell ya) and ATI Fury with 16gigs here and I can play '16 Ultra at 80-120 fps on a 144hz monitor. According to Can I Run It my pc doesn't hit the recommended mark in the cpu department, and it's about the same with Doom Eternal. So it'll be interesting to see how this goes.
  14. Every weapon in Quake 1 serves a purpose. You can see it much better when playing community maps. I used to hate how each new weapon was an upgrade of the last, but my perception changed when diving in the map community. Same with Q3. They're all very situational. Q2 arsenal is meh.
  15. Flesh420

    Question About Blackroom

    If one were to assume the probability Romero learned from Daikatana is decent. Leery of hype would be his best move.
  16. Flesh420

    How bad is American Health Care?

    I'm not sure that's accurate. Most every person I've known was not taught about the importance of credit if you want something like a house. You can have a shit job but good credit and easily get a house. They teach nothing about credit in school, at least when I was in school, and credit is the fabric of American society. My mother is pushing 70 and didn't know shit about credit until I sat her down and explained it to her, along with my wife when we were younger. It's a trap designed by lawyers and doctors specifically to fuck you over. With even a mediocre credit score you're open to a large swath of opportunities you can use to better your situation if you're smart. As for our medical system .... it's a fucking joke. I went to the ER one time because my ass was bleeding and I had cramps so bad I puked from the pain all night and the only thing 8 grand bought me was a doctor coming into my ER room to push on my stomach two times (after I'd sat there for 2 hours) and disappear, then send me for a scan. They whisked me off with prescriptions I bought much cheaper just over the counter, and they did diddly fucking squat for any answers. I didn't pay the bill. Fuck those people. Figure if I get cancer or something I'll just find a nice field and suck on my pistol.
  17. No one with a brain considers new fans bad. It's exciting seeing new people hooked to classic Doom and exploring everything the Doom community has to offer after playing Doom '16. We ain't going anywhere, and there's plenty of us old school fuckers around to help out the new fuckers. You're all fuckers. If you don't know how to create a good trap for blue armor you can get the fuck off my lawn. Are you a bad enough fucker to push the boundaries of current Doom classic trends? Can you put the boomers (millennials) to shame? Well.... I certainly hope so, because without new fuckers like you we wouldn't be shit. And it's the new people that'll carry the torch. It'll be the new fans that understand the dynamics of classic Doom to carry it into new epochs. We need you. Doom needs you, fucker. YOU'VE GOT TO UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF FINDING BLUE ARMOR GOD DAMNIT! WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE AT 2% HEALTH AND FINDING THE ARMOR WITH A MEDIPACK!
  18. Flesh420

    Kingpin: Reloaded

    This is awesome!
  19. Flesh420

    unpopular retro opinions

    Quake 2 is pretty awesome and I did like it better than Q1. But after going deep into community maps and a month-long binge of Q1 I can hardly play Q2 because it's so slow in comparison. Q1 is tight and fast. Q2 is hella slow, the enemy reaction time is their disadvantage and once you get the power shield you beat the game. Q1's design is tight and each gun/enemy has a purpose. I just can't easily go back to Q2 sp anymore.
  20. I'd like to know as well. No one seems to make episodes and trying to find them on Quaddicted is impossible. You should give Arcane Dimensions a try, though. You'll need Quoth to play it. And if you don't like weapon projectiles you can type impulse 130 in console to turn it off. It's a great set of maps. There's a hub to enter the maps so each one is like a minisode. Some longer than others. Underdark Overbright is another good one and an actual episode but not very long. You'll need Copper for it.
  21. Flesh420

    DOOM Retro v5.3 (updated March 3, 2024)

    Possible bug I've no idea how to reproduce. Played last night and saved the game, tried to play said save today and for some reason 'a' and 'd' are completely unbinded. When I put bind 'd' +moveright and bind 'a' +moveleft in the cfg it acts as if there's nothing binded at all. Was working fine last night. Edit: I fixed it by deleting the cfg file.
  22. I play exclusively in software unless port specifies otherwise. I like extra chunky Quake, too.
  23. Flesh420

    Doom as a scary game

    Doom was certainly scary at the time. I don't think ID factored most of the player base using mice/run (I'm assuming) which is why the first three episodes are so easy. When my dad brought home the shareware from a computer store the game was terrifying. Seeing a pinky for the first time I jumped away from the keyboard. I had not seen anything like it, nor had my dad. And back then there was no autorun so it's clear the levels weren't designed to be blazed through the way we make them today. I only ran back then to cross gaps or when shit hit the fan, but I never held down shift. It was about survival. When you were low on health your butt cheeks were tight. Once I got older and source ports became a thing autorun changed the whole game, so much so I'd venture a guess that newer members here don't know that the game wasn't originally designed with autorun in mind—one of the reasons newer people think Doom is supposed to be fast, etc. I'm only focusing on autorun because it changed the game so much, back then it was vastly slower and you played it more cautiously. And to me as little boy it was scary as hell, my dad as well. Everything from the way the manual (I read front to back hundreds of times) was written to advertisements gave us no notions of being a badass. Only trying to survive the demonic invasion. It was glorious.
  24. Flesh420

    Designing maps for Doom vs Quake

    I had a hard time wrapping my head around UE mapping after learning how to map for Quake. I wouldn't recommend UE editing if you've not mapped in full 3d. An easy/best editor to use for Quake is hands down Trenchbroom. And if you don't want to worry about leaks first get in the habit of using separate brushes for every wall, not using one brush for walls of two different rooms. That took me a while to get accustomed to, for some reason. This guy will have you tooled up and mapping in no time: The Quake mapping scene is awesome. You should certainly give it a go. Play many maps, too.