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Logan MTM

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Everything posted by Logan MTM

  1. Logan MTM

    Legacy on line ???

    I play DOOM for 9 long years... But just single How i can play on line in Legacy ??? The multiplayers servers in Launcher is allway empity... Thanks for any one reply.
  2. Logan MTM

    Why do you map?

    It's are DOOM man...
  3. Logan MTM

    First editor ever?

    ...and about EDMAP ????????
  4. Logan MTM


    I said "LEGACY ONLY"... and thanks again shotgunm2...
  5. Logan MTM


    The first brazilian WAD. Time of play: 50 min. I won release this... but how ??
  6. Logan MTM

    Edmap problems !! Please Help !!

    Hooooooooooo man... The old way is come back !!!!! I love Edmap to. He's my first editor. I beleave you ? has ben cleared. Hey... I build a WAD starting with EDMAP... 40% is done with EDMAP... Check up... http://www.doomworld.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34559
  7. Logan MTM


    Thanks BlackFish... Now send me some demos with you playing...
  8. Logan MTM


    For all members was been played my Wad... I ask. What you think about... The designer? Dificult? And size of the wad? Thank again.
  9. Logan MTM


    Thanks friend... ...and i still waiting for the news demos OK.
  10. Logan MTM

    PLease Help need .dll for Wintex

    Make you download here... http://www.brdoom.com/_downloads/_arq/VBRUN300.zip Paste in windows folder and... is done.
  11. Logan MTM


    I be waiting for any coments of BrDOOM WAD... Thanks.
  12. Logan MTM


    Ops... I must refresh me... This gzdoom i don't know...
  13. Logan MTM


  14. Logan MTM


    RELEASE... 101 WAD is DONE. Another link to downloas in http://www.brdoom.com/_downloads/_arq/_pwads/BrDOOM.zip Please send me the demo of firt time play ok. I wont see how you going in first play in the new WAD. Thank to all members to DOOMWORLD FORUM in special to myk, iori and shotgunmassacre2. See you in next WAD.
  15. Logan MTM

    Why do you map?

    For fun, love and pleasure...
  16. Logan MTM


    Sorry... but The name 101.wad has ben created ???
  17. Logan MTM

    28,000+ linedefs and nodes won't be built?

    I think you must show the screen of this WAD...
  18. Logan MTM


    It's done. BrDOOM will be release in next week - 101.wad I don't have time now... So hard job... Thanks to iori and myk for all replys.
  19. Sou brasileiro e se vocês não estão entendendo nada, isto prova a solidão que sinto. What the correct script to change music in Legacy { changemusic(?????????); } Thanks !!!!
  20. Logan MTM

    Legacy on line ???

  21. Logan MTM

    Various WinTex questions

    I can do it for you...
  22. Logan MTM

    Legacy scripting question (also in Portuguese)

    More strong... More carefull...
  23. Logan MTM

    Legacy scripting question (also in Portuguese)

    It's hapens by case you can not press Printscreen in Legacy. You must use the shortkey for that...
  24. Logan MTM

    Error loading my map

    Try open your map with DOOM Builder... Look for somethings erros... Build nodes with Zennode... and starting play yours maps in Legacy...
  25. Logan MTM

    Legacy scripting question (also in Portuguese)

    Somebody knows for what this hapens ??? My shot don't works... Video card ??