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Everything posted by Law

  1. Law

    Mulder and Skulltag

    "I don't want to do any more of v0.95, and I don't think the majority of you want the bots to be put off any further." Yeah, right on. Not many of my friends want to play doom any more (graphic heads), so I look forward to that coming on. Keep up the good work people.
  2. Law

    Skulltag Release Set

    Joyus! They were really good.
  3. Law

    Another New Version

    I'd also like the bots to come back. They were very good.
  4. Law

    More Skull Tag Updates

    600k for 3.5 seconds wav file? Heard of compression of lowering quality. I would think a more funny announcer would be best, after all skull tag is funny already and its never gunna be Quake 3
  5. Law

    XWE Extension

    Does XWE still put icons everywhere in windows? That quite annoyed me trying it out before...
  6. Law

    Star Trek Demo

    I don't think any opinions expressed here would cancel the TC. How many demos have we seen released though out the years with out ever beign finished or seen again. If the creator can't take comments they why release the thing unfinished? I think here we have a case of looking for people to offer to help and because you are proud of what you have done, as you should.
  7. Law

    Remade Textures Remaking

    JDoom with big textures or doom2.exe, still the same game. What I'm saying here is eye candy isn't important like many other things in the world.
  8. Law

    Remade Textures Remaking

    Wouldn't it have been better to make a program that would resize the original textures from your IWAD, thus giving the same results with a download under 500kb. Texture filtering is a much better way to go about it. I personally don't examine the walls when playing, I like killing the demons with out the harddrive grinding away.
  9. Law

    Doom 3 Leak

    Whats so bad sbout the leak of the alpha? I couldn't care what bad things those over paid id folk think could happen to their personal profits.
  10. I havn't seen that version of spectrum Doom. Under what name is it under, thats if you found it on the spectrum rom search engine?
  11. I think they must have studied every word of the coptyright notice and have found this way to by pass it and make money. Isn't that was our great capitolist countries are all about, ripping people off! Also, Doom was on the Spectrum, but it was more like a graphical demo the version I played.
  12. Law

    Lookie At The Lock And Load

    Works for me. I like the bouncing blue beam weapon.
  13. Law

    The /newstuff Chronicles #90

    Lol, Toke. Sounds like somthing off Freddy Gets Fingered. Come you have the description Loser under your name?
  14. Law

    Get Music For Free

    MP3 is heresy.
  15. Law

    Huge Doom Experience

    I think I'll save my time and stick to command promps and batch files.
  16. Law

    The /newstuff Chronicles #87

    I don't know, I wasn't there!
  17. Law

    Killers Unleashed

    Tears stream as I laugh. Thanks for that!
  18. Law

    Doom 3 Cleans Up

    the game will play well. I am worried about the comment: "Watching programming legend John Carmack manipulate the lone marine through the claustrophobic corridors" will it be more of the same, lone marine, small enviroment?
  19. Law

    Time To Role Play

    I think the release date for Scattered Evil, Autumn 2001, is optimistic to say the least!
  20. Law

    Vavoom On The Edge

    We are playing Doom yeah? I do remember it working on a 386. The Doom comunity is one of the strangest. I lot of people want new features / graphics, but I play it because it plays great and is easy to modify. I'll give the converter a try, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't work and that I would have to compile the output, basicly you are right on your points. but to upgrade to play Doom, ain't happinin for me. I'm working class, you load of yuppy scum!! Joking only...
  21. Law

    Immoral Upgrade

    Making a better game (Doom) look like Quake 3, which is not as good to play and would be nothing with out its grpahics. I just find it, well, baffling...
  22. Law

    Killers Will Have To Wait

    Good plot idea...
  23. Law

    XWE Now Eradicates

    on the added Zdoom support. I recall only DeepSea could do large textures, but I never liked that editor. Question: I tryed ripping graphics from Shaddow Worrior but the only file XWE could open didn't have graphic files in it (.grp file). Can anyone shead light?
  24. Law

    Killers Will Have To Wait

    As yes, the Kill project. I couldn't find information on what it is on the web site. I guess a megawad...
  25. Law

    Leaver On The Move

    I can't get in to the site. Gate way time out.