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About Jimmy²

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  1. Jimmy²

    What is Zugnaex?

    you what
  2. Nah "Zandronum" has actual rhythm to it and an unambiguous number of syllables. "Zugnaex" is the definition of a word that cannot roll off the human tongue.
  3. Without knowing who's behind this, it lends to how creatively bankrupt you are when your key art is AI-generated, the in-game assets are just a carbon-copy of FreeDoom's, the codebase is someone else's GPL-GNU source port, and the actual name of your project is something puked up by typing a prompt in Bing AI. Seriously, no human being would ever come up with "Zugnaex". Was any genuine human work done here?
  4. Jimmy²

    Share Your Sprites!

    Don't forget to credit the three other names listed on the sprite sheet.
  5. Jimmy²

    Sleepwalking [MBF21] - RC2

    I'll actually echo @Terminus about HMP. A few too many soulspheres and megaarmors perhaps? There was at least one or two of each provided in each big fight and the combat felt slightly deflated and risk-free as a result. I imagine UV removes these extra items and gives you only the supplies that are absolutely needed. I may play for myself on UV and see what the difference is.
  6. Amazing, thank you, dial-up! Psyched to see what you can come up with. Always loved your stuff :)
  7. Perfect, that's one more track down! Just nine to go!
  8. Jimmy²

    Sleepwalking [MBF21] - RC2

    Spellbinding stuff, Ravendesk. Played on HMP with DSDA and had a thoroughly good time. The soft wintery quiescence on display here is one of my favourite themes, and these three maps have some jaw-dropping visual moments and seriously fearsome fights interlaced with the snow-draped landscapes and darkly claustrophobic underwater segments. I was immersed completely, in every regard. Top stuff. Do double-check your sky transfers on MAP04, though - I noticed some stock D2 sky was peeking through.
  9. Jimmy²

    Castle Massacre WIP updated 10/07

    This attitude absolutely won't get anyone playing your work.
  10. Jimmy²


    These are just a set of tracks by others? Best to share your own work, really.
  11. Considered lowering the difficulty at all? Genuinely. Don't base what you bother playing on whether or not MtPain enjoys it for it steep difficulty on his (self-imposed for the sake of the show) obligatory UV playthroughs.
  12. @khmoquin Great stuff! The track loops perfectly now. Only one part really stood out as being a little too discordant - the strings at the beginning. Adding dissonance on top of a consonant underpinning is a bit tricky without it sounding really off-kilter. I made some minor alterations of my own, making the string line slightly less intensely dissonant. Would you be good with this version of the track? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/k8j3apvw1hed7wyn4bgp0/Hymn-for-the-Battle-Bellow-V2-j.mid?rlkey=tr5inc0tmt9104qbvk1ri15rg&dl=1
  13. Jimmy²

    Things about Doom you just found out

    In doom.wad, the texture SW2BRN1 appears to have two STEP07 patches hidden underneath the wall texture - which also aren't present in the SW1 version of the texture.
  14. Jimmy²

    Some thoughts on AI and the Doom Community

    @Captain Toenail, I've been following your work for a long time - you were plenty creative before genAI was ever a thing. I used genAI to aid my creativity a handful of times a few years back, as a curiosity, and was certainly intrigued by its capabilities at that point, but the more I learned about what goes on behind the scenes, regarding its energy consumption, lack of moderation, and how blindsided opportunists in management intend to weaponise these sophisticated algorithms to obsolete the human work force, the more I realised this is bad news for all parties concerned. Two of my music singles, released a couple years ago, had AI-generated art for their covers. I'm now getting these replaced by new works designed by an artist inside of the Doom community, whom I'm paying to have done. The fad is over, I think. genAI images dominate Google Images now, and they're exhausting to see and to have to sift through. You can spot them a mile away because they haven't improved much in recent years, and the arguments supporting them are becoming stale and repetitive, especially from techbros who actively seem to wish human creativity to be altogether supplanted. It's all become a very tiring uphill fight. This thing that was once a curiosity is now a real human issue, discussions of which are muddied by human greed and corporate meddling. Human creativity must be protected, not threatened with obsolescence - for some of us, our creative freedoms are all we've really got left to hold on to in this modern world. EDIT: Just to bring this discussion back, if I may, to the textures thread, I think the majority of people in the recent discussion were decrying the use of AI by the guy who was just posting shitty unedited stuff that wasn't even fit for use in Doom. Rightly so, I think - no care was given to make them remotely useable as textures, until Gez stepped in and started using their human creativity to make them appropriate for use. I personally had no huge qualms with your textures - although I still would rather you have drawn the skin-faces yourself, but hey... the creative process is difficult if not impossible to police. If I were you I would simply ask myself if the ends justified the means in that one case? I dunno.
  15. Just in case you missed it in my thread... Stream/purchase "EVITERNAL" on Bandcamp James Paddock – music, lead vocals, lyrics Kevin Martins – music, production and mastering, all guitars, additional vocals Keagan Dunn – video production Tristan – all bass guitars Dee Legit – lead guitar solo AD_79 – lead keyboard solo The Final Event – harsh backing vocals