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Posts posted by falcondelta

  1. I remember when I viewed Doom in all it's true glory. I knew I saw some people play Doom a long time ago, but I never really played until about a year or two ago when I got hooked on the SNES version (You heard it right, folks). Then I downloaded the shareware, ran ZDoom and witnessed what I thought the most beautiful FPS I have erver laid my eyes on. That's when I really got addicted and pretty much stopped playing everything else. Morrowind just sat on my PC, saddened and forgoten. Now I even have Doom II on my GBA.

  2. A while ago I had a topic about not being able to add textures through XWE. Well when I tried to add a DeHacked patch to my wad the same exact problem occured. (Oh, just some info: the patch only consisted of me setting monster infighting to true) I can, however, add different sprites and music without a problem. This leads me to ask is XWE known to be such a bitch, or should I just start over? Thanks if you read this.

    And if it helps this was my procedure for putting the DeHacked file in:
    Double-clicked the patch option and added it in.
    I did the same with the textures but I added it in the textures option.

  3. Ah! Another GM user. Jubilation! Oh, this reminds me of the D&D days where I was pumping out random and stupid games by the dozens. Good times, good times. This is one of those GM games that deserves a spot on my hard drive. I got to the Arch-Vile before I thought, "Yeah, screw that..." A sequel I say!

  4. Captain Red said:

    also fat zombies + chainsaw = :D

    Indeed. I just started playing Doom 3 not to long ago and encountered my first fat zombie today. I enjoyed smashing its skull in with a flashlight. I wish my disk wouldn't break right after arriving in administration...

  5. I'm not sure why you would think it as wrong to use other games' music. I'm part of the Game Maker community and most people with GM borrow music from other games. The only reason I wouldn't is if the music did not fit the level. And if you ment in a legal sense it would be safe seeing as you aren't selling your wad.

  6. I tried using directories that held textures and flats to add to my map, but when testing time came they were not included in the wad. So then I try to put them directly in the wad with XWE only to get an error message about missing textures/flats that could not be fixed. Can I undo that by removing the added textures? Also, what is the right way to add textures and flats? Thanks.

    Edit: I'm guessing the lack of posts means I'm doing it the right way but it just won't work?

  7. My very first experience was in about... 1997 give or take a year. I watched my older brother's friend play it and I thought "Meh cool" but I was too busy playing the DOS version of MMX. Then 8 years later in 2005 I started to get interested in Doom and older games in general. Then I played SNES Doom and remember thinking, "Holy crap... why have I wasted all thi- OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" Then this year I downloaded the shareware, ran it on ZDoom, and watched in awe. Then I ordered the collectors edition and the rest is history.

  8. Muscle Chris said:

    had some when i first played it years ago. nothin special tho. i always have a few dreams about anything new i do. wore off like everything else. i had one of doom3 after seeing a preview vid, it was funky cross between that and aliens, one freaky part was hiding in some small compartment on a heap of garbage with some monster tentacles sliding beneath us n hoping it didn't notice. eventually had a fight with the big eyeless oaf, i ripped one of its arms off and beat it to death :D

    Reminds me of the PS game Spawn: The Eternal which sucked.
