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Everything posted by Impie

  1. DOWNLOAD If the download is missing, it's probably in the process of updating. Check back in a minute or two. Way back in 1994, I played Doom for the first time and it blew my little mind. Immediately I started sketching ideas for Doom clones, and kept at it for about ten years as a hobby (Duke Nukem 3D helped influence this as well, I think). The first one I ever came up with involved a hapless dude who went on inter-dimensional adventures in horror reminiscent of The Dreams of Unknown Kadath and similar Lovecraftian works. Years later I finally find a way to bring that weird little vision to life in the form of an Ultimate Doom mod called Strange Aeons.
  2. Impie

    3DO Baron monster

    Based on the baron costume from the unproduced 3DO Doom FMV sequences, and inspired by the Doomworld forum thread about the subject. It replaces the Baron of Hell with a faster, more aggressive version. He's tougher to avoid on classic Doom maps, but takes the same amount of damage. Download Link
  3. I thought this demo was great when I was younger and got it from one of the countless software demo disks of the era. It still makes me sad that this game was never finished before it became abandonware. I loved that I got to play as a martial arts space monk, and had the option to use my brain or my brawn to escape my cell in the beginning: bash down the door or sneak out through the air vents. This was really the first time I truly enjoyed a Capstone game. Share your thoughts about the demo, and the game that never was. Also, if anyone knows where to get the demo again, please share links. All the usual abandonware sites don't seem to have it anymore.
  4. Impie

    Freedoom Story

    Is anyone in charge of the backstory for Phases 1 and 2, and writing the intermission text? If so, I'd like to take a stab at it, if no one has any objections. I write the stories for all my mods, and I did the intermission text for Mayhem 1500, if references are required. Also wondering if there is a general consensus of the plot yet or if it's totally up in the air as far as content and tone. Presently the intermissions are either undeveloped or really generic, as are the episode and megawad names (Phase 1 and Phase 2 don't really stand out, do they?), and I think I might be able to inject them with a bit more personality.
  5. Impie

    Can someone recommend good WADs to me?

    Yassir, and a bunch of others. I was moving everything to mediafire, that's why the downloads were down for a couple days. Everything should be working now though.
  6. Impie

    Can someone recommend good WADs to me?

    Download should be fixed now. Sorry 'bout that. D:
  7. I've been unable to get the booze mechanic to work the way that I wanted, so I'm releasing this demo thing so people can at least enjoy the two finished maps for it. DOWNLOAD What started as a remake of Angst: Rahz's Revenge ran away and became its own thing. After angering your woke bosses at the Global Insurance Company, you are deported to Lunica City, the only tourist trap/prison on the moon, to suffer the rest of your days in cubicle hell. A few days later the GIC’s experiments turn the moon city into a nightmare: dinosaur-like aliens have invaded, and the city is in chaos. Maybe now is a good time to find a way back to earth before the city falls? Features two finished maps, half a dozen weird guns, panicky pedestrians, beer, whiskey, alien slave girls, and a ton of weird-ass monsters.
  8. Impie

    Mike's Game Dev Dumpster

    A collection of the better indie games I made back in the day, cherry picked from the unplayable crap I mostly made. Post and share any game projects you did outside of Doom here.
  9. Impie

    Your Phrase Triggers

    I'm sure there's a name for the thing where a certain phrase triggers some kind of obscure quote in your brain, but I don't know what it is. I'm curious what everyone else's are. The two most common for me: The phrase "I'm back" Anytime someone says this, I have to fight the urge to add, "with a sore buttcrack, I've got scabies and rabies and hair on my back." This is from the first verse of an obscure track called "Dead Man Waiting to Happen" by an obscure 90s rap duo Little T and One Track Mike. Hy-po-chon-dri-ac I'm back with a sore buttcrack I've got scabies and rabies and hair on my back This stupidity has stuck with me ever since the pre-youtube days when I would browse Albino Blacksheep for weird stuff to watch, and someone had made an animutation of the first part of the track. The phrase "But first..." If I say this, or someone else does, I instinctively want to follow it up with, "YOUUUUUUUUUU'VE got tuhhhh......YOUUUUUUU'VE GOT TO GOT TO GOT TO GOT TO SHIT MAAAAAN!" It's from a dumb Green Jelly song called The Misadventures of Shitman. I don't know why I remember either of these things, let alone why I'm compelled to blurt them out every. single. time.
  10. Impie

    My Old Comics

    I was digging through my files and found a few old things I still kinda like, back when I was trying to become a comic artist. I was big on Egyptology as a kid, and occasionally made random comics involving the gods. I'd planned out a cartoon strip involving the creation of the earth etc at one point. A few panels of a comic about a mute girl who spoke with Sign Language. I chatted up a deaf girl to get feedback on how to draw her lines. I made this weird comic once personifying winter in Arizona as three roommates complaining about the thermostat. Mostly I just thought February was adorable.
  11. Impie

    My Old Comics

    A few years back I tried doing a Sonic graphic novel based on a movie concept I had in mind, but I could never finish a fan comic. Comics require so much time and energy it's hard to justify doing one based on someone else's property. Did get some good pages out of it though. Robotnik was fun to write and draw. Bit of an eccentric and callous industrialist. I wrote Princess Sally as an eco-terrorist, the opposite of Robotnik. Sonic and Tails were written as outcasts who got into trouble all the time, and only destroyed Robotnik's machines out of boredom for the most part. Later I'd reveal there was a bit more to it than that, and Sonic mostly just didn't see the point in getting rid of Robotnik 'cos another just like him would take his place, and he also ends up disapproving of Sally using people to further her own agenda. But it was Bunny who stole the show. Oddly enough, the best-looking page in the comic was drawn while I was drunk.
  12. Impie

    Share your map/WAD titles!

    Misread as Weenie King Suplex, which sounds like a pro wrestling finisher.
  13. Impie

    My Old Comics

    Last ones for the night, two more Bishop & Holiday strips. Second one is adapted from The Amityville Nuisance.
  14. Impie

    My Old Comics

    Now that you reminded me, Lit, I do have a few VG related comics I forgot all about, like this Mario one called Joyride.
  15. Impie

    My Old Comics

    Cartoon I made to critique the writing of a fellow mystery cartoonist back in the day. She thought it was a laugh riot.
  16. Impie

    My Old Comics

    I made a cartoon strip once. Here's a favorite bit from the undead guy one. Prime suspect Kiersten was fun to draw and write.
  17. Impie

    My Old Comics

    Bishop & Holiday strip I made in a comics class as an assignment.
  18. Impie

    My Old Comics

    Cool comic I did ages ago about a P.I. who comes back from the dead.
  19. Impie

    My Old Comics

    I made this one on a bet that i could pull a better story for Quest 64 out of my ass. I don't remember if I won or not.
  20. Impie

    Your Phrase Triggers

    and knuckles and knuckles and knuckles and--
  21. Impie

    Your Phrase Triggers

    I don't get this reference at all, and it still made me laugh.
  22. A stealth horror thingy based on Sneaky Doom by Josh771. Play a young boy sent to a reeducation camp what may be run by irresponsible cultists. Rely on being small, silent, and hidden in darkness to survive, or use booby traps, fire extinguishers, and big, loud guns if that doesn't work out so well. GET IT HERE
  23. I don't use Fiver partly cos I have better uses for my money and partly cos I hear a lot of stories about unprofessionalism and bad quality there. If I had a dev team making an original game with 100% new assets, I'd shell out for voice actors, too, if I could find any that aren't as insufferably woke as some of my new fans here. Also the text-to-speech voices has the added benefit of making the adults sound off-kilter in general. Also thanks for the detailed feedback on this and that, SP_Face! Those air vents are a texture alignment nightmare Dx and I'm sure there are still plenty others. As for the pits, the mod is supposed to have falling damage enabled, so if you fall into those deep pits it should kill you. Most of the time. the RDM seems to be weirder than usual in this mod.