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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Patrick

    Romero is answerin' questions

  2. Patrick

    Romero is answerin' questions

    who's John Romero?
  3. The Good: Fantastic level design and beautiful artwork. Lots of hours of Gameplay The Bad: Weapons were bland and useless, needed more ammo. The Ugly: THAT CENTAUR LEVEL
  4. Patrick

    The Great Doomworld Root Beer Giveaway 2011?

    on that note, my address has been changed :S
  5. Patrick

    UAC Ultra released! (v1.2 final)

    Music appears not to loop in software/hadrware ZDoom. Also, I did a first attempt demo on (Hurt me Plenty) MAP08 for GZDoom 1.4.8, it can be downloaded here. This is my first ever demo recording, and first ever attempt at this level. I died when I got to the spider masterminds. gave up there. beat the level later of course, but here's me failing miserably: I know you hate ZShare. I don't care
  6. Patrick

    UAC Ultra released! (v1.2 final)

    maybe I'm just somewhat underwhelmed by a certain mapper's 1994-style newstuff spam...
  7. Patrick

    UAC Ultra released! (v1.2 final)

    There was a particular fight in a mostly squarish room where some arachnotrons teleport in. There are 4 candleabras in that room that impair the player's movement when trying to circle them. These need to go. Unless that's intentional, in which cas, screw you guys :P There's also a part where there are some angles on walls that make it difficult to dodge a revenant's rocket. (I dont remember these map #'s off the top of my head) Please make these 90 angles so I can avoid those rockets. that is all for now. I'll be more specific later with some map numbers.
  8. Patrick

    UAC Ultra released! (v1.2 final)

    HOLY SHIT... BEST use of the Icon of Sin I've ever seen! Good Job guys!
  9. Patrick

    UAC Ultra released! (v1.2 final)

    holy shit. got to map07 ... the skating Cyberdemon was funny, but the cool recolor seemed to fit the overall style of the mod. I really like the kind of style that this has. It's like Quake 2, Quake 1 and Duke Nukem all together. I honestly think that some more heavy metal sounding tracks would have done wonders for this mod. But I like it nonethless. The gameplay is simple and easy to follow, I've not yet gotten lost. It seems to progress fairly linearly. Now, IMHO, this got ugly at parts using a software renderer. I ended up changing from software ZDoom to hardware GZDoom (pistol starting map05 was surprisingly easy, for the record, I NEVER pistol start a level beyond map01) I think it looks better in GZDoom with Doom-style lighting enabled and no texture filtering to keep that cool pixel-y look. I think in all I wouldn't change anything Ive seen so far, maybe add some flame trails to the feet of the skating cyberdemon so it looks like he's gliding along a trail of fire or something... Can't wait to see what happens nexy.
  10. Patrick

    Anyone up for a test run?

    Downloading. And some screenshots would be nice **
  11. @Six ... do I sense a little Doom 64 inspiration here?
  12. Patrick

    A better "Christian" America

    perhaps I should have made it clearer that I was referring to the OP's video. context helps. I was not aiming that at you, rather the dude on TV.
  13. Patrick

    A better "Christian" America

    @Keyblade: Killing all the CEOs and Corporate goons wouldn't make the world a better place. Suddenly someone has committed a mass murder and all those CEOs and corporate goons would be replaced by other CEOs and corporate goons. Intelligent people will always exist, and those who know how to manipulate other people's intelligence/lack thereof will always manage to find their ways into positions of power. @OP: Back on topic. ... really? I really thought people like this existed only on TV. There is no way on earth that this dude is legitimate. This man is a parody. somebody grew this dude in a bottle, brainwashed him with some religious assbackwardness and put him on TV to show the US how dumb some parts of the country are in hopes of change. I refuse to believe people like this exist, or have existed.
  14. Hmmmm, not trying to be a prick, but why not move this to GZDoom and just take advantage of GZDoom's true color abilities? after all, this is ZDoom, so it shouldn't be such a hard move at all.
  15. Patrick

    [ZDoom] Crushing Actors?

    whohoo, I just found the hackiest solution to this problem ....
  16. Patrick

    [ZDoom] Crushing Actors?

    to make enemy corpses gib-able, I'm having a new actor spawned on the death of an enemy. I seem to be having 2 problems with this. First of all, the newly spawned corpse doesnt seem to want to be crushed by doors, etc. It has a crush state, and it worked when it was part of the monster. Secondly, the newly spawned actor doesn't seem to want to take the old actor's translation (see the code below) does anyone have any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Actor TheDude { States{ Death: DUDE I 4 A_Gravity DUDE J 4 A_Scream DUDE K 4 A_NoBlocking DUDE L 4 TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("Dead_Dude1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,SXF_TRANSFERTRANSLATION) Stop } } //The Spawned dead guy ACTOR Dead_Dude1{ Health 10 Radius 16 Height 16 Mass 10 +CORPSE +DROPOFF -NOLIFTDROP -NOBLOCKMAP -Solid +FLOORCLIP +SHOOTABLE States { Spawn: DUDE M 1 Loop Death: TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItem("Gibs_Spawner") Stop Crush: TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound ("misc/gibbed") TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItem("Gibs_Spawner") Stop } }
  17. Patrick

    an actually GOOD doom movie

    I really want to know the origins of the John Stalvern story and why it seems to pop up everywhere.
  18. Patrick

    Need a couple suggestions :)

    I can definitely recommend GZDoom/ZDoom for multiplayer if you're not daunted by launching MP through a console or 3rd party launcher (ZDL for instance) As far as great Coop wads: Alien Vendetta, Deus Vult II, Plutonia 1 + 2 are good classic feeling wads.
  19. I'm afraid I cannot contribute, not being familiar with EDGE, nor having any desire to be such.
  20. Patrick

    The War on...Food?

    This is the r- word
  21. Patrick

    Mississippi: Asshole of the USA

    AHAHAHAHAHA. Well, Mississippi can go screw itself for all I care. I respect this girl for standing up for herself. Has anyone really gone to Mississippi and thought "gee, these people totally aren't the most uneducated, ass-backwards, redneck, unintelligent slime to walk the Earth?" And I find it even more amusing that some bible thumper says that this incident is making them look stupid.
  22. I've been sorting thru the GBD2 resources. Here's what needs to happen: WEAPONS: -I need to rework the sprites to make them consistent with the redraw of the proton pack that scuba did. I think this should be fairly easy to do, so I'll add some new arms to them. --PKE Meter: I would be cool to add an animation for the 'wings' opening/closing --Gigameter: I'll add some more animations to make this a little more slick --Ecto-Resonance Detector: I wont touch this until we make a decision on it --Neutrona Blaster looks good as is. More to come
  23. Zdoom will run on Windows XP just fine
  24. I like the idea of using a mod tracker or an impulse tracker. but what does music have to do with core gameplay?
  25. Patrick

    Who do you miss?
