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  1. in windows 7 is it impossible to hide the mouse pointer without it doing anything?

    on the right and on bottom you can still see 1 px of it

    in the bottom right corner it activates the hide all windows thingy

    in the bottom left corner it highlights the startup thingy

    and just 1 px... it's like they KNEW

    1. ShoDemo


      I always thought it was fully hidden on the bottom (mind blown). I guess the saying <<You learn something new everyday.>> can be applied here. Seriously, I wonder how I missed that, when sometimes in the past, I would just play hide and seek with the mouse for a few minutes. I would place it in the bottom, drag it to a certain distance and try to guess where it was, or I closed my eyes and moved it randomly and I pointed at where I thought it should be in the screen.


      Other than that, if I am watching a movie, I usually place the pointer on the right side and it doesn't bother me at all, because movies have the black borders on their sides and a black line (I mean the mouse) is not that much visible. I don't place it in the bottom when watching a movie, because it sometimes makes the player flash and show the length bar of the movie, which distracts me from watching (I want my screen empty of everything else during movie time).


      That pixel though is incredibly tiny and my display is 1600x900. I wonder how small it would seem in a 1080p or 1440p monitor.

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