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Everything posted by Zonra

  1. Yo.... Im curently working on a mod prodject and hav a little problem... How do you do to change the forvard,backvard, turning and strafing movment of the player? i would apritiate any help in this matter... im kinda stuck atm....
  2. ummm... so how and where to i use that line to make it work?
  3. GZdoom and im working in the Zdoom (Doom in Hexen format) configuration i doombuilder
  4. Zonra

    DECORATE question

    I curently trying to make a moonster in xwe using the decorate funktion but im having a bit of a problem... I have som costom images i made my self, i named them as instructed ZDoom wiki, and imported into the wad file whith xwe... the images are x2 higth and with from the normal doom sprites and i was told you could easaly use them in DECORATE... but after i import the images i cant use em in the DECORATE functions... what do i need to do to make it work? In the code im curently using the VILE sprites as placeholders... DECORATE CODE: actor ZombieLord 3007 { spawnid 111 obituary "%o was killed by an ZombieLord." health 100 radius 20 height 56 mass 500 speed 8 painchance 20 seesound "C_Z_SEE" painsound "C_Z_HIT" deathsound "C_Z_DIE" activesound "C_Z_ACTIVE" attacksound "C_Z_ATTACK" dropitem "SmallBloodPool" MONSTER +FLOORCLIP states { Spawn: VILE AB 10 A_Look loop See: VILE AABBCCDDEEFF 2 A_Chase loop Melee: VILE G 0 A_FaceTarget VILE G 10 A_SargAttack VILE G 10 A_Scream goto See Pain: VILE Q 5 VILE Q 5 A_Pain goto See Death: VILE Q 7 VILE R 7 A_Scream VILE S 7 A_NoBlocking VILE TUVW 7 VILE XY 5 VILE Z -1 stop } }
  5. Zonra

    DECORATE question

    Ok i got the images working but how do i make them smaler so tey have the right size but are more detaled upp close???
  6. Zonra

    How do i edit monster?

    Hi... im curently working om a mod and as a biginer i have a questtion... How do you edit the monsters? I need do edit the images, sounds and the stats of the monsters but as a beginer i have no idea how i should do it... what program should i use and how should i use it... o and the monster i wana edit is the pink deamon thingy whit doom2 as a base.... links to guides or instruktions will be mutch apriciated
  7. Zonra

    How do i edit monster?

    Nice. thx a lot! this was just the thing i was looking for
  8. Zonra

    How do i edit monster?

    I know how to extract the images... what i awnt to know i hor i edit the monsters... as in changing movmentspeed and image animation.. but i dont know how i can get to the scripcodes that make upp the monsters...
  9. Zonra

    How do i edit monster?

    ok... i already have Xwe... so how i use it to edit the monsters in the wad files?