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Everything posted by Arjak

  1. Give it a try. I'll stop bumping this thread every few months when sh*t gets done, I promise. ;) IMPORTANT EDIT: I am making a small tweak to one of my maps. Please hold. :) EDIT #2: After a little bit of thinking about it, I have decided to make the Cyberdemon fight at the end of Castle Bloodletting slightly less optional. I also added a bit of a nasty surprise to the fight on Hard Difficulty! Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?55kh52cmmw2ekvq
  2. Sorry to necropost, but I'd rather do that than create another thread with little reason. I really hope V1.1 comes out eventually. I have friends that I would like to show my levels to, but have been waiting for the bugfixed version.
  3. Bump. Any news on Version 1.1? It sounds like it was almost done over a month ago.
  4. Yep, that's a mistake on my part. Probably left over from before I understood how the secret sector tag worked. Definitely feel free to remove that secret tag on the window. Has there been any progress on the bugfix release? The last post in this thread was half a month ago.
  5. Hey, guys. Sorry I haven't been around lately. I've been really distracted by other projects and real life. I haven't done any mapping in months and I'm concerned of whether I'll be able to do any soon. I'll see what I can do, though.
  6. TOMORROW!? Well, there goes my plans for having my Map 01 candidate done by the start date, but hey, it doesn't matter because I'M SO EXCITED! :D I also must shift my priorities. I have been spending most of my time working on the first episode of a Web Series that I've created, but this is now a higher priority. See you all in the new thread!
  7. I'm definitely in for NOVA 2, if I'm allowed to participate. I've already started working on a Map 01 candidate that I am calling "Reveille". It takes place at a UAC barracks that DoomGuy is stationed at when the demons mount a surprise attack. I'll try to keep working on it so that it might be ready shortly after thread launch.
  8. Hey, Suitepee. When is Part 3 of the stream coming? I've been waiting excitedly for a while now!
  9. Arjak

    Wolfenstein: The New Order annouced

    Wow, this actually looks kinda cool! I wasn't sure if this would be any good. Now my hopes are raised slightly. Maybe I'll pre-order it when I get the cash.
  10. While we're reporting bugs, Suitepee, during his stream, found a major bug in Hell's Furnace that renders the map impossible to finish. After you enter the Yellow Key door, it slams shut behind you for the fight, and is impossible to open. This is fine in itself, but there is a secret which teleports you back outside the door, making the map unwinnable.
  11. I watched the first part of your stream, Suitepee, and I loved it. I really appreciated your positive comments on my map, Sewage Processing. It's almost always a good feeling to be appreciated for your work, so to hear you praising things like my monster placement and the sewage secret made me a happy man. Hearing you call that part "diabolically cunning" made my day! The sewage secret was one of the first ideas I had when making this map, actually. I thought it would be a neat idea as I had never seen a secret like that in Doom before. I never intended it to be done the way you did it, though, as you probably realized when you found the radiation suit secret, but it was quite badass to see you charge through, taking the damage like a champ. I'm glad you enjoyed Sewage Processing. I hope you'll like my next map (Map 20) even better. Let me know when you do the next stream, so I can watch!
  12. I await the release with great excitement. It feels good to be finally done. :D By the way, thanks for changing my credit like I asked. I was just too proud of this to be credited with just my username!
  13. Upon reading the text files, I've decided I would like to change my author credit to include my real name, like some of the others have done. Please credit me in the text file as: Collin "Arjak" Pierce
  14. Well, it looks like the missing pieces are finally coming together. We might actually make this deadline! All jokes aside, I just want to say that I am truly grateful to everyone who made this project a reality; everyone who put so much effort into making this the best megawad it could possibly be. It really has been a pleasure working for and with you all. While the last two years of work has been tiring and probably even frustrating, I am so proud that it has paid off and that I got to be a part of it. Kildeth started this project off with a simple concept. And now, two years and a quarter later, I feel we have achieved something more than just a simple realization of that concept. I feel we have created a symbol of perseverance. Our hard work has paid off more than we should've believed possible. I never realized before how much work it must take to put together such a large-scale project such as this. I made my maps for this project a long time ago, it feels like, and though I did work on them almost up to the end, the fact that it took so long for people to finally have a chance to play the final product has not gone unnoticed by me. Looking at my maps, it already feels like looking at old photos of myself. I feel a little disconnected, and question some of my choices. I've learned a lot in the process of making these maps, and I feel I've learned a bit since then, as well. I look at my maps and wonder: If I had the chance to make these maps again, how different would they be? Would the layout be any different? Would I have been able to detail it better? Would the fights be more challenging? Would I have been able to create that epic climax that I envisioned for Castle Bloodletting, but was too inexperienced to actually create at the time? I'll never get the chance to answer those questions, and it's probably better that way in most cases anyway. A completed WAD in the /idgames archive is like a monument of history in the Doom community. What we have created will hopefully last a long time, which will allow us and others to scrutinize our work, possibly a bit too harshly sometimes. It's easy to look back and say, "What were they thinking when they came up with THAT?" In the moment, we make a lot of choices; some good, some bad. I hope we can look back on this project and remember when we were mapping newbies with fondness and nostalgia. I feel like I've just graduated from my first year of Doom Mapping University. Soon, I'll be ready to start my sophomore year. Until then, thank you all once again. I'm looking forward to the release of NOVA, after so long. I hope NOVA 2, if the time ever comes, is just as fun to work on, if possibly a little more efficient. See you then.
  15. I played a bit of the newest release, and with a little IDCLEVing, I can confirm that the new skies are working, at least on my end. Bravo, Plums!
  16. I would definitely be on board for working on Nova 2 when the time comes. I've been coming up with map ideas as well as ways to improve my mapping style. I might even contribute some MIDIs next time around.
  17. The suspense of waiting for this to be released is horrible. I hope it's out by the end of February as well, but I wont hold my breath.
  18. Love those skies, EvilNed. Absolutely gorgeous.
  19. That comic strip Maes posted is awesome. Are there any more of these?
  20. I like that intermission pic, Kildeth. It gives me the feeling of the aftermath of a battle, and the sense of both success and relief that comes with it. It's funny, but a map with all the monsters killed feels very...lonely. That pic also reminds me of that feeling of being alone. It just looks so desolate!
  21. This is a totally awesome idea. I currently use CDL as my frontend, which is extremely helpful, but I do have a few issues with it. For one, it tends to lump all of the wads into one list, with no sorting options. You can go into a folder list, but that's a little cumbersome. Being able to associate a wad with its deh files and a preferred source port would be great.
  22. This is a great thread, both in concept and in content. I have come up with a few concepts for boss monsters: Cyberdemon 2.0 - Looks like an enhanced cyberdemon, probably a different color to easily differentiate it from a standard cyber. It has more hit points and additional weapons: a plasma gun that functions the same as an arachnotron's, which is mounted on the top of the cyber's rocket launcher, and mounted on its shoulders are revenant-style homing missile launchers. The idea here is to make it so you can't just circle-strafe it while continuously firing, forcing you to create more complex strategies. Fallen Angel - One of the Devil's high ranking officers, and a final boss-type monster. Although it looks like an angel, tall, human in appearance, and with dove-white wings, it is extremely powerful, with enough hit points to make the BFG the only option, and even then you should be prepared for a long, hard fight. It can fire fast-moving projectiles that do a good amount of damage, swipe at you with a magic sword for even MORE damage when you get too close (melee attack), and cause ground level shockwaves that cause more damage than the standard projectile (but less than melee attack), although they travel slower. It can also resurrect any monster. It spends most of the time on the ground, but can also fly if you try to get above it. It moves quite fast and sometimes likes to charge at you to get in a melee attack. It even occasionally taunts you via on-screen messages.
  23. Another odd thing I've found, this time in Warehouse District: This fence doesn't block movement. You can go right through it.
  24. It doesn't cause any issues, it just looks really awkward to me to see the scrolling metal texture in that circular indent with no logical explanation. Also, if it was the lower platform linedef that you were trying to make scroll, it isn't scrolling at all. Only the upper is scrolling, making it seem even more like a bug. Perhaps it seems cool to you, but as a player, I look at it and think it looks strange and that it's probably a mistake, and I'm pretty sure in this case that other noticing players will think the same. It really just looks...glitchy.
  25. Whoa, wait! Hold everything! I found a couple of mistakes! Hazard Facility In this spot in Hazard Facility, the linedef on the ceiling indent where the lights are is scrolling, creating a weird, probably unintentional effect. Service Station Sick (I think) Obvious misaligned texture on the lower linedef.