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Everything posted by Death-Destiny

  1. Death-Destiny

    Hadeharia: My first map (completed)

    Like this, just put another sector in front of the door with the appropriate height:
  2. Death-Destiny

    For Every Action, A Re-Action!

    ebg13 vf whfg n onfvp sbez bs rapelcgvba jurer rirel punenpgre vf punatrq gb na nycunorgvpny punenpgre 13 nurnq sbe n-z naq 13 oruvaq sbe a-m (urapr gur anzr, "ebg[ngr ol ]13"). Guvf zrnaf gur fnzr nytbevguz erirefrf gur zrffntr gb vg'f bevtvany sbez. Gur cbvag bs guvf vf fb vs lbh cyna gb funer fbzrguvat gung fbzrbar ryfr zvtug abg jnag gb ernq ng gur zbzrag (n fcbvyre sbe rknzcyr), gura gurl qba'g unir gb jbeel nobhg fxvzzvat gur cntr naq ernqvat vg nppvqragnyyl. Ngjunl rgunl hpxsnl?
  3. Death-Destiny

    Aww crap.

    Quite the contrary, I think that's exactly how the mind works. If you think about it in a simple physical scope, this is just a progression through 4D space. Of course people can't percieve this 4th diminension, but if we could, I bet it would be a fairly simple task to make a graph of the 3D aspects of the mind with respect to the 4th dimension. That doesn't bother me, though. This progression of one conciousness to another at a farther point in 4D space is what I would call the self. It's just like if I walk across the room, then the self I was no longer exists in my current position in 4D space, but I always exist where I currently am, so it really doesn't bother me that my past position is not directly unified with my current one. Time isn't really a good way to measure the 4th dimension, IMO. What if you plotted a graph divided every second? Is my consciousness different every second? How about every nanosecond? Not a real good definition, IMO. Actually, reading these arguments, I'm thinking we're just trying to put seemingly abstract concepts into physical terms. Whether my "consciousness" is considered a progression on arrangements of neural activity with respect to a 4th dimension or the apparantly seemless series it appears to be in 3D space, it still works the same. I can still play Doom, make money, and make choices when the time comes, even if my choice is pre-determined. Damn. Re-reading that, I'm sure I explained that poorly, but I hope you get the gist of what I meant...
  4. Death-Destiny

    Aww crap.

    This discussion is just too good to miss out on, so I just have to add my thoughts. ;) I think I see what you're getting at, Creaphis, and that's actually similar to what I think. I'll try to explain, though it's difficult as you've mentioned. IMO, the brain does indeed just carry out all it's functions regardless of some type of consciousness, if you will. The brain is still a physical system. The variable patterns of electricity/chemistry that the brain exhibits is what consciousness is, IMO. Why the brain does this is, of course, difficult to say, but there seems to be no reason to assume that it wouldn't always happen, just like a storm will always brew once the condiditons are correct. It's just a matter of which stimuli produce which result. Like a storm is dependent on the temperature, the pressure, etc, the choices a mind makes are also based on the conditions, but both are simply systems following the prescribed laws of physics. I am "conscious" because of the electrical/chemical signals in my brain, and my choices are based on the stimuli and the circumstances I'm involved in causing that pattern to change somehow. I see no reason how this "consciousness" can transcend our physical minds, and is simply our way of imterpreting the way our minds make choices based on our understanding of it, which is beyond testing at this point. I believe, however, that if a person went back in time and lost their memories beyond that point, they would always make the exact same choices, given that the stimuli and circumstances were exactly the same. At least, from the properties of the mind that can be tested, that's the conclusion I came up with, anyway, as poorly explained as I'm sure it is... =S
  5. Death-Destiny

    Baron of hell, what is he made of?

    Just a comment relating to this idea, when I first saw the interpretation of Hell Knights in Doom3, I was extremely dissappointed that they looked nothing like their predecessors. However, independent of their history, the Doom 3 Hell Knights are pretty freakin' sweet, and my favorite Doom 3 enemies. From this analogy, I'd say majorly reinterpreting an enemy is not bad and can definitely produce a sweet monster, but probably just isn't what people have in mind when they look at a reinterpretation, as they will intuitively expect it to be similar to the prototype they had in their minds from past experience, and so tends to produce dissapointment by differing from their expectations.
  6. Death-Destiny

    Weak Pain Elementals

    AFAIK, The random number system only applies to the demons, which is why they inflict a variable amount of damage within a certain range (for example, when you get hit dead-on with a Cyb missile and you have 200 health and 100 armor, the amount of remaining armor/health you have might vary, but you will always die from an additional hit.) The damage Doomguy's weapons inflict, however, should always be the same. As has been mentioned already, shooting PEs and cacos with the chaingun always takes exactly the same number of bullets. Often when I make demos of maps, for example, I count off the number of plamsa bursts I shoot at an enemy in a fixed location. Since the damage is always the same, I can proceed to another task without actually having to wait for the plasma to reach the enemy and watch it die, since I'm confident for this reason that it surely will.
  7. Death-Destiny

    Possible link between Jurassic Park and Wolf3d

    Turok 2 for the N64 was sweet. I loved the line-up of enemies and the environments, and the weapons and combat were fun. It didn't even have that many glitches. I thought the levels were so nicely done that I didn't really mind replaying them to complete an objective so I'd get to explore them more. Turok 3 sucked. It had unplayable lag on it's own system, the N64, even with the RAM expansion pack, which is pretty much an auto fail. Turok 1 wasn't half bad either, but wasn't nearly as good as Turok 2, IMO.
  8. Death-Destiny

    Weak Pain Elementals

    Ha ha, I remember that one. I used to think it was funny to alert them and let them live, chasing me around the map powerlessly attempting to attack me, but being empty of Lost Souls. I like PEs, though. While the way they are programmed gets a bit messy sometimes, I have a lot of fun with them, and it's not so bad mapping with them once you become familiar enough with the way they work. Actually, PEs are my favorite Doom2 monster... I probably like how they change up the gameply from simply dodging projectiles to trying to kill it ASAP in order to avaoid a swarm and run out of ammo. I like Archies for that same reason that they switch things up from simply avoiding projectiles, since you want to prevent them from resurrecting things.
  9. Death-Destiny

    Possible link between Jurassic Park and Wolf3d

    I remember playing this really sweet monster hunt map for UT where your team has to fight dinosaurs. Your team had to travel back in time to stop the Skaarj from changing history. To access the Skaarj base in the past, you had to travel across the landscape fighting all kinds of dinosaurs to find a bunch of relics. That map was a blast, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was called. =( It may be some good inspiration for a Doom mod if anyone else here plays the original UT monster hunt mods.
  10. Death-Destiny

    Help me find more slaughter maps!

    THE GESTAPO THREAD GOT HELLED BECAUSE THE THREAD STARTER CONSISTANTLY YELLED EVERYTHING HE HAD TO SAY MUCH LIKE THIS DESPITE CONSTANT WARNINGS FROM THE MODERATORS TO STOP DOING SO. Also, the author of the said map was banned for bringing out his Doom2 warez. Finally, I'm not sure how he went about constructing Gestapo, but I heard there was an element of plagerism involved (which wouldn't surprise me with him having modified copies of Doom2), though regardless of its origins, I agree that it's a very nice map regardless.
  11. Death-Destiny

    Claustrophobia 1024: The Sequal to Congestion 1024

    Nah, it's just not completed yet. He mis-assigned some sector references that rendered as HOMs, but that's the only thing that he needs to fix. IIRC, he was going to simply remove these sectors and put torches where they were, however he couldn't do that 10 days ago when I sent the PM because he was too sleepy. Whenever he wakes up enough to fix this and resubmits the map, I'll put it on the list. Butts made a rather nice map, BTW. =) Also, Butts, if you don't want to fool with that setup anymore, I could set it up the way you intended for you with the dormant, unshootable Lost Souls if you'd like. It's no trouble at all and it'll take me like 2 minutes if you want me to do it. =)
  12. Death-Destiny

    My new website and projects

    TIP: It kinda helps if the we can click on the URL in your signature... :)
  13. Death-Destiny

    15 years of doom

    The sign has to say "I'm Nancy" instead of "I'm Scorpion" though, since we get to call him Nancy for a year! ...Just Kidding ;-P
  14. Death-Destiny

    Claustrophobia 1024: The Sequal to Congestion 1024

    Well, the discussion about releasing a "demo" has no point. It would be a silly thing to do and was hasty to even suggest. I agree, we'd only be releasing it because we're content with 26 maps instead of 32. Look, we've just got to be patient. Releasing a 5/6th done project will do more harm than good to the WAD's reputation and the current group of mapper's have only been at work for like 2 weeks, which isn't much considering people have school/jobs to attend to as their first priority. So long as they finish by October or something, I think it would be reasonable, and we can release a complete 32 level megaWAD instead of some incomplete, sputtered-out, and uninspired looking thing. =/
  15. Death-Destiny

    Claustrophobia 1024: The Sequal to Congestion 1024

    No, it isn't. There's just 6 more partially completed maps to go before this thing can begin being compiled and whatnot. I'm sure the mappers are hard at work within the constraints of their schedules completing their contributions (right?). A little patience will go a long way. ;) About the color-blind topic we're apparantly discussing, this is the best way I can describe it. Take red-green colorblindness as an example. Like Stupidbunny explained, being colorblind does not mean being "blind" to colors. It simply means it is difficult or impossible to distinguish between particular colors. In the case of red-green colorblindness, the person would be able to see both colors. However, many shades of the different colors would appear to be a gereric red/green color. Therefore, two objects, one a shade of red and one a shade of green, would appear to be the same shade of the generic color. Therefore, while the colors can still be interpreted, they cannot be distinguished from one another. I hope I explained that well. =S This is a simulation to help people with standard vision understand color blindness. The top row of apples look different to people with normal visiion, but the top row might look like the bottom row to a red-green color blind person. Wow, this got off topic, but learning new things is always good. =)
  16. Death-Destiny

    The Dread Keep: My first wad

    Agreed. Even with utilizing reasonable infighting and exhausting all my ammo, there still wasn't enough ammo to avoid tysoning at least something (either a Baron or a group of weaker enemies most likely). What I'd do is replace the Invulnerability with a a berserk pack, since you were worried that the invulnerability was unnecessary anyway and it would make the invariable tyson fight more efficient and less tedious (This way, you address two concerns with one change! Yay for efficiency! =D) Also, if you're playing the map for the first time and kill everything up to the Baron near the rocket launcher prior to getting the key needed to advance, upon backtracking, you will probably run out of shells before getting the first key and have to tyson/pistol snipe a Hell Knight, which I doubt was your intention. Maybe another 12 or some other arbitrary number of shells more at the start could help avoid this.
  17. Death-Destiny

    Weak Pain Elementals

    You are correct. Shooting a demon at point-blank range is less effective than shooting it from say 16 pixals away, generally speaking. Zdoom's hit-scan hit detection logic is different from vanilla Doom's (which makes it odd that this effect still happens in Zdoom... hmm...) in which this effect is even more noticable. In vanilla, if happens fairly frequently that if you are in a demon's face and shoot it with a hitscan weapon, the shot will go straight through it depending on how you line up with the blockmap. This source details how the vanilla Doom blockmap works. If you stand right next to a demon near a blockmap gridline, it is fairly likely you will shoot in the square that the demon is not considered to be in (even if the demon is partially in the sqaure, its origin is what's checked for, apparantly), causing Doom to think you missed, or causing "partial misses" where some SSG pellets are considered hits and others aren't. BTW, I'm not sure how well I explained that... feel free to clarify. =S I often kill PEs in 2 SSG hits and cacos in 3, but that's just because of the distance I fight them from. I can get close enough to PEs to kill them in 2 shots most of the time. Whenever I kill cacos in 3, I'm almost never surprised by it, because I can tell from where I'm standing that not quite enough pellats will hit the caco to kill it in 2 shots, since I fight cacos from farther away to avoid the counterattack. The SSG does somewhere around 200 HP of damage per shot, so there's almost no margin of error to kill cacos/PEs in 2 hits (like it's possible, but very difficult, to kill Hell Barons in 5 hits instead of 6.)
  18. Death-Destiny

    Alyx Vance mini bust 1

    Oh, sweet, it's Alyx!!! She's one of my favorite video game characters (the Half-Life series is one of my favorites, though Doom tops the list, of course. ;] ) I'm liking this rendition you did of her. It looks just like her and has a lot of life to it, if you know what I mean. Nice work. =D
  19. Death-Destiny

    My new website and projects

    You have a webpage. Duly noted.
  20. Death-Destiny

    The /newstuff Chronicles #327

    So uh, what's the point of that one. Is it to get killed? Hmm... I wonder why I'd want to do that. I wonder if I should download that WAD... Anyway, Cybersky is great fun and is my recommendation for slaughter map lovers. I actually thought Hell's Grammar School wasn't half bad, either (Ocarina of Time Forest Temple theme, ftw!) granted it was basically an ACS practice map. Lop3 was also kind of fun as well if you need more maps to check out.
  21. Death-Destiny

    The /newstuff Chronicles #327

    No need to worry, Creaphis. Whenever you get the time, the maps will all be here waiting for you. =)
  22. Death-Destiny

    Baron of hell, what is he made of?

    Come on, KuriKai. You're too tense. You need to relex a little. A few light-hearted jokes aren't going to kill you or your thread. This is just the way the forum is and not everyone is humerless, no-nonse, and all-about-business 24/7. We're just being human, which entails having fun. Doom is a pasttime, after all, and not a job. =/ [P.S.]"What is a Baron made of" sounds pretty random to me too, BTW.[/P.S.]
  23. Death-Destiny

    How do I get my wad noticed?

    Nah, it'll only work once. This topic will be timelined if someone else asks this same question anytime in the near future.
  24. Death-Destiny

    Help me find more slaughter maps!

    Have you played Aeternum yet? Map02 has like 800 enemies and all three in the set are pretty much slaughter map material. This levelset was very well-done, so I'm not sure why it isn't more popular. I see you played eaxt.WAD already. I was going to suggest that one to you. I wish Erik Alm would have made a megaWAD out of it, but seeing the reponse it got probably deterred him from doing so, despite it being very well-done. :( Also, TimeOfDeath made a map, Squane, with like 1600 demons that can be killed in about 8 minutes, a genuine slaughter. Slaughter maps tend to be a fairly uncommon genre since they're not really that popular, but they're around if you want to find them. I like slaughter maps, though. =)
  25. Death-Destiny

    My first official level (WIP)

    You should let him do it himself. From my experience, every single map I've seen created by a new mapper and touched up by a more experienced mapper fails to teach anything. Chances are very likely that the newer mapper's follow-up map would be the same quality as their first map prior to the touch up because someone else did the work for them. We want Clusterone to learn how to map well, now don't we? =) Besides, while you did have some good points, many of them were opiniated, and Clusterone should develop his own style and preferences instead of following someone else's.