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Everything posted by skillsaw

  1. I believe the only place that becomes inaccessible is the very start of the map -- i.e. the broken bridge you are standing on when the map starts. You should be able to get to the area where the first wave of imps and stuff is -- however, you aren't able to get back there until much later in the map.
  2. The music also reminds me of SNES era beat'em ups :) But no on Blood II - I've never played it.
  3. If they're still alive, you'll run into them later.
  4. Thanks, there were a few other cases of autoaim breaking down through portals here and there... not sure if I can fix this or if it's more engine side, but I'll play with it a bit.
  5. I like high threat, low health monsters and wanted more variety.
  6. Thanks for reporting -- but this is a known bug with EE 4.02.00 it's been fixed in the dev builds.
  7. The Tortured Soul is an EDF port of a monster from Realm 667. I guess I never bothered trimming it from the resource. There is a bit of challenge when using custom monsters and weapons in a short, 7 map episode. I don't want to introduce too many new things too quickly. Originally, nine maps were planned, so I would have introduced the Tortured Soul in one of the cancelled maps.
  8. Thanks. I have now corrected this oversight. The double doors are way better.
  9. I've just uploaded RC2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/avmk962rcflwb1e/heartland_rc2.zip?dl=1 Changes since RC1C: Add Scuba Steve's improved SSG frames Add Scuba Steve's improved SG frames Fixed RL muzzleflash Added widescreen sprite for fireaxe Add Scuba Steve to credits.txt Add iamcarrotmaster to credits.txt Fix random HOMs on MAP03 Fix MAP05 softlock if you jump off conveyor belts to get behind some of the machines Fix MAP05 softlock if you jump off of the rafters in the room with the Grell invasion Add a very small number of rockets to MAP01 to make getting the first, optional RL more worthwhile Fix portal jank in the MAP02 scenery Fix random ass floating vine in MAP03 Fix graphical glitch where some monsters would sink into the floor in the room behind the YK doors in MAP02 Fix MAP03 softlock where if the switch behind the RK door is pressed a second time after gaining access to the outdoor area, the map would softlock Improved scripting & triggers for the moving bridge section in MAP05. I declare it unbreakable. (please. please.) Fixed some medikits on MAP03 that would float in the air sometimes Monsters can now break glass with hitscan attacks Fixed 2 soft locks on MAP06 related to getting off raising platforms early, or hitting switches in a sequence I didn't predict Made the Blue Key doors on MAP04 into polyobjects since it makes more physical sense Improved trigger placement upon exiting the tram in MAP06 so you can't accidentally miss it Random lesser visual issues, texture alignment, and etc.
  10. It's possible that you ran into the same softlock the stx-vile reported yesterday. It happens if you hit the switch behind the RK door after opening up the path that leads out of the bottom area. I've fixed the bug locally and will have that up soon.
  11. Thanks for reporting! I'll add it to the list.
  12. If you change the last character of the video mode to 'F' the game should run in fullscreen. Alternatively it seems to run perfectly for me as a fullscreen window when windowed, with video mode set to my native resolution (3840x2160W). I'm not sure how the 'Favorite Screen Mode' setting is factored in though..
  13. I think some of the autoaim breaking down is likely an engine bug. Not sure if there is a fix from my end realistically. With respect to the glass, there doesn't seem to be support for lines triggering on monster projectiles or I could fix that easily as well. There might be a workaround where a custom low hp thing is placed in the glass, and if the thing dies (either by player or monster attack), it triggers the glass breaking script for the correct line, but I'm not sure it's worth the effort...
  14. do what you want. I will keep the RCs on my dropbox indefinitely and eventually a final release will make it to idgames. Thanks for letting me know! I'll try to watch the vod. I think someone else reported the map05 weirdness, but the map03 one is new to me. I should be able to fix both. None in particular, I think you can still override it if you prefer to have it off. It may make sense to remove it from OPTIONS depending on the default setting, I would kinda prefer it on for users coming from Zdoom/PrB+.
  15. Thanks everyone for reporting issues. Looks like I have a lot to fix! I'll keep looking out in this thread for more, even if I don't have the time to respond to them all. It's hugely appreciated. Anyways, more bugs than usual this time ... the learning curve was clearly a bit higher for me. I'm not too sure what the state of EE's coop is. Sadly, coop is untested - Heartland really is just 'starts only' at this point. There are probably sequence breaks and also the possibility of some maps becoming unwinnable if everyone respawns. Me too! There's supposed to be a loose in-world explanation for this... I mean, where are all these crates being shipped from? Xaser has heard you and made these fixes... They'll be included in the next build. The axe especially looks a lot better with the sprite fixes. Somber Density by Nokturnus and Cubic Worlds by Stewboy come to mind. Try it! Portals are a game changer. Of course! Working with an advanced port is pretty eye-opening - I think 'semi-shock' is also an apt description of how I felt a lot of the time when opening Doom Builder. And thanks to you (and everyone else who's downloaded and installed Eternity for the first time) for taking a trip outside of the Boom comfort zone... Making an advanced port project is something that's been on my bucket list for a long time, and I'm very grateful to everyone's been willing to give it a shot, and it makes it the headaches that come with learning worthwhile.
  16. Not at all, thanks for asking because I'm sure many who haven't looked into editing for Eternity have questions... I probably should have included some explanation in the OP. There's a lot more going on under the hood, but in general Eternity provides some MAJOR features that prevent this from ever being ported to a Boom standard: EDF. EDF is a definition language for things. It's much more extensible than dehacked (the Boom-supported standard for thing modding) and allows me to make many more changes to weapons, monsters, and decorations, and those changes to be more sophisticated in nature. Linked portals. Linked portals offer a way to segment a map so that you can completely ignore Doom's "room over room" limitations by building areas separately in the map and linking them with portal specials. This allows large scale 3d structures that aren't possible without linked portals [or GZDoom 3d floors]. Look at the room-over-room stuff going on in the OP screenshots for example - Boom can't do stuff like this. Other mapping features Just stuff like scripts to make the maps dynamic, polyobjects to make geometry that moves horizontally, etc. I'm sure there's more....
  17. Thanks everyone for reporting issues and for all the comments. https://www.dropbox.com/s/a8evvbk8ag25rn2/heartland_rc1c.zip?dl=0 Here is RC1C. The only change is to include @Altazimuth's generalized EDF fix for the invulnerable monsters -- which should prevent monsters from ever entering this invulnerable state. I'll fix the various other mapping related issues reported here in a later build (not coming soon if I can help it), but I wanted to get this fix out there because it is pretty critical, since it's likely there are other undiscovered instances of this bug. Assuming this stabilizes things I'll slow down the updates from my end :)
  18. Could you post a screenshot? Would help me track them down.
  19. Thanks everyone! @Spectre01 - this is a map bug. Thanks for letting me know. Tarnsman found a similar bug on MAP05. I've put up rc1b here, which fixes both issues: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jq1qxh079022nbl/heartland_rc1b.zip?dl=0
  20. skillsaw

    DEHEXTRA discussion (split from Pr+ UMAPINFO thread)

    Although it would be useful, if an A_ProjectileAttack(thing id, horizontal angle) code pointer were implemented, you could also fire multiple projectiles in the same instant by using multiple 0 duration states in a row - which would probably be the preferred approach, since it's only possible to provide two parameters.
  21. skillsaw

    Valiant: Vaccinated Edition



    This edition of Valiant strips out all of the MBF DeHackEd work from the original release, which means this version is compatible with gameplay mods! If you really disliked the additional monsters and weapons in Valiant, you could also play this version as an alternative, since none of that content is present. Have fun! It's probably going to be a bit easy, though.
  22. I've been working with DoomTools for a week or so and it's been pretty great! DecoHack seems to me like the way everyone should be doing DeHackEd from now on - it's more human-understandable and faster to represent thing and state definitions in a DECORATE-like syntax than in DeHacked files or by manually tracing through WhackEd state charts. I can't imagine doing DeHackEd work any other way after trying it. The only real shortcoming I've run into is having issues related to hardcoded Doom behavior, but the documentation was extremely helpful in figuring that out -- and, realistically, I would have run into the same issues with any other tool. I've also been using WadMerge to set up a single command build. I have all project resource files organized in a .zips-as-a-wad style folder structure (that I push up to github) and use a single WadMerge script to build the entire folder into a .wad file (using a single command in a terminal window). DoomMake seems even more powerful, and I plan to look into using that as well. I imagine as the project grows being able to build just the maps portion, just the textures portion, etc, could be useful. For anyone who is a bit skeptical I highly recommend giving it a shot, especially so if you have experience working with git and would like to take advantage of using it for wad development. For those who don't work with it, there are a bunch of reasons why it's really nice.... Instead of constantly backing up copies of a monolithic binary file (say, your 100mb magnum opus megawad) to your dropbox folder, you only need to push up the assets you've actually changed since you last pushed your work. If you are working with a group of contributors, you can each independently push changes up (adding more textures, adding music, updating dehacked, edf, or decorate, etc) without the need to pass around the file or to have one single person take ownership of updating the resource. This has been great for me as others have made contributions to Doom projects of mine and I basically only need to click a button to pull those changes into my local copy. Note that git doesn't handle merges on binary files (for obvious reasons) so you can still run into conflicts that can't really be resolved if you both work on the same map or the same image file, etc -- so that does still require coordination, but generally people are working on different maps and different assets anway. git will keep a versioned history of every single file you work with, so you can revert to an old copy if necessary. In fact, with DoomMake set up, it is trivial to build the project as it existed at any point in time. [nerding out] Having a history of your progress is kind of cool in its own right, but it's even cooler when it can be interactive! probably more stuff... Thanks MTrop!
  23. skillsaw

    DEHEXTRA discussion (split from Pr+ UMAPINFO thread)

    I know I'm late to the party (and this has mostly settled), but wanted to say that I was messing around with the DEHEXTRA extensions so far and it's pretty amazing - especially in combination with a tool like DecoHack that does a lot of the state management work for you. DeHackEd is far more comprehensible and extendible now. I'm curious if there is any traction for additional features - I've seen a request for custom monster projectiles called out 3-4 times in this thread and want to echo that it would be a killer feature, especially if it can be parameterized to allow some angles and/or offsets to allow custom firing patterns.
  24. skillsaw

    Eternity Engine 4.02.00 Forseti

    Thanks for the release! The independent renderer resolution is great addition that I've been using out of the dev builds for a while.