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BJ Blazkowicz

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Everything posted by BJ Blazkowicz

  1. BJ Blazkowicz

    UAC or Umbrella?

    Actually, there is some proof of the latter.
  2. BJ Blazkowicz

    The Most Annoying wad in the world

    Not unless he adds George Romero as the exit to every level.
  3. BJ Blazkowicz

    Which bossback pic should I use?

    Hmm...I would say the second, but that could all change if you fixed up the faults with the first and made it more interesting...
  4. BJ Blazkowicz

    Doom 1 or 2?

    Haha, I remember the first time I heard the Baron of Hell. I wasn't that scared until I saw it in person. I literally jumped up in my seat and fell off. Ended up dying, but my expression was exactly like Doomguy's "OMG" face.
  5. BJ Blazkowicz

    XOP, a 2D shooter

    Mmm...same goes for me...
  6. BJ Blazkowicz

    The Most Annoying wad in the world

    Haha, Gamerra. Might as well throw in Mothra while we're at it. But seriously, why not just make another Mock?
  7. BJ Blazkowicz

    Internet Doom Explorer 4.09

    Thanks for the links, though personally, I mainly use IDE's ST edition.
  8. BJ Blazkowicz

    How do you play DOOM?

    Haha, oh yeah. I forgot about that thing.
  9. BJ Blazkowicz


    Might as well make a Contra MMORPG while we're at it.
  10. BJ Blazkowicz

    Shotgun Frenzy - Invasion/RTS Mod

    Oh goodness...I think I shivered...
  11. BJ Blazkowicz

    Doom 1 or 2?

    Inferno wasn't bad...I liked the end, but...it was missing something... I like the trick near the end with the (almost) duplicate level.
  12. BJ Blazkowicz

    How do you play DOOM?

    ZDOOM, Skulltag, DOOM 95, vanilla DOOM, GZDOOM, Boom, PrBoom, ZDaemon.
  13. BJ Blazkowicz

    Doom 1 or 2?

    He probably meant Baron of Hell.
  14. BJ Blazkowicz

    Bryan High School Doom 2

    Not a big fan of the music though.
  15. BJ Blazkowicz

    I saw a Pinkie Demon as a hood ornament!

    Those guys will make anything.
  16. *Clap*... ... ... ...*clap*... ... ... ...*clap*
  17. BJ Blazkowicz

    Gameboy Doom question

    They are pretty crap IMO. Get a GP2X, it's crazy good.
  18. BJ Blazkowicz

    Simple Doom Editor

    Too simple for it's own good, eh?
  19. BJ Blazkowicz

    The Doom Roguelike awareness thread

    Thanks for the nostalgia...Mmm...Wolfy....
  20. BJ Blazkowicz

    Redstar WolfTC Released

    Damn. I hope this will be as interesting as it looks.
  21. BJ Blazkowicz

    Makin' Doom music

    Find an arranged version on the internet. Never EVER use a converter, or you'll end up being in Mock 4.
  22. BJ Blazkowicz

    I saw a Pinkie Demon as a hood ornament!

    Did you talk to the driver?
  23. BJ Blazkowicz

    Any co-op games since Doom2???

    Doom's co-op wasn't all that great. If you're looking for the greatest co-op experience, play the original Contra. Of course, that isn't an FPS, but it's still something.
  24. BJ Blazkowicz

    Redstar WolfTC Released

    Mmm, my favorite. WADs that star me.
  25. BJ Blazkowicz

    UAC or Umbrella?

    Currently, Umbrella. But that could all change if UAC tries to cure cancer...