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Everything posted by AdamW

  1. AdamW

    Spreading Epidemic

    well, two wads i actually did something for in the top ten, plus one or two i somehow managed to wheedle my way onto the credits lists for, haha. the sweet taste of success. two things to remember about aliens tc: it was made by ONE GUY, and it was made at a time when tools were so primitive that what he managed was frankly unbelievable, so niggles about its untidiness, level design glitches and weird installation are, frankly, unfair in the extreme. plus it is _still_ by far the scariest doom wad ever made. something that should be up there and isn't: dawn of the dead, a doom1 episode1 wad by jan van der veken (originator of The Darkening), that rocks severe bells. go download it (logical place at cdrom), go "wow", then vote for it :).
  2. AdamW

    February 29th, 2000

    well, i'm not quite sure why this is here :), but the point of TAS is to show what is really possible in doom. to experienced doom runners, tas really provided a bunch of surprises (ask 10 speedrunners if they thought e2m1-035 was possible before tas-ddqr came out...). it also allows many runs which would be simply impossible to do normally to be at least recorded - hell revealed done quick is an excellent example, no-one in a million years could make a non-tas HRDQ run. and finally, the TAS runners most definitely do _not_ suck at doom, in fact, the original group of TAS runners are most of the legendary doom speedrunners - yonatan donner, peo sjoblom etc are big names.
  3. AdamW

    Doom Music

    FreakyCat, I take it you know that quite a lot of the Doom music is actually based on real songs? E1M1, for instance, is based on a riff from Pantera's "Mouth For War", there's another couple of Pantera songs in Doom2, I hear tell there's an Alice In Chains song in there somewhere...has anyone ever collated all this together?
  4. AdamW

    Let's Hear It For Scott

    and it's my birthday today (22nd), so i want some money dammit! :)). adam w
  5. AdamW

    Doom On Crack

    okay, here we go: ddq runs, using ddqstats.exe: you can link between levels (MAP01 + MAP02 + MAP03....+ MAP30 = D2DQ) but you can't link within levels, i.e., you can't do first half of MAP02 plus second half of MAP02 equals complete run. both TASDoom and TASMBF allow you to link both between levels and within levels. the differences between them are the method of implementing this, and the fact that you can use slo-mo and TASDoom but not in TASMBF. The method of linking between sections is more precise and flexible in Tasdoom than in Tasmbf, but you have to watch the entire demo through before you can take over at the right point in tasdoom. In tasmbf you can just start off at the right point. so, this in practice means that 30nm4048 was recorded straight through, from scratch, map01 to map30 without stopping, on nightmare, a damn impressive achievement. d2dq2116 (which is, btw, a UV demo), was linked, but each individual map is a single run. 30nm1849 was linked together, and each individual map is not a single run, but has links within it. this doesn't take away from the fact that it's an _awesome_ run, but comparisons with d2dq2116 are a little unfair. of course, a much better d2dq could be done today, i don't know if it will be done though.
  6. AdamW

    Gang Dang

    Anders, I think you're doing us speedrunners down a bit ;). While I agree a lot of Doom running - certainly all levels at UV speed these days - are merely following a pattern, there are a lot of runs which certainly aren't. Respawn, and long maxkills and pacifists, and finally movie runs, are the three areas where, in most cases, you can't predict absolutely what will happen. Playing any ep1 map pacifist, or running the whole episode, does require a lot of dm-type skill, and there will be a certain amount of adjustment and skill needed, it certainly isn't pattern running like ep3 speed. plus there's the very mundane things which players at a high level (both dm and sp) don't even notice - turning accuracy and so on - which are developed just as well by both. indeed, you have to be so accurate with angles in full-on speedrunning that i would say adam hegyi _must_ be right up there with the very best quake3 dm players in simple movement accuracy.
  7. AdamW


    well, i haven't got this mod yet, but...why doesn't someone make up a list of all the things that were ripped, and where they came from?
  8. AdamW


    yes, just call me stupid. duh. steve watson is someone else entirely, as is mike watson (unless there's something going on that we don't know about :>). on a related note, anyone know who the hell steve watson is? (and i just know he's reading this...uh...hi steve! :>)
  9. AdamW


    No! An appreciation! could it be true?! on a weirder note, I actually didn't realise cyberdemon and i had worked together on insertion until this moment. very strange. good wads i've played lately? doom.wad, of course :)
  10. AdamW

    Linguica's Ten Must-Have WADs

    I'm absolutely with Uberian on Gothic2. If you're going to choose one deathmatch wad (and it looks like that's what Ling did :>), it has to be dweller1.wad. not as complicated as gothic2, but a lot, lot more playable. gothic1 was also better than gothic2 by a long stretch...
  11. AdamW


    i vote for 7th 07 as well. don't be hard on yourself afterglow, it's nice to have a challenge in a wad once in a while! i think that list of criteria someone posted a while back was a bit wacko in one area - texture alignment. there've been some great wads with a few missed alignments...alien doom, for christ's sakes. so, here's a somewhat random top ten list: 1. requiem 2. eternal doom (especially the levels not made by teamtnt) 3. aliens doom (scariest wad _ever_ made) 4. memento mori 2 5. memento mori 1 6. dawn of the dead 7. dweller2.wad 8. danzig1.wad/danzig2.wad 9. chordg.wad 10. 7th 07
  12. AdamW


    Try PUBLIC DANG, at http://members.xoom.com/publicdang . it's a site specifically for players who don't want to put in the hours it takes to make compet-n records...the site uses all the compet-n categories, but you can submit any demo that finishes the level within the category, no matter what the time. you get more points for a time closer to the compet-n record - a time the same as, or better than, the record scores 1 point, one that takes twice as long scores 1/2 point, etc - but any demo can be sent in. some compet-n players play there, too, (myself and vincent catalaa mainly) but some non-compet-n players go there too. oh yeah, i just noticed this name could, as ever, possibly cause confusion...i'm adam williamson, not adam hegyi. if adam h ever feels the need to post here, he'll have to get himself a different username :)
  13. AdamW


    The reason the Final Doom sets tend to have fewer demos at COMPET-N is that records for them don't currently score any points. Adam H decided on this to focus competition on the original games and improve times there. So people go for original levels for preference, usually.
  14. AdamW


    well, i think i'm kinda qualified to comment here, having spent about 30 hours playing the damn episode for the compet-n record :). <quick plug: http://doom.alpha.rulez.org/incoming/ep1-0529.zip - ep1 in 5:29, 2 secs faster than DDQ...>. I think one of the points that has generally been overlooked is that ep1 is probably the _hardest_ episode. since id had fewer monsters to work with in ep1, there are far more sergeants and troopers. since those are the only two enemies who can hit you without you being able to dodge, once you've learnt some elementary strafing skills, they're by far the hardest ones. e1m3 particularly is flat out hard to survive, as can e1m5 be. also, the other points apply even on the 500th attempt at getting past bloody e1m5...the design is beautiful and effective, ep1 looks a damn sight better than any of the other dooms. the other two episodes oftne lapsed into a fairly regular corridor/rooms design...ep1 is very much less like this. e1m7 is a great example - it's very obviously been planned out as a building before the gameplay elements have even been considered, and it shows. ep1 rocks. :)
  15. AdamW


    a map based on a doom level, by a noted ex-doom author? come on, it'll pass. :)