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Everything posted by AdamW

  1. ok, so here's a run that's actually good: same level (MM2 secret level 1), pacifist, 0:36. That sergeant was just too kind, opening the door and then dying the hell out of my way =) (btw, my opinion as part of the mm2 team and one of adamh's compet-n rules assistants is that mm2info runs would not have counted for compet-n, in case anyone cares :>. but this is a fun run anyway.) m2s1p036.zip
  2. herring: nice job, I knew 0:30 was possible so I thought I'd leave it for you. =) adamh could do 29, sedlo could do 28. :P
  3. here's one more - mm2 secret map 01, uv speed, 0:31 (3 second improvement on Eric's 0:34). m2s1-031.zip
  4. Memento Mori 2 UV Pacifist Secret Map 1 in 0:47 hey look, my first demo in 5 years or something. =) Sorry for the horrible running. Sorry to jump on your run, Revved - I always used to go through /incoming submissions looking for runs that looked fun to beat, guess some things never change! (recorded in DOSBox in Fedora, in case anyone's interested) m2s1p047.zip
  5. Hey, folks. I'm crazy late here, but just wanted to post congrats to Henning for the new 30nm and to Xit for pa26. I spent nearly as long trying to get pa26 as I did pa02, back in 2003 or so. =) Going to try and find some time to watch both.
  6. hey anthe. yeah these crazy guys still play =) last time I picked up a doom mouse in anger was 2007 or something though, sigh. one day I'll do pa02!
  7. AdamW

    My first speedrun attempt (Map01)

    ah, ok, I didn't know anyone had done a built monsters run.
  8. oh, hey, this is where incoming lives now. :) awesome to see people still active, i'm just passing through on a nostalgia trip :) did get dosbox up and running though...hmmm...:) (i'll have to try and find some time to watch xit's nightmare run of requiem map29 tomorrow, nice job that.)
  9. AdamW

    My first speedrun attempt (Map01)

    there was a built, nomonsters 0:04 demo, IIRC, but it's extremely unlikely to be physically possible for a human to do that, and I think the monster layout without nomonsters is such that 0:04 is literally impossible. it's listed in the table at http://www.doomworld.com/sda/tas/, doesn't seem to be downloadable though. I no longer have a copy.
  10. AdamW

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    I use the mouse for small forward / back adjustments all the time. I can't play with novert, it feels all wrong.
  11. AdamW

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    Your demo wasn't pacifist, I just made mine pacifist as there's no particular need to shoot anything in this level. I love pacifist - understanding and exploiting monster behaviour is sometimes more interesting than just blowing 'em out of the way...:)
  12. AdamW

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    Watching shotgunmassacre's MAP11 it looked like a good map for pacifist, so I did pacifist in 0:33. Sorry to beat your first demo, man :). Sent to op.
  13. AdamW

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    Done map28 in 0:59, yay, under a minute. Sent to op.
  14. AdamW

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    The name came about based on glides like the one in MAP16, which look perfect when you nail them.
  15. AdamW

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    Done map28 in 1:01. Just can't get under 1:00 tonight.
  16. AdamW

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    BTW, I don't know if everyone knew, but there's another glide possible on MAP29 - you can glide through the blue key bars. Makes it tricky, though, as you have to make two glides to get a fast run. I can't make the red key glide consistently at all so I can't really do this, unless someone has a hint for a good way to make the red key glide.
  17. AdamW

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    Got it down to 0:51, sent that to op now.
  18. AdamW

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    Done map23 speed in 0:53, sending to op now.
  19. AdamW

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    op, just noticed something on the records page - method's 0:42 for map02 is pacifist as well as speed.
  20. AdamW

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    interesting wad did map01 in 0:20 pacifist, sent to op - could go 0:18 or so, but meh, i lack patience. may try some other maps tonight...
  21. the thing with the DX50 and DX2/66 - well, it's the same thing you get in hardware today, more or less. It was the start of varying bus / CPU speeds in x86 machines. The DX50 was just like all the other processors that went before it - 50MHz CPU speed, 50MHz bus. The DX2/66, however, was more like a system of today; 33MHz bus with a 2x multiplier, for a 66MHz clock speed. Bus speed was as important then as it is now, so yes, the DX50 was faster than the DX2/66 for some things. It got even more complicated when things got up to 100MHz, as there were two versions of the 100MHz 486 - one which was 50MHz*2, and one which was 33MHz*3 (though it was called the DX4 and not the DX3, I guess Intel thought 4 sounded better). Anyway. Reminiscence over...
  22. 486DX/33, 16MB RAM, 210MB hard disk, 14" monitor. I believe the graphics were S3 - believe it or not, you could overclock graphics card in 1993, I distinctly remember using a little TSR which would overclock the core on our poor little graphics card to kick the Doom framerate up a little. This was a beast of a machine for the time, cost something close to US$5,000. It could play Doom with full detail and full screen size at over 10fps...:)
  23. AdamW

    playing doom's midi files.

    er, that was figured out years ago. there were midi2mus and mus2midi converters back when *I* started doom editing...I don't know the technicalities, but i've always been given to understand the difference between the two formats was trivial and easy to discover and replicate.
  24. AdamW

    I need some help...?

    yeah, i still used deutex for a couple of things the whole time I was mapping, some stuff wintex just didn't do so well. Of course it's so long ago now I don't remember *what* exactly. :)
  25. AdamW

    Learning to speedrun

    oh, and which direction you straferun in is entirely a personal preference thing, each side will have an advantage in certain levels and situations but over the whole of speedrunning it boils down to more or less 50/50. It's pretty hard to be 'ambidextrous' too, you *will* get used to whichever you do habitually. I face right and strafe left, and doing it the other way for too long literally makes me feel a little nauseous, I'm that habituated to it.