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Posts posted by AdamW

  1. 16 hours ago, xit-vono said:

    Hey Adam, did you look at mm2 map04 pacifist? I was looking at it for a while but it didn't seem to be working, so I gave up and moved on. I didn't make any serious attempts though.

    No, I haven't tried that one. I just picked mm2 map06 to run because I thought it'd be fun to have a record on my own map :) Didn't count on you and cyberdemon fighting me for it, heh.

  2. On 11/8/2018 at 3:32 AM, vdgg said:

    Well, I didn't find what I was looking for in the last post... Time for the next map, then, anyway.


    Last year I played AdamW's insrtion.wad map (MAP09) and wrote quite a leghty text critizing it. There was a bit about a door going up to the sky, and more. The text for those interested:

      Reveal hidden contents

    | I think this map sucks. Let's describe it almost room by room.     |
    |                                                                    |
    | This starting area is good. It is an extended hub of sorts,        |
    | in disguise as it is connected to another room/corridor by a smal  |
    | portion of wall opened by an obscure switch. There is an           |
    | inaccessible red key and a red key door, blue key door and yellow  |
    | key door are all nearby. Plenty of windows and good opportunities  |
    | for hitscanners to shoot you or get killed by you.                 |
    |                                                                    |
    | Once you figure out what the obscure switch do (it doesn't open    |
    | the trap, it opens a passage in the caco/lost soul room), you can  |
    | find a room with a mancubus and two barons on pillars (there are   |
    | NINE barons in this medium level and their placement is sometimes  |
    | very lame; some of them are UV only and replace hell knights       |
    | present on lower skills). This room is buggy. In the ironman       |
    | contest DotW got trapped there. The switch on top of a square      |
    | structure opens another door leading further on, but it is a one   |
    | time only switch. The door can be opened from the other side by    |
    | monsters. Then it closes permanently. Or does it? There is another |
    | one time switch which doesn't look like a switch, you need to      |
    | "press" on the back of the structure (0:53 of the demo). Looks     |
    | like an oversight or a bad "fix" of the previous error. Let's move |
    | on...                                                              |
    |                                                                    |
    | Another room is pretty cool, two barons are OK (tricky and not     |
    | totally lame), there are decorations which makes dodging fireballs |
    | more difficult. The way a cetral wall raises and baron pillars     |
    | lower is nice. Not sure what the "POISON" signs do, there is a     |
    | "carpet of BLOOD" which is not a pain sector.                      |
    |                                                                    |
    | A teleporter which leads outside is revealed. Here we have a       |
    | stupid lowering switch which can be pressed from below before      |
    | being revealed (1:39 of the demo). But this is not the worst thing |
    | here, the worst is the blue door which at the moment cannot be     |
    | opened yet. We'll come back here.                                  |
    |                                                                    |
    | Then we have the yellow key and we can get into a maze of lowering |
    | walls. Lost souls inhabit this area (they are tricky and I prefer  |
    | to escape and to shoot them from a safe spot). The blue key is     |
    | guarded by... mancubusarch-vile. Two monsters stuck together on UV.|
    | What I learned is if you shoot them, the arch-vile dies first      |
    | always and the mancubus gets freedom of movement. I think this     |
    | wasn't tested at all rather than got through as a "fun" design.    |
    |                                                                    |
    | The blue door opening up to the sky is sooo amateurish, it looks   |
    | even worse from the opposite side. After the door a baron guards   |
    | a switch and the player may build up steps leading to his pillar...|
    | or just press the switch without all this stuff which I don't do   |
    | in the demo as it hardly saves any time, but is another mapper     |
    | ommission.                                                         |
    |                                                                    |
    | Get red key, telefrag a baron if you're lucky and get to the final |
    | area.                                                              |
    |                                                                    |
    | The idea is cool, the exit being slowly revealed by layers of      |
    | walls lowering. Alas, we have other bunch of stuck monsters        |
    | (a chaingunner and two sergeants) and not really a bug, but        |
    | a thing that irks me a bit. You cannot escape this area and get    |
    | more ammo. You'd better have max ammo when entering this area      |
    | as otherwise you'd have to punch four mancubi in a claustrophobic  |
    | room (I ran out of ammo there a few times). Exit! 80% secrets      |
    | is maximum.                                                        |

    AdamW replied:


    (I didn't reply to this later, but I found it interesting, thus the quote).


    So yeah, that's about the Sky Doors. I always bring the first map of TTP.wad as an example what to do: put a lift instead of a door and you don't have to worry about silly tiny roofs.


    Now this map has got a fair share of critisism.


    • "bad" pistol start
    • awful gameplay (This map´s gameplay is just awful! (I hate to have to kill mancubi and revenants with minor weapons far away)" (Peo Sjoblom))
    • SSG (the primary weapon) in a secret
    • ugly
    • HOM at the lift
    • 2 stuck sergeants on UV

    While I agree with all of these, I don't find this map really bad. It plays better as UV Speed than Max and I have to give credit for no critical bugs such as inescapable situations (MAP04) or broken progression (MAP03,04,05, though only the last one is awful). You have to run through the whole level as intended. This, and also a nice balcony preview of the penultimate area save this map for me and I give it a bit of a generous rating...


    Redundant switches strike back. In the dark maze there are three switches lowering some bars leading to the red key. Only one of them is needed to be pressed though, as the gap is enough for the player to squeeze in.


    Rating 3/5


    Recommended demo

    Nightmare demo by Xit Vono (link)

      Reveal hidden contents

     Overshadowed by his TNT MAP09 demo released in the same month... because IWAD. This run is maybe even harder due to amount of hitscanners and backtracking. I don't know what is the survival rate in the starting area, but once it's cleared it is a typical Xit Vono lengthy run. Little damage taken, slowly progressing, killing monsters at the front and rear. Collecting blue armor. A big chunk of health disappears after a few mandatory teleports. At the end he got hit by baron plasma and played with 5% health for a good while. Extreme luck at the exit, with the chaingunner dealing only 3hp damage.


    Thanks for the reviews, vdgg and everyone :)

    So a couple of late notes. One thing that's important to understand is this: at the time MM2 came out, most people just weren't very good at Doom. *I* certainly wasn't that good at it. So I don't even know how much I or anyone else on the team even really played the map in UV mode. Maybe we made sure it was possible to clear it, but that was probably about it. I don't recall that I did a lot of rigorous figuring out, like, can you 100% it from pistol start without it being really annoying, do all the enemies really *do* something useful - I did a lot more kinda 'editor level design', like, hey, this area looks a bit empty! Let's stuff an enemy in it! And I probably played it more on skill 2 or 3 in testing than 4.

    I think there *are* inescapable situations, actually, but only right at the start - as someone noticed, IIRC, I don't think you can get out of the pits if you fall in.

    The idea of the monster closets is not, IIRC (it's been a long time!) really to surprise you (except for a couple). My overall idea with the map was to try and make you keep coming back through those two areas you get to early on, but have them be different each time. The whole thing with the church (...it's a church. That's what it is.) opening up progressively was a big part of the whole design. So the point of the monster closets is mainly to restock existing areas with monsters as you pass through them, rather than being about surprise exactly. I don't recall why I didn't just teleport in more monsters, but it may just have been that I kinda personally don't like that way of doing things, it's finicky to implement and can be unreliable...

    Finally, yeah, in the MM2 universe, the secrets of Sky Door and Sky Ceiling technology have been discovered. We can only imagine how life in this universe will improve once we finally master these in our universe. :P


  3. Nice runs xit!


    On MM2 MAP06 pacifist - I've actually been attempting it on and off for the last three years, was trying to keep it under wraps :P it can definitely be done on the speed route (with the supercharger), with a time around 2:20-2:30. I have an attempt which makes it all the way to the second-to-last room; I had around 100 health after getting the last key, but it gets sniped down very unluckily on the way to the exit area, and by the time I reach the big penultimate room I'm very low and just get killed by chaingunners :/ It's *definitely* doable though on that route, though. I just need to find another quiet week to get it finished...

  4. On 9/3/2017 at 3:19 AM, vdgg said:

    Insertion MAP09 UV Max 6:38


    Oh hey post necro!

    So funny story: I had completely forgotten making this level. I played it again on Saturday (...died about fifteen times, ran out of ammo twice and couldn't remember most of the secrets or traps) and then saw this time and read the text file. I think you're right with a lot of your comments :P


    I really don't remember how the stuck archvile/mancubus happened; I think maybe we decided to add a monster really late, or something, and didn't test the change. It's kinda silly. The room was definitely playtested at some point, but I think maybe we only had an archvile in there at first then decided to add the mancubus to make it harder, or something.


    The Mystery Switches where you don't really know what they do and just have to run around till you see something new are silly. I think I was aiming for something more complex than just a Linear Series Of Rooms design but should've figured out a way to make it more clear what was going on. I honestly have no idea what's going on with that 'one-time switch which doesn't look like a switch' that you mention, I don't *think* it was an attempt to fix the potential bug you mentioned but I don't remember for sure.


    I also noticed the inability to leave the exit area; honestly I think I just wasn't really thinking about flow issues like that, so I didn't think to make the back of the door openable 'normally'. I should definitely have been a bit more generous with ammo in there (and in the map in general too).


    But c'mon, don't they have Sky Door technology where you live?! Jeez, so backward. :P

    I don't think it was a really bad level, tbh, but definitely could have done with a bit of rebalancing, fixing the silly bugs and making the switches more obvious.

  5. 1 minute ago, Vile said:

    I don't know if any of my records still stand but wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. :P

    Sure, tons of them do - just look at your compet-n page - https://www.doom.com.hr/index.php?page=compet-n_database&cndb=&wad_id=1&category_id=&map_id=&player_id=39&h=&sort=&order=


    some of those have been beaten with source ports (see this thread and others), but a lot of them haven't.

  6. Haha, thanks zeromaster. I was reading through this thread yesterday and you sure have a lot of amazing-sounding demos here, never thought anyone would make 4:57 for episode 1 (frankly I was surprised when vile put in the time to beat my 5:11, haha). I'll try and find time to watch them through ASAP! And maybe see if I can survive an episode run any more to take just one of them off you at least, no-one should own all the episode records at once...;)

  7. "DSDA should have all the Compet-N records, if any are missing, it's generally something that should be reported in the DSDA thread."


    Oh, cool - I'd seen some posts from around the place suggesting some compet-n stuff was missing from DSDA, I guess that's old info then.


    I do think the monster and secret count features of prboom-ish ports give an "unfair" (in comparison to stock) advantage for categories where kill % and secret % are significant. Outside of that it doesn't seem significant, though. (Assuming an appropriate complevel is used of course.)

  8. I wouldn't worry too much about official COMPET-N eligibility, I think most people consider demos recorded on highly-compatible ports like chocolate or cndoom to be just as impressive :) I think it's only a few of us old-timers now who play under full COMPET-N conditions and it's as much about familiarity as anything else. It'd just be good if DSDA had all the COMPET-N records so we could see the overall WR for any run easily...


    I'd kinda like to do a GDQ some time but I don't know if I could get spousal approval for that trip, haha :)

  9. Looper: co-op was always kinda a later addition for compet-n and I never really played it seriously, so I don't have much of an opinion there :)


    BTW, in case anyone's confused by my reply to kubelwagon's post - he posted it to the COMPET-N thread, I replied, then both posts were moved here by a mod. I think he *is* the same kubelwagon, yes - at least the text file says 'James "Kubelwagon" Gray' and if you google "kubelwagon" "james gray" you get a few SDA and GDQ results. So, hi kubelwagon, cool to have you here! Thanks for representing OG doom at GDQs :)

  10. Hey guys! Just wanted to post a few very belated notes on the Episode Run Map 8 Controversy.


    One question that was asked a couple of times but never answered is, if the time for M8 doesn't count, why run it at all? The answer's fairly simple: it was always an intended requirement for the movie runs that the runner complete the *whole* episode according to the rules of the category. The fact that we couldn't count the *time* for M8 was an unfortunate limitation, but that didn't mean you got out of *doing the level*, that was still required. (And remember, back in the day when these rules were set, just completing M8 was by no means a given). It may sound kinda trivial but it really isn't, especially for some runs - you can certainly take a death in e.g. E2M8 pretty easily, especially in nightmare. I've lost would-have-been-record runs to deaths in M8 before. Of course, if you want to do something like an episode Tyson or Pacifist run, it becomes even more significant.


    I think ZeroMaster has a very good point that you can't just say "OK let's all just start running M8 fast and count the M8 time" because *routing* is affected by whether M8 counts. As well as the examples he cites, it's also significant in episode 1: rocket ammo is extremely limited in EP1, and if the M8 time counts, you might want to save some rockets you would otherwise use on M5, M6 or M7 to use on the two barons in M8 instead.


    Personally I'd probably vote that it would make most sense to count two records for udoom episode runs, an 'M8 record' and an 'M7 record', and let people run and care about whichever they choose.


    Oh, one other point, on death glides in movie runs: there's a very sensible logical reason to allow them. Just think about why deaths are *generally* not allowed in movie runs: because it's essentially an infinite retry. Again due to the old limitation of only being able to time runs by in-game time. We could only score any given movie run as the sum of the in-game time for each level - and the in-game time for a level is only the time for the *successful* attempt. So if deaths were generally allowed in movie runs, say you got to E1M6 and things went a bit sideways, no problem - just take a death and try again! That's obviously not what we wanted the category to be, hence the rule 'deaths aren't allowed'. With that in mind, it's easy to see why a death glide should be OK - because it's *not a retry*. You still complete the level on the attempt where you took the death, and your in-game time for the level is the time for the attempt on which you died. One way to make this explicit would simply be to clarify the rule to say "you may not die and respawn on a single level in a movie run", because that's really what was intended to be prohibited.


    It's cool to see all the better-than-competn runs in here, and especially zeromaster's awesome-looking times - I'll have to watch some of those tomorrow :)

  11. 1 hour ago, kubelwagon185 said:

    Hey guys,  I'm fairly new here and I wasn't exactly sure where to post this, but I've been speedrunning Doom off and on for a while and just recently was inspired to do some NM100S runs.


    This is my first time posting an LMP so please go easy on me. :P


    Anyway, here is a demo of E3M2 done in 0:42. This beats the previous time by Andy Kempling by one second, which was set way back in 1999. Detailed comments are in the description.


    Any feedback would be appreciated. :)


    Good job on the run (haven't watched it yet), but - demos recorded with a source port (as your text file says yours was) aren't eligible for COMPET-N, or this thread. Only demos recorded with the appropriate original .EXE are eligible for COMPET-N.

    You can submit source port demos to the DSDA, and post ones for Doom 1 in this thread for non COMPET-N demos:

     That thread has some other better-than-competn runs recorded on source ports, not sure if there's an N3S2 in there.


    Edit: also your file name is wrong - NS32 is the filename for a Doom2 MAP32 NM100S run :) Should be N3S2-042.

  12. guess who's back...


    Whenever a GDQ marathon is on, I kinda feel like speedrunning, until the next work emergency comes along and I forget about it again. Fortunately this time I got a run done before that happened!


    With this I believe I have the longest Doom speedrunning career again (19 years, 11 months, 27 days), overtaking ryback, who is at 18 years, 10 months, 21 days - according to https://www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html


    I'm kinda curious if anyone has a longer career for any game...:)


  13. For historical preservation it might actually be interesting to see if you could get something like archive.org to hold a collection of these. At least from QW onwards it's kinda the early prehistory of modern esports, so really should be preserved professionally somehow.


    I lost all my old Doom and Quake stuff in a hard disk erasure accident in 2004, sadly...
