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Captain Ventris

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About Captain Ventris

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    Buy my newest novel, The Stirring Among The Stars!

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  1. So here's the deal. My girlfriend and I are strongly considering moving to England or Norway. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Classic Studies with a minor in Humanities, and she is working on her Anthropology/Classics (Minor in Art History) undergrad.

    We are strongly considering moving to either England or Norway (where a good friend lives who can help us as far as language barriers, etc.).

    I've never moved countries before, and have no idea how to get jobs in other countries, etc. We need help, and ways to not starve to death once we're over seas. We're both American and living in Texas. Any help any of you can provide on tips and requirements for moving and getting work in either country would be greatly appreciated.

    I would like to work at either Games Workshop, or as an educator. I can find a way of getting a Teacher's Certificate here in the US, but have no idea how that transfers to other countries.

    ANY help or advice you folks can provide will be greatly appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ralphis


      Have you ever actually been to either of these countries to visit for an extended period of time?

    3. Captain Ventris

      Captain Ventris

      My family and I stayed in London for ten days over the holidays (not really extended), and a close friend of ours is from and lives in Norway. The two of us have been out of the country elsewhere for extended periods, however (my girlfriend has stayed in Poland, and we both spent a month in Siena, Italy).

    4. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      Captain Ventris said:

      I would like to work at either Games Workshop...

      If you do this, I will be your friend forever if you could get me a copy of Space Hulk :D
