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About chexwarrior

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  1. chexwarrior

    LEGACY OF RUST - overall thoughts?

    Really enjoying it so far I'm just about finished with first episode. I really liked the gateway to hell in the first level and the second level was a real blast, difficulty on UV seems pretty good so far
  2. The developers behind Jupiter Hell have rebranded the Doom Roguelike as Jupiter Hell Classic and released a new version! If you like Doom (and I know you do) and love roguelikes you should give it a shot. Roguelike Reddit Thread
  3. chexwarrior

    Eureka v2.0.2 released

    Congratulations! Thanks for all the hard work!
  4. chexwarrior

    Obscure Games That Deserve More Attention?

    Caves of Qud is an ambitious roguelike taking place in a distant future that I can only describe as being like the Dying Earth stories.
  5. This one looks great, will definitely play it if/when it becomes compatible with dsda-doom.
  6. I also love Hellbound for the same reasons, IMO Doom 2 Reloaded has a similar vibe, give it a shot. EDIT: I should elaborate a bit more: Some of the levels in D2R aren't as good as others and the detail level is more similar to classic Doom 2 (but better I think). Also, if you really want to improve the mood of either megawad I suggest using the PSX Doom soundtrack!
  7. The successor to DoomRL (the DooM Roguelike) is coming out on August 5th, they just released a trailer. If you're a fan of roguelikes (and obviously a fan of DooM) than you should really check it out. Official Website Steam Page
  8. chexwarrior

    Mid-level saves: Yay or nay?

    When I first started playing Doom I went through this phase of only playing on UV, no saves and always pistol start. It forced me to get better, however it also caused me to quit a ton of megawads before completing them because I couldn't take playing one hard map over and over again. I finally mellowed out and now I play on HMP, pistol start (I don't know I just prefer this way of play) and I usually only save each time I get a key, but on harder maps I'll also save before a huge battle.
  9. Just finished this on HMP in GZDoom. Really enjoyed it overall! You did an awesome job of adding different mechanics that made the levels feel really original. A couple of them rode the line (and some went over) between original and turning into a sort of switch hunt, however I feel these were in the minority. Overall great megawad! Lets get it on idgames so I can give it a proper review!
  10. chexwarrior

    Do you know some obscure 1990's PC games?

    How about Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol?
  11. chexwarrior

    Doom 64 - I Don't Get It

    Like everyone else is saying the dark atmosphere, especially the music which I think is a lot better than the typical Doom 1 & 2 soundtracks, really makes the game for me. Beyond that, to me it plays like classic Doom albeit missing some of the better monsters which is a shame.
  12. I'm glad you did, this is a great tribute to Doom 64's soundtrack.
  13. chexwarrior

    Doom RPG Reverse Engineering Project

    Looks very cool, very interested in playing Doom RPG again, its been a long time.
  14. chexwarrior

    What is your least favorite DOOM enemy?

    It will always and forever be the Baron of Hell for me. I don't know, I think I've been forced to kill so many of them with just a shotgun that I always view them as tedious.