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Everything posted by BaronOfStuff

  1. BaronOfStuff

    What actually was GamerGate

    Pretty much this. A load of old shit that has largely affected nobody and nothing.
  2. BaronOfStuff

    2016 Goals

    Finish my dumb D!Zone Redux thing. Seven maps to go.
  3. BaronOfStuff

    Why does your team always suck?

    Sadly WoT doesn't have a true FFA mode right now. And the MM system from WG is something I can only laugh at now, with all sorts of tier imbalance and weighting.
  4. BaronOfStuff

    Why does your team always suck?

  5. BaronOfStuff

    TTC Doom Nukem version 1.4

    aaaaaaasssssfffffffffff please find another weapon sprite this one looks god-fucking-awful.
  6. BaronOfStuff

    Most inspirational pwads?

    You're an idiot.
  7. BaronOfStuff

    AryxFMX | A map

    Well at least it isn't offensively awful. Edit: I hasten to add that I was playing with the sound muted. I think I'll give the custom 'music' a miss for now, if previous efforts are anything to go by.
  8. BaronOfStuff

    ''Complex '' maps are cancer

    Take your own advice.
  9. I think it's been through a phase of major suckage, and has actually managed to recover somewhat. I've not exactly been keeping a close eye on SP, but there was a point eight or so years ago (possibly longer, I forget) where I found it absolutely dreadful to sit through.
  10. BaronOfStuff

    Is hell in Doom christian hell?

    The jagged cone appearance is for artistic reasons. Looks better than Deimos' actual shape, which would appear to be vaguely potato-esque in appearance: Deimos is also tiny.
  11. BaronOfStuff

    Is hell in Doom christian hell?

    Except that... and The game clearly states that it's the whole moon of Deimos floatin' around. Not "the Deimos base" or "the bit of Deimos where UAC set up shop".
  12. This thread reads like a sales pitch.
  13. BaronOfStuff

    how about making weapons more colorful?

    More contrast with some less grey is all fine and dandy, but I'd hate to see Freedoom turn into some sort of dumb NERF advert with over-saturated nonsense.
  14. BaronOfStuff

    At what season does the simpsons begin to suck?

    Some time after Season 7. Then it went completely to shit once it stopped being a clever, well-written show and instead took the lazy route of chasing celebrities for guest parts as themselves every episode.
  15. BaronOfStuff

    Is hell in Doom christian hell?

    No. It's just a load of rocks and lava and shit.
  16. BaronOfStuff

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Back to fiddling around with this D!Zone crap again.
  17. BaronOfStuff

    PC Doom sound effects VS PSX Doom sound effects

    Models derived from models, you say? What a time to be alive! ;) On a serious note, renders based on models in Doom 64 include the "Bull Demon" and... er, I think that's about it.
  18. BaronOfStuff

    Random Map Name Generator v2.0.1

    Yes, 10,000 possibilities, and they're all shit.
  19. BaronOfStuff

    Random Map Name Generator v2.0.1

    Joke's worn thin, you can sod off now.
  20. BaronOfStuff

    ''Complex '' maps are cancer

    Every map must use this for music:
  21. BaronOfStuff

    Random Map Name Generator v2.0.1

    Didn't generate "Donkey Kong's Indian Kingdom", unlike a previous generator I used. 0/10.
  22. BaronOfStuff

    ''Complex '' maps are cancer

    Here you go OP, just what you want out of PWADs: No switch hunting here! No mazes, backtracking or getting lost! Perfect!
  23. BaronOfStuff

    What resolution do you play Doom at?

    Depends on renderer. Software mode I'll go as high as 640x480 and then stretch the window, since as far as I'm concerned the lighting for this renderer looks shit at high resolutions; the distance fade in particular loses its low-definition grit and ends up looking like nothing but a bunch of horizontal bands of increasing darkness: 320x200 at 1440x900 fullscreen. 640x480 at 1440x900 fullscreen. 1440x900 fullscreen. Even at 640x480 the banding can look horribly obvious at times. OpenGL/other hardware renderers, then I'll go to whatever resolution since this whole banded lighting distance fade shit isn't a problem.