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File Reviews posted by BaronOfStuff



    Some nice ideas and intentions, but the general execution is pretty bad. Presentation is also lacking. To top it off, there are simply way too many dead-ends and other intentional gamebreaking moments, which is just shitty design no matter which way you look at it.
  2. DoomEd 4.2


    As a historical curiosity it's somewhat worth a look if you're interested in seeing how ancient mapping tools functioned; other than that it's a fucking nightmare to work with and actually get anything worth using from.

  3. Can't speak for the SP experience, but playing through a 2P co-op game was far less than satisfying. Things start off well enough but for some inexplicable reason Aro's design methods slowly begin to fall apart (did he lose interest?), and for the last ten or so maps everything takes a tumble and it's just a string of irritating shitfests and grinds. Too many narrow spaces, bullshit obstructions, stupid guessing game traps and just plain poor monster/item placements throughout.

  4. Good stuff. Don't let the title or average build time mislead you into thinking that this will be some sort of an ugly walkover; it actually looks quite good in that respect and some of the fights throughout are exceptionally harsh for their size, and will savagely kick you in the balls if you drop your guard for even a second. Unfortunately it ends on something of a weak note; MAP30 is a bit 'meh' overall, but still engaging.
  5. Castle Doom


    No amount of hi-res texturing can save this. The levels are simply too big and bland for the most part, and I mean 'big' as in 'oversized sectors'. It's not entirely awful to play, but the sense of scale is just so completely cocked-up that it results in way too much running across vast empty areas. The levels make you feel like a midget, and that's really not a good thing here. The cheap and constant hassle from faraway Hitscanners just becomes mind-numbingly tedious too. 2/5