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About exl

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  1. exl

    Why won't Whacked let me change actions?

    That is indeed a bug. Fixed in the latest release.
  2. exl

    Why won't Whacked let me change actions?

    What version of Whacked are you using?
  3. exl

    WhackEd 4

    And the final release of 1.3.0 after over 3 years! It is unchanged from the previous beta save for the "beta" moniker and an update to the latest version of Python 3.12. So see my previous post for all the changes since 1.2.4. Installer: https://github.com/GitExl/WhackEd4/releases/download/v1.3.1/whacked4-setup-1.3.1.exe Portable: https://github.com/GitExl/WhackEd4/releases/download/v1.3.1/whacked4- GitHub release: https://github.com/GitExl/WhackEd4/releases/tag/v1.3.1
  4. exl

    WhackEd 4

    After some more work, here is beta 4 which is really hopefully truly pinky-swear promise the last beta. Unless important bugs are found. Biggest changes since beta 3: Changed: scale UI and bitmap assets for high DPI displays. Changed: text input controls only select the entire contents when the end is selected. Code style cleanup and type hinting. Cumulative changes since 1.2.4: Added: DeHackEd Extended (DEHEXTRA) configuration with extra states, sounds, things and sprites. Added: support for DEHEXTRA thing fields: Gib health, Dropped item, Pickup width, Projectile pass height and Fullbright. Added: Doom Retro thing fields: Blood, Shadow offset, Retro Bits, Name and Plural. Added: state preview now uses a state's unused 1 and 2 parameters as offsets if previewing a state from the weapons editor (right-click state label). Added: better Linux compatibility. The application starts and is somewhat usable, but a number of UI issues still prevent it from working well. Added: IWAD detection for chex.wad and chex3.wad (official version). Thanks to Acts19quiz. Changed: engine table files can now include (base table) files. This leads to smaller filesizes and makes for easier updating. As a result of this, strings in the Doom 1.9 and Ultimate Doom 1.9 tables are now keyed by their index. Changed: engine table files list only fields used by that engine to reduce their size and improve maintainability. Default entries for things, states, weapons, ammo and sounds are provided for tables that extend existing ones. Changed: string editing for vanilla patches will allow any number of characters to be entered, but disallow using the new string if it is too long. Changed: thing editor properties, states, sounds and flags are now tabbed to save on screen real estate. Especially useful if an engine has many thing properties. Changed: WhackEd4 is now a 64 bit application. Changed: moved preview availability warning to notification text inside the patch settings window. Changed: scale UI and bitmap assets for high DPI displays. Changed: text input controls only select the entire contents when the end is selected. Fixed: the state animation preview now displays action names instead of code pointers for non-extended patches. Fixed: a weapon's FireCGun and FirePlasma actions would only mark the extra muzzle flash state as used if the action was used on the first fire state. Fixed: loading non-extended patches that try to set a codepointer on a state that originally had none will now display a warning. Thanks to Zodomaniac. Fixed: saving a yet unsaved patch while exiting caused a crash. Thanks to TheStupidestBeing. Fixed: BEX strings that do not appear in the engine selected for a patch will now not be visible in the strings editor, but will remain in the saved patch. Fixed: fixed a wrong next state value in the MBF tables for S_GRENADE (968). Thanks to hawkwind3. Fixed: crash on startup in some rare cases where no patch was loaded yet. Thanks to Endy McGufin. Fixed: maximum string length calculation for non-extended patches did not take the terminating NULL character into account. Thanks to Altazimuth. Fixed: sprite frame selection up\down button did not work correctly. Fixed: sound priority values can now be in the full signed integer range (though anything above 127 is useless). Fixed: the MBF TRANSLATION2 flag is now available and will not be removed upon saving. Thanks to j0e. Fixed: the MBF TRANSLATION1 flag is now recognized, and aliased to TRANSLATION for Boom compatibility. Thanks to hawkwind3. Fixed: some typos in engine configuration files. Thanks to hawkwind3. Fixed: Doom Retro TRANSLUCENT flag now shows up correctly in the flag list, alongside Boom's TRANSLUCENT. Fixed: an MBF flag alias was missing. Thanks to hawkwind3. Fixed: when copying a thing or undoing changes to one, its speed property was wrong if it changed from or to a projectile. Fixed: hopefully, locale issues. Fixed: Zdaemon misc. rocketExplosionStyle is a string. Thanks to Acts19quiz. Fixed: selecting a Render Style would crash the application. Thanks to Acts19quiz. Fixed: prevent out of range sprite indices from causing errors. Thanks to NeophyteRonin. Installer: https://github.com/GitExl/WhackEd4/releases/download/v1.3.0-beta4/whacked4-setup-1.3.0-beta4.exe Portable: https://github.com/GitExl/WhackEd4/releases/download/v1.3.0-beta4/whacked4-1.3.0-beta4.7z GitHub release: https://github.com/GitExl/WhackEd4/releases/tag/v1.3.0-beta4
  5. It is not a big deal, I'm just some dude on the internet. I've prepare a beta release that hopefully fixes the locale bug. The previous release was from 2022, and some underlying stuff has been updated since so it has not had a more comprehensive test yet, but hopefully it works without running into the locale issue: https://github.com/GitExl/WhackEd4/releases/tag/v1.3.0-beta3
  6. It is a weird issue with wxWidgets that I've not been able to solve. Something related to the Windows language settings, maybe.I will try to debug this a bit further, but setting your Windows language and regional settings to be English might work though I am aware that is an unacceptable requirement.
  7. They're great, but sadly I haven't gotten them working on the sides of 3D floors.
  8. Work in progress of a new area. Still need to create some skewed texture versions for some slope structures.
  9. By no means a definitive answer (myhouse is missing for example), but some top 10 counts from the /idgames archive: Linedefs Sidedefs Sectors
  10. This is for VkDoom (and maybe a future GZDoom release), so that is with lightmaps. They interact with 2-sided textures and 0-height 3d floors as you would expect when the lighting is set up right.
  11. Unsure if I'll keep the German "flavour text" or replace it with something more generic.
  12. Hiding the bottom bar also helps with lag, using the tilde key.