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Everything posted by GS-1719

  1. GS-1719

    I just got Half-Life....

    Grand Prix 4 has wad files.
  2. GS-1719


    Doom 3 does remind me of Resurrection's visual style a lot.
  3. GS-1719

    Are you addicted to forums.....

    I tend to visit occasionally to monitor the progress of Doom 3. Aside from that, there is little else here that interests me anymore. I would not say I was addicted.
  4. 3. I was disappointed with this film. Although the Architect was and the fight scene in the chateau were quite superb, the rest of the film was laboured and tedious. The film didn't hold my interest like the first, and many scenes were simply overdone and out of place, such as the fights. The ending was very poor, and probably only designed to suit some gimmicks in the next film. The film is not as clever as it thinks it is, and the constant Zionist theme was another factor that irritated me.
  5. GS-1719

    The War

    The exact word used by Wolfowitz is irrelevant - floats/swimming. Both should demonstrate to the their supporters the true aim of the war. The Guardian biased and trendy? I have moved through a lot of newspapers over the previous months, and I can say that it is certainly neither of those things. The Times and The Sun however, are real examples of bias.
  6. I don't like the new logo. III is more in Doom's style, looks more imposing, and the Mars background and overlay texture in the old logo looked excellent, as opposed to this simpler and cruder design.
  7. GS-1719

    DOOM 3 video shown @ E3

  8. GS-1719

    DOOM 3 video shown @ E3

    Inverted head with spider legs? Nice idea.
  9. GS-1719

    The War

    The infinite wisdom of the US once again makes the world safe for democracy. I see a nuclear future of distrust between nations, ready to nuke each other at the first sign of trouble, possibly even using Bush's bullshit pre-emption claims. Those that do not have nuclear weapons will place their acquirement at the top of their agenda.
  10. GS-1719

    Halo2 or Doom3?

    In my opinion, the sound in Half-Life was a major factor in the experience - especially the Blast Pit.
  11. GS-1719

    The War

    Yes, the sheer mindless brainwashed bias has also led me to revisit and post when I would not otherwise have done so. That has to rank amongst the most fucked up things I have ever heard. The US a peaceful nation? Not since British colonialism has another nation waged so many unjustified wars around the world.
  12. GS-1719

    The War

    There was no Israel pre-1948, and it was created through mass immigration and brute force, at the expense of Palestine. If anyone stole land, UN proposal taken into count, it was Israel.
  13. GS-1719

    The War

    How? Reporting the latest American actions in the region? There are many very serious reasons America is so hated in the middle east. The original notion put by sargebaldy - that this was due to the media, and that America would be liked if it wasn't for the media, is simply ridiculous.
  14. GS-1719

    The War

    So you actually think it is the fault of religion and the media that America is so hated in the middle east?
  15. GS-1719

    The War

    Not disappointed to see Saddam gone, but saddened to see yet another Muslim country fall to America's control.
  16. GS-1719

    Fave horror movie monster.

    My favourite has to be Pennywise the clown from 'It'.
  17. GS-1719

    The War

    The death penalty still applies in the UK on the charge of treason.
  18. GS-1719

    The War

    His equivalents in America are loved by millions.
  19. GS-1719

    The War

    CNN is consistenly one of the most unindependant news sources.
  20. GS-1719

    Humilating Deaths

    Humiliating Doom deaths? And here I was thinking it was the recent incidents of friendly fire in the Gulf. Back on topic, it has be being killed by an soldier after surviving waves of Barons, Cacodemons and Revenants.
  21. GS-1719

    Fav 3rd perosn action game.

    Mafia by a large margin.
  22. Parallels with Britain on the subject of colonialism and foreign intervention.
  23. GS-1719

    Unreal ][ review on Something Awful

    Absolutely spot on.