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Everything posted by GS-1719

  1. GS-1719

    Resurrection of Evil details

    According to http://www.gamebiz.com.au/news.php?action=display&id=5280 ROE is going to go all Prince of Persia with the 3rd new weapon, though from the last line I doubt this source is reliable.
  2. GS-1719

    Half Life 2 has gone bling-bling

    I didn't touch the multiplayer component of the original Half-Life, but thought the singleplayer game was very good. I'm definitely looking forward to HL2, though nowhere near as eagerly as the fanboys.
  3. GS-1719

    I Miss 'Father Ted' *sniff*

    Father Ted was superb, my favourite episode being "Kicking Bishop Brennan up the arse".
  4. GS-1719

    Pictures of the Cyberdemon and Hell. (EXTREME SPOILERS)

    Don't like the look of the new Cyberdemon.
  5. GS-1719

    Text Editors

    KWrite or Editpad Classic depending on whether I'm in Linux/Windows.
  6. GS-1719

    3 days 6 hours MY ASS!

    If missing it by one month because of this summer placement wasn't bad enough, missing it by one month, 3 days and 6 hours just takes the piss.
  7. GS-1719

    So what hasn't been included that you wish was?

    I haven't seen too much in the way of goat people, scorpion related things or Birdman which are a few of the enemies I'd have liked to see.
  8. GS-1719

    Custom Title/Avatar Giveaway

  9. GS-1719

    Math - pattern "discovery"

    Each sum is a square number less than the original number? e.g. n* n = n² = 100, (n - 1) * (n + 1) = n² - 1, (n - 2) * (n + 2) = n² - 2² ... (n - x) * (n + x) = n² - x²
  10. GS-1719

    New movie. Cacodemon inside!

    That cacodemon looks incredible.
  11. GS-1719

    Hey look what i found (pc gamer review of doom3)

    The Septemer issue thing seems far fetched. As for when it does come out, I'll still be here in London on placement, and finish a month later with a big pile of cash for some upgrades :-D
  12. GS-1719

    More Doom 3 Movie Goodness

    Is there somewhere I can get a series of screencaps from the video? I'm at work, the codec isn't installed, and I don't have the priveledges to install it.
  13. GS-1719

    Firefox 0.9

    I hate the new default theme, and the fact I can't migrate my old theme (Gray Modern) or any settings or extensions. I've reverted back to Firefox 0.8.
  14. GS-1719

    Best Ending in Movies

    All the Godfather endings, Fight Club, Seven, Requiem for a Dream
  15. GS-1719

    Designer Demons

    I would like to see a departure from the old Doom designs, and a focus on traditional images of evil (goats, hooves etc.) and also gruesome and freakish designs. I don't think mechanical parts are needed.
  16. GS-1719

    US policestate

    Nice to see some things never change ;)
  17. GS-1719

    Why does id use Open_GL over DirectX 9?

    I'd be very surprised if they did have to change to DirectX, particularly on Nvidia Xbox hardware. I would think it was more of a case of scaling down the quality of the assets and the size of the levels everywhere.
  18. GS-1719

    What is your least favorite game EVER?

    Deus Ex 2 was a very brief but painful experience. Test Drive 6 and Hot Pursuit 2 weren't much better. That was easily my favourite of the series.
  19. GS-1719

    Who's your Favorite Monster

    I haven't seen anything that has surpassed Birdman, with the exception of the Hell Knight.
  20. The design looks awesome. I particularly like the "for the children, for a memory, for himself" story theme.
  21. GS-1719

    Doom 3 XBox Trailer

    One particularly cool aspect of the trailer was the whispering - particularly "deliver us from evil" (33s). I hope this wasn't just scripted for the trailer. The pulsating organic sections looked superb, as did the way the Revenant teleports in. I am a bit disappointed by the look and sound of the chaingun though.
  22. GS-1719

    New Doom3 (PC) Screenshot

    The aspect ratio and the way the Hell Knight is lit relative to the surroundings leads me to believe it's not a screenshot, but it looks awesome anyway.
  23. GS-1719

    "Crap" games that you actually liked

    Quake 3 Arena - still the only 'fun' deathmatch game in my opinion Final Fantasy VIII - generally regarded as crap, but is my favourite of the series
  24. GS-1719

    tiny NV paper highlights Doom3 shadows

    Here's something similar with a new screenshot on THG: http://www20.tomshardware.com/graphic/20040414/feforce_6800-13.html
  25. GS-1719

    what DOOM III weapon or monster are you dreding the most?

    The enemy designs not being intimidating, particularly those with machinery built into them.