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Little Faith

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Everything posted by Little Faith

  1. Little Faith

    Looking for phobiaexodus.zip

    You could try contacting Ebola himself. He goes by the handle "Kristus" these days.
  2. Little Faith

    Doom Ringtones

    I assume you are a proud owner of a Samsung too.
  3. Indeed. I think China and USA are already competing about influence in the oil-producing middle east. There must be a reason China and Iran is buddying up like they are. It certainly isn't love.
  4. Little Faith

    Best maps for vanilla doom?

    As well as the two Memento Mori megawads (mm.wad and mm2.wad) insanely beautiful at times though maybe not the toughest wads around.
  5. Little Faith

    something cool I found

    He makes me think of something from Strife.
  6. Little Faith

    Dance one for the Gipper

    Even more funny is that "satanist" is just one of those stock titles that the forum gives to it's members once they have achieved a certain postcount.
  7. Little Faith

    Dance one for the Gipper

    Heh, that's FreakKingdom from the RuthlessReviews forum. They are of course howling with glee over there for the attention this has brought them. They have become quite notorious as of late.
  8. Little Faith

    Extreme metal and Doom

    Hey, did DW just turn into Ruthlessreviews?
  9. Little Faith

    Cool technology crap

    That's not a rail gun. A rail gun is a kind of linear electrical motor that propels a small projectile forward, much like an ordinary gun, but using electricity rather than explosive force. The weapon you descripe is the microwave riot gun that cooks the victim's skin causing severe pain and minor burns.
  10. Little Faith

    Pro Tools is Free! (Mac Users)

    You did not do anything wrong. You are merely giving the mac owners among us a nice heads up regarding a rather juicy freebie.
  11. Little Faith

    Lost City Released

    Well, this guy has been spewing out greatness on a weekly basis. He was sooner or later going to hit a dud.
  12. Little Faith

    Part two of lost city

    How do you manage to churn these out at such a rapid pace?
  13. Little Faith

    Map01: Good or bad

    Now, the interesting question to ask would be: Is there anything makers of DM maps could learn from Doom 2 Map01's example? As stated before quite a few things about map01 run afoul of conventional DM mapmaking wisdom, such as the lack of connectivity. Yet the map is a true classic.
  14. Little Faith

    MmM, you'd better watch out

    The legs are a bit too lumpy (no I am NOT referring to it's family jewels). Arms and torso is good though.
  15. Little Faith

    Looking for local players to play

    Umm, wouldn't it be an idea to ask over at the multiplayer forum?
  16. Little Faith

    Live 8 Concert! ABSO-FRICKIN-LUTELY FREE! (Except London)

    The Paris lineup seems decent (if we overlook Craig David).
  17. Little Faith

    Your skills and stuff

    I actually fare better in Plutonia that I would first believe. Still I have problems with multiple cyberdemons since I can't strafe worth a damn.
  18. Little Faith

    Crazy powerful laserbeam

    But then again, the mileage is great.
  19. Little Faith

    Another WAD... Do you really care?

    I happen to like Doom_dude's work.
  20. Little Faith

    Found some Doom pics'

    Really nice stuff. Especially the Baron of Hell caught my eye (for some reason). I think the cyberdemon deserves some negative criticism, however. The proportions are off in a way that cannot be explained away by non-standard poses and the chest; well, I know the cyberdemon is rather barrel-chested, but that chest there is completely cylindrical which is just ugly.
  21. Little Faith

    When you had to live in a doom level......

    It's Deathbringer's fault. (Or some asinine moderator who wanted to get point across).
  22. Little Faith

    Another WAD... Do you really care?

    Simplistic, yet beautiful. Your work reminds me of Doom_Dude.
  23. Little Faith

    Burning crap, yeah!

    Yet again there are quite a few places here on Earth with lots of very flat and completely arid terrain and once you got it up and running it should be fairly low maintenance. I'm fairly sure you can find a few prime spots somewhere in Arizona.
  24. I moved this to Classic Doom - WADs & Mods since it involves maps for a Doom engine game. The classic Doom forums are the place to discuss all games based upon the venerable Doom engine.
  25. Little Faith

    Spider Shot ChillerCastle

    This hardly looks like Doom anymore.