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Sent the transmission, where do I go?

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Two days I got to the part where I send the transmission but Swann tells me not to send it. I just saved it and went on a brief holiday. I have started playing this again and I decided to send the transmission and the marine tells me to head back to the monorail (I think) but I can't remember where to go? could someone give me directions?

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i might be off, but you go backwards awhile. actually if you are going the right way, you will encounter more demons, always be aware of that. but there should be a sign saying monorail and pointing to a door on the left wall i believe. sry im doing this off the top of my head

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FlexGalaxy said:
actually if you are going the right way,
you will encounter more demons, always be aware of that.


he's correct about that...
you have to track your steps backwards, all the way back to the room with the curved desk where you unlocked the communications room, go straight from the doorway you came in to this room until you reach the far north(i think its north) wall, make a left, there should be a panel next to a locked door saying, "open bay doors.". Press it, go inside, press, "click to exit communications", and thats all there is to it...

if this works and you need anymore help, PM me.

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I was wondering, if you don't send transimission what happens at the end? Because I sent transmission, and went that route, but I saved at the point where I have to make a decision. I pressed cancel, and counselor swann says something like, "You did the right thing marine."

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