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Outdoor lighting

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I'm not too familiar with the specifics of the lighting features in Doom 3 as far as the syntax goes.

Here's the problem:

I'm probably 1/2 the way through my new DM map, but I am having a problem getting the outdoor lighting to work. I have a skybox that works and all, but even if I tweak the fall-off, and radius of the light (making it huge at that), it won't light up my outdoor scene. Does anyone know how to make it illuminate large areas with a single light?

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I made a small outside area in my map and I had four lights in there and it looked bad. So on inspecting one of the D3 outside areas I noticed they had 2 light entities that were quite large that overlapped quite a bit since they were fairly close together. You really have to play with the lights to get them looking good in a large area. So maybe you need to add a 2nd light in the area your working on and make it big like the other one so that they both cover most of the area. Anyhow maybe somebody else can add better recon because I've just started on D3 mapping myself. ;).

Also if you want the shadows to appear as if the light is coming from the sky then remember to have the light raised above your architecture.

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You can also create a really large spotlight. This way you can simulate the sun and get some really nice shadows. To make the actual shadows a little brighter, as in not pitch black, place a normal (and big) light in the middle of the outside area.

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I've tried using the projected shadow option, but I don't know which options to tweak to make it actually illuminate the entire area.

Apparently, you will get more light with textures that have specular highlights. What a bummer.

In any case, the Danzig port is almost 3/4 of the way done. I've thrown in a few extras and all, but actually refining and tweaking the map so it doesn't look like shit will be a different story altogether.

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Also. If you think your lights are too bright, just add some more black into the colour.

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