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D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR: Driver internal error [-2005530585]

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Because my extremist points of view towards D3d landed my post in "post hell" Im going to post this again.

Well heres the issue I am experiencing at the moment.

Every time I load a map under the same wad, I get a D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR: Driver internal error [-2005530585]

This video better explains what I mean


Some of you are going to post something about using a screen-cap program, all windows screen cap programs blow, so I present the argument that the camera quality makes it legible ^_^


Two count them two intel core2 duo processors t9300 @ 2.5ghz

512mb RAM

256mb VRAM on a generic video adapter

Heres a list of workarounds that I have tried.

Loading the WAD on the local disk -Failed

Re-install the application -Checking to see if that wont work or not.

Build another wad just to test. -Failed on Map load.

Please post some troubleshooting tips.


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This is likely an issue with the video driver (or even on a lower level, the hardware). I can't tell what it is really, I didn't write the driver. You can try updating your video driver (visit the manufacturer website and look for driver updates). Or you may want to buy a real video card ("generic video adapter" doesn't sound like a credible video card). Sorry, I can't really help you with any solution other than that really.

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CodeImp said:

This is likely an issue with the video driver (or even on a lower level, the hardware). I can't tell what it is really, I didn't write the driver. You can try updating your video driver (visit the manufacturer website and look for driver updates). Or you may want to buy a real video card ("generic video adapter" doesn't sound like a credible video card). Sorry, I can't really help you with any solution other than that really.

Have you checked out this error on microsquishes webpage?

In Direct3D 9, Direct3D will allow the driver to return error codes such as E_OUTOFMEMORY, D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY, and D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDCOLORARG so that an application would be able to respond to them. However, sometimes the API calls that generated these return types get loaded into a command buffer and are batched up to be sent to the GPU (see Controlling Runtime and Driver Optimizations). In this case, the errors cannot be relayed to the application when action needs to be taken, so the error code is consumed by the runtime and a note is made on the device object that this happened. Later when the application invokes IDirect3DDevice9::Present, IDirect3DDevice9::Present will return D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR. This is why the best approach for an application to take when receiving a D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR from IDirect3DDevice9::Present is to destroy and recreate the device.


Im no developer so, no guarantees ^_^

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Compwhiz128 said:

Please post some troubleshooting tips.

Tip 1: try updating your video drivers
Tip 2: if newer drivers fail, try older drivers
Tip 3: try a newer operating system
Tip 4: try an older operating system
Tip 5: get a new video card
Tip 6: get a new computer
Tip 7: forget about mapping and watch ads on TV

Hope that helps! :-)

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512mb RAM

256mb VRAM on a generic video adapter

I'm having no problems with my generic video adapter (GeForce 6150) OTOH - it's not claiming half of my system RAM.

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