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Captain Skippy

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That hasn't stopped me yet, fods!

The only major criticisms I give are the "I told you we never should have created the Electoral College" kind of criticisms. You know, the ones that no one really has the "right" to bash, since none of us were there to tell them what a stupid idea it was.


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Originally posted by fodders
If you did not vote you have no right to critisise anything the government does, sorry

Yeah you do.

In my case, I haven't voted in local elections and stuff because there's nobody worth voting for, hence I criticize everybody.

I suppose the other thing that goes with that is if I vote for somebody who screws something up, I'm probably responsible, which is also a responsibility I'll absolutely not take any blame for.

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If you don't vote, youre voting.

If you stay home on election day, you're telling your neighbours Go ahead you make the decisions for me.

If you don't vote because you think elected officials don't care about you you're right, they don't care about you. How can they? They don't know what you want.

If you say all politicians are alike, and there's not enough difference to make voting worthwhile, you're just like all the other people who don't vote.

If you don't vote, you forfeit the right to complain about the politicians you didn't vote for. If you don't vote, you can't write letters asking your representative in government to support or oppose an issue you do care about.

If you say you're too busy to vote, you're telling your children it's okay to pass up important obligations.

If you don't vote, you throw away what thousands of men and women gave their lives for.

If you don't vote, you throw away what millions of men and women would give their lives for.

If you don't vote, in democratic countries, you're not breaking any laws.

And thats why you should vote.

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Originally posted by Ct_red_pants

Oh common, were not THAT Bad.

John Howard + GST == You decide

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Originally posted by Crendowing
Just a few more months and I'll be old enough to vote.......

Yeah, vote Deomocrat.

Someone kill him before he lives to see his 18th birthday! :P

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Personally, I agree with Lüt. If I don't vote, I may give up the right to bitch at the person elected, but when you consider the number and caliber of people I'm voting against, I am in the vast minority anyway.

If you don't vote, you throw away what thousands of men and women gave their lives for.

Thousands of men and women didn't give their lives so that people campaigning to rule this country could act like children on national television. Nor did they fight and die so that the government could deny their actions, disavow their involvement, or send them to a grisly death.

Basically, those men and women died for something that was practically eliminated fifty years ago.


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