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Some funny videos

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OK im bored so i decided to share some funny videos from games, you may have seen them before but whatever, these are timeless classics.
Feel free to add to the list.

First one.. Halo Physics Experiment (requires quick time)
Basically its a game "demostrating" the physics of a jeep being tossed in the air by explosions , really funny. The author did an excellent job on editing and the music added in.

2nd one.. Battle Field 1942
Another funny one. Basiclly its a bunch of people fucking around and having fun, crashing into each other etc... However, the music used in this may offend you =)

These other videos require quake 1 to watch , im not gonna post all of them , there are way to many. You can find em right here
Some funny videos that stand out from the list :
- Blahbalicious
- Fiend Run Lite , this one is hilarous, its basiclly a quake speed run excpet the player is replaced with a fiend model with the quake guy riding on the back of the fiend

..hmm thats all for now feel free to add to the list.

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first one timesout
second one won't play for me
seen all the third ones.

the above may sound negative, but thanks for posting... I enjoy game movies.
(note that was GAME movies ;)

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damn file handling bugs...
the eminem one I had seen a few months ago under a different name.
I hadn't seen the good one though, thanks; that must have taken some time to make. :)

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Haha...the Halo one was awesome. But what level was that? Was it from single player (I've only played like 3 levels of that)? And if so, how did he find so much free time to do it? Usualy in single player console games, you don't have much time to dick around and even if you do, you can't do shit like that repeattedly. Also, if it was single player, how come there are so many guys there?

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Haha...the Halo one was awesome. But what level was that? Was it from single player (I've only played like 3 levels of that)? And if so, how did he find so much free time to do it? Usualy in single player console games, you don't have much time to dick around and even if you do, you can't do shit like that repeattedly. Also, if it was single player, how come there are so many guys there?

Hmm, im not sure, maybe he had an x-box dev kit, which allowed him to basiclly use console commands to spawn enemies and stuff. I think thats the fourth level (the level after Truth and Reconciliation).I did play co-op on that fourth level with a friend. To do what he did, we took turns killing each other, everytime we died we dropped some grenades , eventually the grenades piled up to such a large amount capable of blasting the jeep into the sky. We repeated the proccess through loading the last check point.

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Oh, and the reason why there were so many guys being blasted was because the level


started off with basicly a huge battle with marines,
if any of them live then they follow you and hop in the jeep


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