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Rap Track Request

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I've made a big mistake, but I can corrigate it if someone's keen on making karaokes.
I've announced a Flash Rap series and have already done three performances. Now comes the big one, when I'm first going to do it for track (previously, I was able to make and catch a rhythm by myself, but this one would be cheesy without anything, because its topic is being loved). I was searching for tracks, but none was suitable for me, when I've came across a very uncommon "rendition" of Lutricia McNeal's Someone Loves You Honey and its background music was so catchy that I've decided this would be the best for it.
But. Since there is the popular form of 1998, all of the karaokes I've found are based on that, and after 15-20 pages of Googling I've given it up with nerves, since it could have been obvious for me.
My special request is that I want someone make this karaoke, because I'm really no clue of what else I can put under my fourth CFR (Cell Flash Rap) performance, my own rap music, "Being loved".

Here's the "rare" version of the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pITGTBj-3w0&

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