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Remilia Scarlet

Artist does 30 self-portraits, each one while under a different drug

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ultama121 said:

Yeah, this. I dunno why you guys are jumping to discredit it. It's an "experiment", but it clearly wasn't made with the intention to establish anything empirical. Some guy did some drugs and said "How do I feel like drawing myself today?". I'll take it with a grain of salt and suppose he did his job.

Agreed. It's ridiculous, almost an abuse of language to talk about whether these are "real." Is pro wrestling real? Yes - it's a real form of theater.

I'm really impressed by the creativity and skills this guy obviously has, especially considering that he's restricted himself to drawing the same subject every single day. I'm sure that what he draws when he isn't under the influence of anything is just as interesting, but unfortunately there's no story unless drugs are involved.

geo said:

In unrelated news, GW Bush paints paintings of 30 different world leaders. http://www.today.com/news/george-w-bushs-paintings-be-displayed-presidential-library-2D12172842

Insert comical stage vomiting here. Nobody would give half a shit or two dollars at a garage sale for this crap if not for who he is.

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Creaphis said:

Insert comical stage vomiting here. Nobody would give half a shit or two dollars at a garage sale for this crap if not for who he is.

Slavish, uninspired copies of pics found on the first page of a quick GIS search. He truly is the Paris Hilton of presidents, isn't he.

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Fake or not, I'm picking up a pretty big "look at me" vibe (portrait pun not intended) from these pictures. Especially considering the sloppy chicken scratch scribbles for some of the heavier disorienting drugs. Are those seriously worth sharing?

it just reminds me of this pothead I sat next to in algebra in high school who needlessly informed me every day what different unprescribed painkillers he popped this morning and how few hours of sleep he got the night before. I think doing drugs can be interesting (for lack of a better word) but there's a line you can cross where you're doing it because you want to be interesting.

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