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Things about Doom you just found out

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KiiiYiiiKiiiA said:

Those with OCD may not wish to continue reading this post.

From TNT evilution map 01.


Check the closest pillar relative to the others. I had never noticed this before.

Let that be a cheap prototype over there :D
And, several METAL2 edges are "cut off".

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Shadow Hog said:

Noticed this yesterday in the Doom 2 In Name Only thread: there's a face in SKY2 of Doom 2.


Looks like Walter White to me, honestly.

(Yes I know this is just pareidolia, shut up)

This is pretty creepy. D:
Wasn`t there a similiar face in of the posters for Cloverfield? I think it was somewhere in the clouds too.

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Scypek2 said:

And, of course, there's an eye in the middle of e4 sky.

Satan keeps an eye on you.
Or sends a couple of barking textures to interrupt your dream :D

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Cell said:

Satan keeps an eye on you.
Or sends a couple of barking textures to interrupt your dream :D

oh man, you remembered this one? :D I almost forgot it myself...

On topic, I don't think I've found out anything new about doom recently... maybe except that pain elemental's body feels quite like a big baloon, but that's not in the game.

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Revenant100 said:

I just found out that the Lost Soul's front-facing walking frames are different in the Jaguar, 32X, PlayStation, and Saturn ports of Doom:
--Lost Soul images--

Console is on the left, and the PC original is of course on the right.

Not quite. The original images are actually the ones on the left; my copy of Registered Doom v1.2 contains these sprites. I don't know what caused the shoddy, badly-animated edit to be made, but it's very odd that they'd replace the much better original in subsequent versions.

(EDIT: Unless of course, an even older version uses the wonky sprites... who'd have thought a game approaching 20 years old would still have us scratching our heads over stuff like this?)

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Just found out that Doom 64 has only 25 levels. Every other level in the 32 is a secret level, or a special warp only level.

Also, Hectic is the most evil level in any Doom game. What exactly do you get from beating it?

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Ragnor said:

Thanks, that should be added to doomwiki.

Does Doom 64 EX feature that menu?

It does, and there are more cheat/borderline cheat features in it, such as enabling jumping.

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Memfis said:

Try to pick up RL/BFG while holding the fire button and you'll understand.

Or just to change to them and start holding the fire button while waiting for the weapon to change.

And I hate it. Usually I want the RL to fire as soon as I've switched to it, because otherwise the enemies get so close to me that I'll damage myself. Even if I now know about the "safety catch", often I forget it, and the enemies get even more close.

To me it feels more like an "unsafety catch".

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Lost Soul's delight-catch, is more like it.

Which is one of the major reasons I use plasma on Pain Elementals, if I've got it.

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Heretic also has the Safety Catch feature, but only on the Phoenix Rod. Strife bizarrely doesnt have it, youd think it would with the missile launcher, two grenade launchers, and the two wepaons that hurt you when firing.

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I just noticed the muzzleflashes for the shotgun has purple/pink pixels around the edges.

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Last year (I meant to post this before...) I discovered that the Boom weapon switching code will implement the preference order "berserk fist > chainsaw > normal fist" if you put fist above chainsaw in the settings. Since putting fist above chainsaw is pretty nonsensical, unless you happened to have seen the special case in the code, I never noticed this before. (I've never seen it documented either, perhaps I missed something)

It has changed my life, I no longer waste time pussyfooting around chainsaws in case a berserk box shows up later.

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Hey RjY, I meant to ask you this when I read your blog post about this weapon switching stuff, but I forgot. What are weapons 8 and 9? And what is 1, is it fist or chainsaw or both? Also will this stuff work with -complevel 9 or does it enforce some specific weapon order?

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speaking of weapon switching...

is there some way to disable forced switching when running out of ammo after deliberately choosing a weapon (prboom)? for example I run out of cells so it switches to ssg, I run towards a patch of cell ammo and preemptively change to bfg/plasma, but because I have no ammo it immediately switches back to ssg. Is this a complevel thing or is this hidden in prefs somewhere? (I tried perusing but couldn't find it)

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Weapons 8 and 9 are the chainsaw and supershotgun, presumably, following their order in the code:

// The defined weapons,
//  including a marker indicating
//  user has not changed weapon.
typedef enum

    // No pending weapon change.

} weapontype_t;
In vanilla Doom, when you have the chainsaw in your inventory and press the 1 key, you do not select the chainsaw: you still select the fist. But there is a hack to replace it with the chainsaw, unless you have the berserk item or you are already using the chainsaw.
	if (newweapon == wp_fist
	    && player->weaponowned[wp_chainsaw]
	    && !(player->readyweapon == wp_chainsaw
		 && player->powers[pw_strength]))
	    newweapon = wp_chainsaw;
In plain English: "If the fists are selected, and the player owns a chainsaw but does not have the berserk or is not already using a chainsaw, then replace the selection of the fists by that of the chainsaw."

Likewise for the supershotgun:
	if ( (gamemode == commercial)
	    && newweapon == wp_shotgun 
	    && player->weaponowned[wp_supershotgun]
	    && player->readyweapon != wp_supershotgun)
	    newweapon = wp_supershotgun;
"If we're in Doom II and the player selects the shotgun but has a supershotgun he isn't currently using, select the supershotgun instead."

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