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Sandy Petersen Guest of Honor at HP Lovecraft Film Festival

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The special Guest of Honor for the Portland H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival & CthulhuCon, game designer and creator of the Call of Cthulhu RPG, is Sandy Petersen! Come meet the man who put Lovecraft center stage of the gaming world, May 3-5 at the Hollywood Theatre.

Primarily interested by the first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3D, Petersen joined id Software about 10 weeks before the December 1993 release of Doom and in that time created 19 levels for it (of which 8 were based to some extent on early drafts by Tom Hall). He later created 17 of the levels for Doom II, and 7 levels for Quake. His Lovecraftian influences also resulted in some changes to the monster designs for these games. He left id Software for Ensemble Studios in June 1997.

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That would actually be pretty cool! I believe I've written everything Lovecraft ever wrote, and am a huge fan of game like Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth and Amnesia.

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Ha ha, why did I say,"I believe I've written everything he wrote"?

I meant read. :)

Charles Dexter... good one!

Check out the movie: Whisperer in Darkness.

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