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Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

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@Eris Falling
No one is going to be really bothered by that... looks interesting so far, like it :D

While it`s all a little too brown to me (would like a little more dark/bright contrast here and there), the orange sky really adds a lot to the view. :D

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Eris, I'd love to take a gander at that map.. I have a fully vanilla solution in mind, assuming there isn't a room directly inside that wall, that is!

40s idea is probably even easier. The map looks nice from that one shot alone, hope you don't drop it!

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Here, have a faithful Doom palette that has an extended purple range:

I removed all redundant colors* and others so close to one another that you'll never notice they're gone.

The only exception to that is the last index, for three reasons. First is that it's never used in any IWAD graphics (RSKY2 doesn't count, that was accidentally transparent). Second is that it doesn't fit into any other range (at least indices 248 and 249 can fit in the orange and gold ranges respectively). Third is that it actually makes the upper pink range fade worse by filling a large area with just a single color. In that sense it's closer to the alpha version of Doom that didn't have that problem due to it lacking a unique index 255.

*I actually left one redundant color (the second black) because ports like ZDoom only support 255 unique colors, not 256.

UPDATE: Rearranged the colors to not break hardcoded automap colors or player translation.

UPDATE 2: Somehow I felt compelled to add index 255 back in. There is no suitable substitute for it elsewhere in the palette and someone somewhere might want to use it. I also decided to restore index 230, because despite being so subtly different from its neighbors, it somehow felt wrong to cut it as it was a shade difference and not a hue difference as was the case with other non-redundant (but close) colors I cut.

This also has the side effect of making the total number of purple shades 16, so you can conveniently translate players or whatever else to it if need be.

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Sodaholic said:

*I actually left one redundant color (the second black) because ports like ZDoom only support 255 unique colors, not 256.

Are you sure?

What happens if you have 256 unique colors?

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Da Werecat said:

Are you sure?

What happens if you have 256 unique colors?

That's what I heard, anyhow. IIRC, it finds the closest two colors and merges them.

Someone other than me would be better equipped to answer this.

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So, this was a pretty major cutoff, more than my first shot really implied. It was immediately visible from the start position, and got worse as you approached the buliding. This is for Nova III so the Boom format is a must, and yeah, the intent is to enter the building.
After deleting the map and undeleting it, I made the building a bit taller as 40oz suggested, but also lowered the large structure by 64 units. Now I'm just annoyed at how difficult I made it out to be when it was almost trivial :P

The building itself is still very WIP, but here's how it looks now:

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Eris Falling said:

Now I'm just annoyed at how difficult I made it out to be when it was almost trivial :P

Well, it can be a bit of a problem if you can't adjust heights easily (for aesthetic reasons or otherwise).

Looks great, by the way.

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Looks god Eris. Gotta admit, from your initial screenshot I thought it was a 'normal, sunny day' sky that was being used, not that the player is in outer space!

Sodaholic, I'm unable to test at this current point in time, but can you confirm that what you've provided will work with the doom IWADs and nothing will look any different? If so, this is a fantastic resource!

Also, I will eventually get round to taking the pictures of the Revenant model's base to make a texture set from, I just can't find something to put the model onto to rotate it in place, ensuring the photos are consistent. Only thing I got is a microwave - something I'm not putting the model in/on, heh.

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Dragonfly said:

Sodaholic, I'm unable to test at this current point in time, but can you confirm that what you've provided will work with the doom IWADs and nothing will look any different? If so, this is a fantastic resource!

Unfortunately, it's required to convert graphics to the new palette for them to work. However, I guarantee that with the exception of index 255 that there is zero perceptible difference to the human eye after the conversion.

On another note, several high profile megawads have included palette converted assets and Zenimax hasn't (yet) jumped down anyone's throat for it. Probably even better would be to use Revenant100's awesome sprite fix WAD (just use that one guy's better mixed Lost Soul though) to ensure more differences.

I'm beginning to think source ports should have a feature to translate the IWAD graphics using a LUT, so that the file size and potential legal issues are avoided.

Since that hasn't happened yet, I'll assemble a resource WAD and privately send it to you later when it's finished.

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Woah, slow down haha. I don't need the resource WAD just yet, although I won't object to it. :P

The question was more hypothetical than anything else, but thanks for the response! I was more curious for the sake of including it in a texture pack - allowing for a new colour range to be included in the texture pack while not breaking support for stock textures. It is a shame it's not quite so simple, but that's the nature of the beast as they say.

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Da Werecat said:

Are you sure?

What happens if you have 256 unique colors?

The color closest to black (or perhaps the color closest to that color) is sacrificed.

ZDoom needs a transparent color because in order to use different image formats (such as PNG) it doesn't use the Doom picture format internally, and having a transparent index is the only way to keep paletted bitmaps in 8-bits: with 256 unique colors you'd need a second byte just for transparency information.

ZDoom looks for a duplicate of the blackest color, and if not found a duplicate of any color, and if still not found it goes for a "meh, close enough" approach.

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Not entirely doom related, but more DoomWorld related, I've made myself a new display picture.


Based on the old, but a little bit of animation and more 'techie'.

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an_mutt said:

You know what's cool? Caverns.

I really like the top/bottom fades to black, however I think that the railling/barrier could use some supports along the way - it just feels weird for me to have unsupported, bent metal bars going for such a long way and still be straight.

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Looking awesome, an_mutt! I agree with Cage as well, some supports on the railings would make sense and look good IMO. Maybe some nice bulky ones.

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Eh, it's already a standard usage of this texture. Maybe didn't make sense at first but now it does.

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The best is when this railing fully encloses a hole in the middle of a room, and not a single point of the railing is tied to any support, pillar, wall or anything, it just seems to float. I suspect that's what happens on an_mutt's second screenshot, but I'm not sure.

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You know I'm going to make a new "bars" texture some time...that same one is everywhere and those red and green pixels hnngnggg

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