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Play WADs on Your iOS Device

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@Phml Obviously a mouse and keyboard is best, my personal preference for controls is: left stick = forward, back, strafe. right stick = turning (fire in the upper right). I also go into settings and set "ramp turn" to OFF.

Takes a little getting used to :)

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Archy: you can change the loading order, actually. If you hit "edit" in the list of games, then you can drag the different files into a new order by touching the little grey bars that show up on the right after clicking "edit". Let me know if that makes sense.

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Moving them up and down with edit did no affect how they where loaded.
This my order from top to bottom:

doom2.wad [✔]
plutonia.wad [✔]
pl2.wad [✔]
But it does not load like
-file doom2.wad plutonia.wad pl2.wad
 -file doom2.wad pl2.wad plutonia.wad
-file plutonia.wad pl2.wad
doesn't work either because for some reason, the sky's missing. This does not happen when doom2.wad is loaded.

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Archy: this should work: disable doom2.wad so you just have pl2 and plutonia enabled. Then when you start it touch four fingers to the screen and type "newRenderer 1", and the skies should appear (for Plutonia 1 and TNT the new renderer doesn't work, so it's turned off when it detects either of those IWADs).

If you play Plutonia 1 or TNT, just change it to "newRenderer -1" (means new renderer will be on except if it's Plutonia or TNT).

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Man, swellymp in the reviews for this is a fucking idiot. N64 and SNES WADs? Really? The description sucks? No, you suck for not being able to read it. In no way does it even IMPLY that it can do anything other than PrBoom WADs. He also states that he has no interest in playing modded versions of Doom. Well, gee, maybe that's the WHOLE POINT OF THE APP.

I find it humorous and frustrating at the same time how downright ignorant people can be. ;)

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Sodaholic said:

Man, swellymp in the reviews for this is a fucking idiot. N64 and SNES WADs? Really? The description sucks? No, you suck for not being able to read it. In no way does it even IMPLY that it can do anything other than PrBoom WADs. He also states that he has no interest in playing modded versions of Doom. Well, gee, maybe that's the WHOLE POINT OF THE APP.

I find it humorous and frustrating at the same time how downright ignorant people can be. ;)

A couple days ago, I was about to post the same thing but decided it was to obvious and every one would see it anyway...

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Hey, Nate. Could you possibly consider adding support for using the PLAYPAL lump for the pain, item and suit palettes instead of having them be generated in real time as an overlay? WADs with custom flash effects don't work properly in this port.

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That's an unavoidable limitation of hardware rendering, which doesn't use palettes. The best that could be done would be guessing the blend color by analyzing how they affect white and black but that still won't be correct.

Otherwise you'd have to recreate all textures when the special palette changes - and that won't go unnoticed.

I am not aware of any hardware rendering port that supports such palette based effects.

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Graf Zahl said:

Otherwise you'd have to recreate all textures when the special palette changes - and that won't go unnoticed.

Oh. That's exactly what I had in mind, reload the textures into memory with the different palette. I take it that it would be too slow then?

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There's two things... (besides this being an awesome app. I'm 24, and still can't wrap my head around any FPS today... N.O.V.A is an OKAY game, but it feels like Halo in so many ways)

1) PLEASE change the icon. Can you make it have some type of "file icon"... like .WAD?
Check out these - http://designm.ag/inspiration/30-ios-app-icon-designs-for-iphone-ipad/

I will donate money if you'd want to raise a bit to get a gorgeous icon

2) I spent about an hour playing through squadron. Considering DOOM is designed for WASD+Mouse or pure keyboard, I think updating it with the touch controls make it have an extra challenge... Unfortunately, eventually the original Doom will be a thing of the past as more and more touch devices take over. Like arcades, Doom was built for a different era.

Here's my ultimate set up playing squadron417 (best wad ever)

note: I play the left controls with one hand and the right controls with my pinky sometimes to hit the fire button

ramp turn: on/move controls: off

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Can you add support for full access to Base folder too? I want to use for iTunes File Sharing and add my custom Icons... ¡¡Will be perfect!!...

if you put any suport to replace the menu Icons too will be great... then I will Rate it...

Please do it I will Really Thankfull..

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please add suport to replace Base.ipak I will be really happy. the Icons that guy give you are Horribles. and there is a bug in Hacx the port detect it like doom1 based.

Ex: game begin in e1m1.bsp instead map01.bsp

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I only noticed that some maps of, for example, Alien Vendetta or kama Sutra or Speed of Doom, couldn't be runed in gameception, so, why?

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RickAstley6996 said:

Just got this app, and I got the drop box setup. Forever reason I cannot load any wads into it at all, I'm on a iPhone 6 . Please help! I'm at wits end

Just back-flip your iPhone so that you can tap on the Download button (just flip the screen verticaly so that it back-flips)

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Andre said:

Just back-flip your iPhone so that you can tap on the Download button (just flip the screen verticaly so that it back-flips)

I tried that. The problem I'm facing is I can't find a way to download the wads on Gameception, it's not on the list of spots I can place the downloads.

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RickAstley6996 said:

I tried that. The problem I'm facing is I can't find a way to download the wads on Gameception, it's not on the list of spots I can place the downloads.

You can do so via iTunues sharing or linking Gameception to DropBox via "Transfer from Computer" on the Downloads section

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:thread bump:  There was a slimier app like this that was just called "Tech1" where it allowed you to play pwads but you couldn't change the iwad. 

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This app is going to stop working soon, unless it's updated to 64-bit. It seems the author abandoned it long ago, but I figured I'd at least say something -- anything -- because I'd sure hate to see this disappear when Apple drops support for 32-bit applications.

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