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Who here KNOWS how to make colored water in Boom?

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I know how it is done, but the only textures I see that I can use are WATERMAP and COLORMAP. (RED/BLU/GRN/YELMAP don't seem to work) COLORMAP appears to do nothing, while WATERMAP has a blue effect. I tried looking at the Chemical Plant map which uses GRNMAP, and it finds it in Deepsea, but it doesn't find GRNMAP (or any others for that matter) in any of my other wads. Do I have to insert a lump called ***MAP (with the correct colors in it) into my wad and then use that name as a lower texture in the editor? I've tried it before and it doesn't seem to work. HELP!!!

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Do I have to insert a lump called ***MAP (with the correct colors in it) into my wad and then use that name as a lower texture in the editor?

Yes. Two remarks about that. Firstly, do not insert the lump (eg. GRNMAP) between PWAD markers (so, you should insert it like it was, um, a titlepic graphic). Secondly, by inserting the lump this way your editor probably will not recognise GRNMAP as a valid -texture- name (and entirely correct so) and thus probably refuses to 'paint' the lower texture of your 242-triggered linedef with GRNMAP. Up to now I've circumvented this by making a seperate 'resource' pwad that contains a GRNMAP -texture-, and using a 'playing' pwad that has a proper GRNMAP colormap lump.

Hope this helps,

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I know how it is done, but the only textures I see that I can use are WATERMAP and COLORMAP.

For the older DeePsea, the WATERMAP and COLORMAP names were in the BOOM.OPT file. If it found entries between C_START and C_END in a level, those would also be used - so that's how you got to see GRNMAP.

So what you do is ADD (insert) these kind of entries in your level between C_START and C_END. They have to be the correct format to work! Just being there as a "name" will work for DeePsea (in terms of picking up the name), but BOOM will NOT work.

Optionally, you can manually create these names in F5/Texture and click on the "Create/Edit Colormap Names" IOW, you can manually add any name you like without a lump being in your level - BE SURE that a lump by that name exits when you play though:) Don't worry if you later make a real entry, since that will automatically be detected.

Just in case you later try ZDOOM: In Hexen format, ZDOOM is a bit easier in that you can just type in a hexadecimal texture name. DeePsea recognizes the name the same way ZDOOM does and will display an approximation of the color selected.

PS - the name can be any name you like, just so it doesn't duplicate an existing lump name.

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Yes. Two remarks about that. Firstly, do not insert the lump (eg. GRNMAP) between PWAD markers (so, you should insert it like it was, um, a titlepic graphic).

I've been using Wintex and editing Wadinfo.txt. I add in:
* .'s = spaces
I'm not sure what you mean by not inserting them between PWAD markers. I'm not sure what you mean by it being a titlepic either. It is just a lump (I think it says ANYLUMP ???? or something like that in Wintex) Also, where do I find C_START and C_END?

Secondly, by inserting the lump this way your editor probably will not recognise GRNMAP as a valid -texture- name (and entirely correct so) and thus probably refuses to 'paint' the lower texture of your 242-triggered linedef with GRNMAP. Up to now I've circumvented this by making a seperate 'resource' pwad that contains a GRNMAP -texture-, and using a 'playing' pwad that has a proper GRNMAP colormap lump.

I understand this. I've been trying to do this all along.


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Also, where do I find C_START and C_END?

Trust me, DeePsea has a much easier time inserting ANY named lump compared to Wintex:)

Press F7, select Import, Select your target PWAD -your level. Now in the target name list just insert a DUMMY control entry C_START and another one called C_END. The position of the cursor in the target list determines where they are added. These "surround" the colormap entries. If you have a colormap lump just add that via the "Add File" button.

The entry is inserted where ever you put the cursor in the Target List - the list on the right - which should be a list containing your level name and whatever else you have in your PWAD.

The default lumpname is the 1st 8 of your file name. ANY name works. You can change the lump name to be different from the file name. Usually it makes sense to have the file name the same as the lump name. The ending extension does NOT matter to DeePsea.

Press the "Save all Files" button to save your changes.

If you just wanted to add control entries, then the "Rename-Ins..etc" button could do that also.

Oh, these special names show up with a special graphic in the "texture" displays in DeePsea, so you instantly know what they are.

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