Basically every wad I've ever released has multiple reviews that say "it has that 90's charm", which I think is totally great and it's usually what I'm going for.   I want to ask all the talent around here, though.. Is there some way I can up my detail game and my visual game? Let's assume I'm mapping in Boom format, with all limits removed. What exactly can I do to make my maps look better?   I've gone around and looked at many beautiful wads and my gut instinct is that all I'm really missing are the right combination of custom textures and perhaps a new palette, but I just want others to weigh in and spill whatever thoughts they might have on this topic.   It would be particularly helpful for me if you look at it this way: Teaching an old dog new tricks. I'm a vanilla mapper who needs conversion therapy. I can count the amount of Boom-and-up maps I've made on my hands despite having released well over 200 maps at this point. I do at least use GZDB, so managing a new editor is something I - thankfully - won't have to come to terms with.   I understand this post is a bit of a brain dump so I welcome any and all thoughts you may have on the matter regardless of how (un)organized they may be.   EDIT: For reference, here are some of my wads.   While I wouldn't call them ugly (and I've honestly never gotten that as feedback) you'll see what I mean when I compare their visuals to those of the iwads. When I started mapping for Doom, all I had as a conceptual basis to expand on were the iwads and a small handful of very early pwads. I'm findng it extremely hard to break away from that mold, as it's been instilled in me over the course of 18 years.