Hey everyone! I joined Doomworld about a month ago, and I am basically a noob here. I have already gotten 3 warning points! One was for trying to revive an old topic, and I got 2 for spamming! I love Doomworld, and would hate to be banned from it, so could somebody out there help me figure out some of the ways you can get warned and possibly banned. Thank you. also, could you avoid the obvious like, if you don't have DOOM, and spamming. also, for anyone that is new, if you post things that are meaningless (for example, I posted a topic called Hell, and it was caught for spamming because it had no point to it) that is spam, or if you try to make a topic that is almost a rhetorical question (I posted a topic where I asked that if a pistol was going to be a pickup, then would the fist be the starting weapon). And obviously reviving an old topic is writing an answer to a question posted years or months ago, which is totally meaningless (I answered someone's question from 2003 and it did not go so well). But other than those things, what can get you in trouble on Doomworld?