Waves of the Undead is a difficult and short full megawad, most maps are enemy filled in one way or another, the main focus is really the enemies and finishing the level. There's a lot of shotgunners, barons, knights and revenants. Anyway, it probably only runs on ZDoom/Boom-compatible ports.. Also, have a good computer, unlike mine, which lagged in some places with many enemies. It uses the default Doom II IWAD. Also, there's no crouching, jumping, or mouselook required.     And here's the official trailer on my YT channel.    Some edits before the release of V.1:   Edit: Please, spread the news, I'm releasing a full megawad.   @Bauul Thanks for telling me that, but I have no idea how to make it PRBoom+ compatible and have never played on Crispy. I have Chocolate Doom ports, but I'm not sure if the mod would work on it. Maybe I'll have playtesters.   @TheNoob_Gamer Well, it's going to release around the next few days, so nobody has to wait long. Besides, I'm working on a hilarious "first wad" style doom map, and I'm going to release it in a few hours or minutes.   All current versions:   https://attictelephone.wixsite.com/hideout12/waves-of-the-undead   Currently working on new maps...