WAD Painter is a simple paint program that can be used to combine textures from WAD & PK3 resources. Actually, it's a strip-off of the DD_TERRAIN tool, that keeps only the "texture painting" mechanics. It was created in order to have a separate development path for possible future functionalities that could not fit the parent project.   Downloads: (version - 20220103) Executable (win32): https://sourceforge.net/projects/wad-painter/files/WADPAINT_1.1/WADPAINT_1.1.3.27_win32.zip/download Source code: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wad-painter/files/WADPAINT_1.1/WADPAINT_1.1.3.27_src.zip/download Repository: https://github.com/jval1972/WADPaint   How to use: You can select a WAD, PK3 or a directory from the texture manager and use the paint tools to draw the texture. There are 3 paint tools: Rectangle, Circle & rounded circle. You can change the opacity and scale from the appropriate sliders. Finally, use the File/Export menu to save the texture as image to disk.   Screenshot: