The other day i was bored, and i wanted to start in this "speedmap" thing that cool kids seem to do, so i decided to make a whole megawad where i just have 30 minutes to make a somewhat decent level. Inspired by @Clippy's 30 Screams to Map, i present to you...   30 MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT. (Epic logo made by me)   I wanted to clarifiy some of the restrictions i imposed for myself after my time finishes, because there were some occasions in which i had to fix the level outside of the time restriction : I can add more health and ammo if the level needs it. I can't add new monsters, just remove them if necessary. And obviously, i can fix any bug, softlock, etc, without restrictions.   At long last, we've reached the ALPHA STATE! The main campaign is over, it took some time to get an idea for the last 2 maps, but i think they turned out pretty well. Map 29 was obvious from the moment i decided to make the first Satanic Donut, i knew i had to make a trilogy of maps. This one has some references to previous maps outside of the Satanic Donut trilogy (Shameless Hatred, Devil's Whorehouse, Shadow Queen and Wretched Spawn specifically) and it showcases a similar gimmick to the one present in the final boss, which is an Icon of Sin, of course. I've always heard people complaining that the Icon of Sin doesn't test any of the things you learned, so there it is! I would love to hear people's opinion on the last map, i'm a huge IoS fan so i need different points of view from anyone.   Changelog: - 2 new levels! - Major Fixes for previous maps: Maps 12 and 27: added some Voodoo magic to make the crushers move in a predetermined pattern. Map 23: removed a linedef action that could potentially break the map. Map 26: The Platformer section was nerfed. The pain elemental was changed with a pair of cacodemons and a new path opens once you complete the platforming section, so you don't have to repeat it if you return. - New BOSSBACK featuring BAD ENGLISH. - More CWILVs - Deleted the TEXTURE1 and PNAMES lumps for DSDA Doom   Current levels list:   This is a vanilla compatible Doom 2 wad, it contains a dehacked patch that changes the intermission text and map names. It only uses doom 1 and 2's songs for now, but i'm planning on making a midipack with short, punky and experimental songs to fit the wad's style. "Why a separated midi pack instead of just adding the songs to the wad itself?" You may azk. That's quite simple: - It's my megawad, i can do whatever i want, shhhhhh. - There's some covers of really popular punk songs, so if someone wants to stream this mapset (WHICH WILL HAPPEN), they can stick to doom's official songs - I still like the original soundtrack.   This Megawad is getting updates frequently, so stay tuned.   This was tested in prboom + 2.666, Crispy doom, Woof and Nugget Doom. GzDoom breaks maps 12 and 27, this is due to the use of mikoportals; you've been warned. Some screenshots:     DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION OF THE WAD HERE >>The Chad .WAD link<< YOU CAN ALSO HEAR SOME OF THE SONGS FOR THE UPCOMING MIDI PACK HERE >>The Virgin Mediafire Folder<< I WILL UPDATE THIS SILLY FOLDER PERIODICALLY.   Previous versions:   Additional Credits MFG38- color palette Tamara Mochaccina- Map 19's song "Proggy Song For Dank Metal", for the upcoming midi pack.   (Sexy and insane ass goth woman drawn by me).